Above the gray fog

Chapter 602 Cemetery

"Lin...Lin Shan?"

Diao Yin opened his bean-sized eyes, and through the small hole in the red cloth, a familiar big face appeared in his sight.

"Hello...long time no see, I have something to do...I'll leave first." Seeing Lin Shan, Diao Yin prepared to run away without saying a word.

There was no way, he was cheated too badly by Lin Shan. Although Lin Shan kept his promise and released him two hundred years ago, for some reason...he felt uncomfortable all over as long as he left the human race.

This discomfort came from the soul, as if he originally belonged here, and if he left, he would be running away from home.

It knew that it had been tricked by Lin Shan again, and Lin Shan must have done something to it.

Gradually, it found that the human race was pretty good, with a dazzling array of delicious and fun things, and even a weak power of faith that could be absorbed.

Under the dual temptation of physiology and material, Diao Yin did not leave the human race. He would stay in the four satellite cities of the human race most of the time, and occasionally stroll around the tribe. The main reason was that there were many masters here, and if he met them, they might kill him as a villain.

Secondly, it was to escape Lin Shan. The human race was now at war, and it did not want to be forced to become a worker by Lin Shan again.

It was already extremely careful. It had taken a detour in advance several times before when it sensed Lin Shan's aura.

Unexpectedly, it made a mistake this time. The wine here was too delicious. Even a Sequence 7 was dizzy after drinking it.

"What's the matter?"

"Going to the satellite city to steal food?"

"This is the bill you owed to the human race for hundreds of years. When are you going to pay it?"

Lin Shan smiled at Diao Yin who was about to run away, and he called out a light curtain in front of Diao Yin.

"Next time, I will definitely do it. I'm really busy this time... I'll treat you to a drink another day... I'll treat you to a drink another day." Diao Yin said embarrassedly, and immediately turned into a white light and rushed out of the wine bottle.

The next second, Diao Yin was a little confused.

Where is this?

He looked up and saw Lin Shan's big face.

"Don't run around. I just happened to have something to do recently. Come with me."

"Ah... I have something to do too... My wife is about to give birth?"


"Okay, I forgot that I no longer have any tribe members."

Lin Shan was too lazy to talk nonsense with it and put it in his pocket.

Diao Yin's state is related to Lin Shan's previous attempts.

He once said that Diao Yin was the first guardian beast or guardian god of the human race. At that time, the human race's fortune had an unknown change.

Diao Yin seemed to be branded with something. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect it to work. Later, he tried with other people, but never succeeded again.

Diao Yin is a special case, or maybe it has its own special features.

This time, Diao Yin, who is only Sequence 7, can't help much when going to the border, but Diao Yin's appearance is no different from that of the evil one, which may be used.

If you can get into the enemy and communicate with the enemy... that would be the best.

Diao Yin didn't know Lin Shan's thoughts at the moment. It was nestling in Lin Shan's pocket, feeling confused about its future gray insect life.

"I didn't expect... this little caterpillar is here too." Wu Wang was very interested.

"Theoretically, this caterpillar can beat three of you, or even more." Lin Shan replied to Wu Wang while walking towards Li Shiyao's position.

Wu Wang was choked and stared at Lin Shan with resentment... It wasn't like before, he was no longer used as a unit of combat power...

Li Shiyao was still fiddling with his wine. Seeing Lin Shan coming, he asked politely, "Have you thought about it? What kind of wine do you need?"

"Do you know Liu Heng?" Lin Shan asked, with a faint red light flashing in his eyes, and the ability of the moon in the mirror to confuse the mind was activated.

"I know him, my good brother, but... he died in an accident more than ten years ago." Li Shiyao paused and murmured.

"How did he die?" Lin Shan asked again.

Li Shiyao's expression became more and more confused, and he answered mechanically: "He was hit by a car to save me. I killed him."

Lin Shan: "Who are you?"

Li Shiyao: "I am Li Shiyao."

Lin Shan: "What do you do?"

Li Shiyao: "I sell wine..."

Lin Shan: "Do you know me?"

Li Shiyao: "No."

Lin Shan: "Do you know that you are very strong?"

Li Shiyao: "Yes, I have strong power, but it is not controlled. I can only use it to make wine..."

Lin Shan: "Why make wine?"

Li Shiyao: "He likes to drink."

Lin Shan: "Liu Heng?"

Li Shiyao: "Yes."

Lin Shan: "Do you know the current situation of the human race? Compared with here... the front line needs you more."

Li Shiyao: "I like it here, and I don't use the abilities you mentioned. I don't know you. Please don't disturb my life anymore."

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded slightly and walked out.

His eyes stopped at a jar of wine and he asked, "How much is this jar?"

"Fuling wine, 2500 source coins."

"Okay." Lin Shan's spirit moved slightly, and the big jar of wine disappeared on the spot. Then he pointed at Wu Wang and said, "He paid..."

Wu Wang: "..."

"Is it over?" On the way back, Wu Wang asked curiously.

Lin Shan asked a few questions... It can be said that he had no level of words.

"It's over." Lin Shan nodded.

"What's the result?"

"It failed. I can't wake up a person who pretends to sleep." Lin Shan shook his head.

"Is that so... What about the guardian? You can't just pick the guardian of R1 casually. Who are you going to recommend?"

"The bug just now?"

As soon as Wu Wang finished speaking, Lin Shan clearly felt a slight vibration in his pocket.

"Hmm?" Lin Shan's expression changed slightly, and he disappeared from the spot with Wu Wang wrapped in his arms.

Wu'an No. 1 Cemetery.

Due to the influence of the characteristics of the human race, the entire cemetery looked foggy and very gloomy.

Over the years, more and more souls have remained in the clan land. The human race has no choice but to disperse these souls as much as possible. After being dispersed, the souls will still turn into source materials as usual, which is not considered to be a soul flying away.

But now, unlike in the past, not all souls will be eliminated, only evil spirits will be selectively eliminated. Conventionally, souls that stay in the clan land because of obsession in their hearts will disappear as long as time passes and the obsession disappears, and there is no need to deal with them.

Although these obsessive souls also have an impact on the clan land in the present world, they are still within an acceptable range.

The main reason is that there are too many souls now, and there are not enough people to clear them all. The task of clearing souls can only be done by extraordinary people. Technological weapons do not have this ability. If you want to contact the power of souls in technology, you must have at least a level 5 civilization to have preliminary contact.

Places like cemeteries are where the most souls gather, and transparent figures can be seen everywhere.

The souls in these cemeteries can be seen directly by extraordinary people who have reached sequence 7 with mental power.

Li Shiyao took a small pot of wine and walked slowly along the path beside the cemetery. The wandering souls on both sides automatically avoided him.

"What is he doing in the cemetery?" Lin Shan and Wu Wang followed Li Shiyao. Just like ordinary people cannot see souls, Li Shiyao could not see Lin Shan and Wu Wang who were covered by divination.

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