Above the gray fog

Chapter 615: Getting ready to go

In just a few minutes, the outside world was buzzing.

The protagonists of this incident, Lin Shan and Xia Xuan, strolled on the beach by the East China Sea, chatting from time to time.

Right in front of them, a big locust tree with no branches and leaves stood there.

"You can go shopping by yourself. There is something going on at the node. I will go back." At a certain moment, Xia Xuan looked at the root of the big locust tree and stopped.

Lin Shan nodded slightly and replied, "Okay."

"Yeah." Xia Xuan nodded slightly in response, and her figure suddenly disappeared without leaving a trace.

It was midsummer at this time. Under the blue sky, parasols, yurt tents and life-saving swimming gear were scattered along the coast.

The tourists on the beach were all dressed coolly, taking a rest under the umbrella to shade themselves from the sun, chatting and laughing with the people next to them, or lying on the beach with their families, enjoying this unique sunbathing, or swimming in the near sea, or riding a motorboat or skateboard across the sea.

The roadside is sparsely dotted with fruit trees unique to the gray fog world, providing tourists with one of the few shades under the scorching sun.

Lin Shan slowly walked towards the locust tree, listening to the breeze blowing across the sea, the cicadas chirping in the clouds, and the chirping laughter leaving footprints of varying depths on the beach.

The hot summer sun was dazzling, blurring the big locust tree in the distance.

Strands of faith continued to gather towards him.

At this moment, faith was growing wildly, and an inexplicable feeling rose in his heart.

Could it be that the increase in faith was caused by the appearance just now...? Lin Shan thought in his heart.

If you show up frequently, without a sense of mystery, your faith will weaken and be extremely mottled.

If you don't show up all the time and fade out of people's sight, your faith will also fade, but the purity of your faith will become higher and higher.

If you show up occasionally, you will absorb the most faith, but the degree of mottled faith will even exceed that of frequent appearances.

The wave of faith just absorbed was extremely large, at least more than one billion people were talking about him at the same time, but they were not pious, and some were even just spectators. The purity of this faith was too low.

Compared with these three methods, Lin Shan still thought it was better to not show up, keep mysterious, and let the human race high-level people naturally promote it. Although some faith would be lost, the purity of faith would be higher.

In the past, there was no feeling because of the small number of faiths. Now, the faith of the human race, plus the faith gathered by the hundreds of races around, these massive faiths gather the emotions of countless creatures. These mottled faiths with private emotions will make the believers change in the direction expected by the believers.

At this time, the purity of faith is very important. The more mottled the faith, the more emotions it contains, and the believers will be subtly changed, and they may not even know their own changes.

If the road to becoming a god through faith is still there, there is a way to solve it, but now this road no longer exists. Now there are only two ways to solve the extra faith.

The first is to fight with the extra faith and maintain the power of faith at a controllable level.

The second method is to create multiple godheads and store the faith condensed by different godheads separately. This method can also make faith more pious.

For example, create the image of the God of Darkness to the outside world and convert all the power of faith into the attribute power of darkness.

The first method cannot be stored. If the faith in the body is not enough, it is easy to lose oneself in an unexpected situation.

The second method also has defects. Creating multiple godheads has a probability of split personality...

Neither of these two methods is a good method, but there is no other way at present.

Lin Shan used the second method. The faith of the human race is stored in the position of the pioneer, which can be transformed into the attribute power of light. The faith of the surrounding hundreds of tribes is stored in the godhead of the Night Hunter, and the attribute power is darkness. There is also the "Lord of Good and Evil" left over from before, which is also circulated in a few small tribes and controls the mysterious "power of good and evil".

He has never used these powers. He created so many positions to store the power of faith in warehouses. It is a loss to fight with faith. It is completely unnecessary unless the attribute power of faith is needed.

It seems useless to store so much faith now, but in the previous two wars, if he had not had enough faith, he would have been transformed into a beast.

Going to the border in the future, he will inevitably conflict with a large number of evil people. These stored massive faiths will become his reliance to balance his beast nature.

Unconsciously, he has walked under the big locust tree. The branches and leaves of this locust tree cover the entire East China Sea, and the roots span more than ten kilometers. Over the years, the East China Sea has been expanding, and it has also been growing, and its growth rate is far faster than other trees.

A protective circle has been set up around the big locust tree, prohibiting anyone from entering.

Lin Shan looked forward.

A vague green-clothed woman leaned quietly against the locust tree, with a little bit of charm, but no seductiveness, and her eyes were a little dull.

Just like ten years ago, a hundred years ago, it seemed that she had never moved.

Feeling Lin Shan's sight, the green-clothed woman looked in the direction of Lin Shan. Seeing that it was Lin Shan, she only smiled slightly, as if she had said hello, and then glanced to the side and continued to be in a trance.

Lin Shan stood hundreds of meters away from her, looking at the blue East China Sea with her.

From day to night, a day passed in the blink of an eye.

Another day was spent preparing some necessary supplies and auxiliary technological items. Technology is different from the extraordinary, and the two have different paths. Some things that the extraordinary cannot do do not mean that technology cannot do them.

He did not reject technology. Since the human race is now powerful, various technological equipment and weapons, even nuclear bombs, must be prepared for emergencies.

Finally, he briefly chatted with Yan Ruxin and Zhang Zhonghua, two pioneers who lived in the tribe, and told them about Xia Xuan's discovery of the Ghost Gate, and asked them to pay more attention.

Xia Xuan was a little isolated. If she found something, she would not tell others immediately. If Lin Shan had not met her by chance, he would not know when he would know about the Ghost Gate. Many pioneers have such characteristics, including Lin Shan.

Unconsciously, they were really changed imperceptibly. Even if they had time to get together now, they rarely drank and talked like before. They did their own things and immersed themselves in their own world. They began to enjoy this kind of life.

Until the third day, when Lin Shan was selecting weapons in a military warehouse full of technology and seriousness, the puppet head flashed again.

[The starship is waiting for you outside the tribe of the human race. The Fox King should have told you the specific task process. (Location)]

Lin Shan quickly put the pure energy detection drone in front of him into the box, and packed up the boxes next to him. He waved his hand again, and dozens of huge high-yield nuclear bombs not far away disappeared.

After collecting these, Lin Shan looked around and fixed his eyes on a black hilt. There was a palm-sized card next to the hilt.

He waved his hand, and the hilt and the card flew into his hands. The officer who followed him had no expression on his face.

If it was someone else who took these things, he would be heartbroken, but Lin Zhenshou took them, just like putting the things in his left pocket into his right pocket.

"That's all. Thank you for your hard work." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

"Yes! I wish you a safe journey!" The officer saluted and shouted loudly.

Then he said, "The collapse foil is not stable. It has a fatal effect on extraordinary people below sequence 5. Please use it carefully, Lin Xianfeng."

"I know." Lin Shan nodded, and his figure disappeared.

When he reappeared, he came to the front of a huge starship.

This starship is about 500 meters long, not much different from an ordinary starship. There is a large disc in front of it, and red and blue warning lights flash under the disc. It does not carry any external weapons.

The exterior was silver-white, with two bullet-like cabins hanging on the tail wing. Lin Shan felt a strong force of time and space on it.

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