Above the gray fog

Chapter 619: 'Chasing Fire' with Technology

Two years later.

In the vast universe, the stars far away are emitting dim light.

In two years, the 12-101 Experimental Starship has crossed four star systems.

During this period, Tushan Furu has not appeared again.

The Scale 4 Void Prison is not full of gods and various dangers as Lin Shan had thought before, but unexpectedly peaceful. No danger has been encountered in the past two years.

At a certain moment, the starship, which had been stable for two years, began to shake, and Furong's voice sounded in all the loudspeakers of the starship.

[It is about to arrive at the coordinate location, the coordinate is in outer space, and the 12-101 Experimental Starship is about to shut down the curvature engine. ]

[The quantum engine is ignited and is about to be expelled from the Scale 4 Void Prison. Please be prepared and fasten your seat belts. ]

Lin Shan opened his eyes and looked out the window through the transparent glass.

This is a void, a void area between two star systems, and the light is slightly dim.

He didn't quite understand what Furong meant by "be prepared". Was there any extra danger after leaving the Scale 4 Void Prison?

The next second, he knew what the so-called preparation was.

His head felt like it was hit by a hammer weighing tens of thousands of pounds, and his body felt like it was about to explode.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a moment, and the starship had already left the Scale 4 Void Prison. As the speed gradually decreased, it arrived in outer space a few minutes later.

Lin Shan felt like a dry sponge thrown into the sea, and the spirituality of the outside world was frantically drilling into his body.

He knew that all this was an illusion, and the speed of spiritual recovery had not changed. He just stayed in a place like the Scale 4 Void Prison where the spirituality was thin for too long. The difference in the richness of the spirituality between the two places caused his body to have an illusion.

"Ah~, are we finally here?" The hatch of the main control room opened, and Tu Shan Furu walked in. He first yawned with his mouth covered, as if he had just woken up, and then touched the back of his head and frowned. Obviously, he had just experienced the same feeling as Lin Shan.

"Lin Shan, good morning, didn't you go to the hibernation capsule?" Tu Shan Fu Ru greeted him in a familiar manner, completely forgetting what he said to Lin Shan two years ago.

"It's night now." Lin Shan pointed to the red moon outside the window.

"The judgment of morning and evening is not necessarily based on the blazing sun and the red moon." Tu Shan Fu Ru meant something. He took out the fan from his waist and fanned it gently, and asked casually: "Fu Rong, have you found the target location?"

[Unable to lock the target, all signal generators have been damaged, and the current location is the location where the last positioning signal was received two months ago. ]

"Look for signs of living creatures nearby." Tu Shan Fu Ru said to Fu Rong, and then slid the light curtain in front of him.

[Okay, Captain, start the unmanned machine group search mode. ]

In the transparent light curtain above, pictures flashed quickly.

There are footprints, fingerprints, standard industrial waste, etc.

[Signs of living creatures were detected in many places, and the information is being compared... Confirmed to be bee tribe. ]

[Tracking information...]

A huge light screen appeared above the main console, and the screen was divided into hundreds of pieces. The pictures on the screen were changing at a very fast speed.

This is the image taken by the drone.





Small screens on the light screen kept disappearing and turned black and white.

[Attacked, the target is Evil Fall - Spine Breaker, Sequence 6, Ability: Control Bones, can not pose a threat, it is recommended to eliminate. ]

"It's Evil Fall, this is a hammer, it's really a betrayal." Tushan Furu paused in the movement of waving the fan in his hand and murmured.

"Go, eliminate the threat." Tushan Furu stretched out his hand, and a breeze flowed in his hand. At the moment when the breeze appeared, Lin Shan felt a little numb on his scalp, and a sense of extremely deadly danger hung in his heart.

The breeze disappeared out of thin air, and a few seconds later, a core appeared in Tushan Furu's hand.

Lin Shan's mental power has been in a state of release. The battlefield is not within the coverage of his mental power. It only takes a few seconds to kill a sequence 6 evil. This is a qualitative change strongman. If Tushan Furu attacks him, he is afraid that he will not be much better.

[The target has been searched and the space node has been found. ]

[Warning... The attack of the old weapons has been detected. The quantum shield is activated. The backup plan is activated. Enter the scale 8 empty prison to avoid... Failed... The space has been blocked. ]



The interior of the starship kept flashing red and the warning sounded continuously.

"Are you annoying?" Tushan Furu slapped the table with a slap, and all the warning signs disappeared.

Lin Shan looked out the window, and a series of orange-red tail flames appeared in front of his sight, just like the fireworks set off on New Year's Eve.

It was the tail flames of nuclear bombs, and there were dozens of them.

"The most worried thing has happened." Tushan Furu sighed. He was not worried about the nuclear bomb.

The rebellion of the bee tribe means that all industries have to start over.

In such a short time, the bee tribe could not have recreated a complete production line.

There was only one possibility, that ‘Chasing Fire’ had mastered the technology.

“Go out first, the starship cannot be damaged.” Tushan Furu grabbed Lin Shan’s arm and appeared right above the starship, then waved his sleeves and the starship was put away.

At this time, the nuclear bomb had already reached the top of his head.

Tushan Furu’s eyes condensed, and the area of ​​hundreds of kilometers became black and white.

All the nuclear bombs stopped at a height of 100 meters above them.

"Let's go first." He pulled Lin Shan again, turned into a wisp of breeze and instantly passed through tens of thousands of kilometers.


The ground shook, and a flush appeared in the gray fog.

"What are these people from the Bee Clan thinking? How could such a thing hit me? Is it a demonstration?" Tu Shan Furu looked at the area illuminated by the fire. An extremely cold feeling emanated from the center of the explosion. Was it a fragment of the Old God, or the level of Sequence 5.

Tushan Furu thought for a moment and looked at Lin Shan, saying:

"The mission is to destroy the bee tribe. There is no control anyway, so we can do it as quickly as possible. We can sneak into the bee tribe's territory, bury nuclear bombs in the tribe and then detonate them, or use some more powerful weapons. You have to share some of the resentment over there with me. I don't have much faith to squander."

"Any civilization has a meaning of existence. We will never wantonly destroy the weak, but this time the rebellion of the bee tribe will bring extremely serious consequences, and we must not be soft-handed."

Lin Shan frowned and said, "But... we have been exposed, they must be prepared, and 'Chasing Fire' may be waiting for us."

"So, we must play dirty. This time, we have no rear, and there is nothing to worry about."

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