Above the gray fog

Chapter 626 Planning Conflict

After a loud bang of "boom~".

An extremely dazzling white light flashed, and a huge mushroom cloud rose.

Normally, a nuclear explosion has a probability of attracting the Old God. When more than 20 nuclear explosions are stacked together, the probability of the Old God fragments appearing is no longer a consideration, it is 100%.

However, the Old God fragments have a characteristic. When there are fragments in the outside world, and then bait belonging to the Old Days rules is released, the fragments in the outside world have a probability of summoning other fragments that were originally one piece nearby.

Lin Shan is betting on this probability. This long fragment of the Old God is already the strength of Sequence 5. If another piece is fused... Is it possible to break through the boundary and come to the realm of the gods?

Even if the possibility is not great, at least it can be comparable to a qualitative change strongman.

Even if the fragments that appear cannot be fused, it doesn't matter. Two Sequence 5 fragments of the Old God are enough to attract the attention of the evil in the clan.

What's more, he has many other Old Day weapons, some of which are more powerful than nuclear explosions. He doesn't want to use them immediately as a trump card.

Although the old gods are also enemies, we can talk about the future dangers later. There are old gods appearing in the corridor every day, not just these two.

Since the Council lifted the restrictions on the old weapons, the old gods have become a topic that no one wants to talk about. Everyone knows that releasing a large number of old god fragments is problematic, but at this time the survival of all races is a problem, who cares about the environment of the human circle.

Under the huge mushroom cloud, there is an illusory river that stretches for thousands of kilometers behind Lin Shan.

At the moment of the explosion, he summoned the Forgotten River with the "Soul Separation", and a thin shield protected him inside. His whole body was bloody and his skin was cooked by the extreme high temperature and even smelled of meat.

Even if he can call up the total amount of spiritual power of Sequence 5, the spiritual power he consumes at one time is limited by mental power. The power of this superimposed nuclear explosion is far greater than the attack of ordinary Sequence 5.

It is not something he can block. If he is not a weird body, he may be dead now.

Lin Shan had a brief tinnitus and... a brief blindness. His whole body was now covered in rotten flesh, and his eyeballs had long since disappeared.

All this... just looked a bit creepy to him, and it would take some time to recover.

But he was very satisfied with the results. Two fragments of the old god were breaking free from the unknown prison and coming to outer space.

One of them was of the same origin as the black strip, and the black strip was already impatiently preparing to merge with it.

It was strange that the black strip was not hurt at all by such a violent explosion. Even a sequence 5 metamorphosis strongman would be weak for a while after resisting such a violent nuclear explosion.

This black strip... was weird.

For Lin Shan, the weirder the better, and it would be best if he could fight the many evils in the clan land and both sides would be injured.

The two fragments of the old god were merging, and many tiny tentacles stretched out between the fragments to connect them together, and the aura of the two was climbing up at the same time.

All this was within Lin Shan's prediction. It was not the first time he had seen the fragments of the old god merge, and he knew that the fragments would definitely not have time to care about him at this time.

On the other side, a fragment of the old god that looked like a balloon stared at the direction of the clan land.

It exuded a tyrannical aura and had no intention of paying attention to Lin Shan.

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. Sometimes being weak also has its advantages. Being ignored by the strong is also a kind of happiness.

During the nuclear explosion, Lin Shan forcibly tore open the clan land barrier. Like Tushan Furu, there should have been creatures of the "fire-chasing" creatures rushing here in the clan land at this time.

The fragment of the old god that looked like a balloon had a sharper perception than him and had already discovered that a strong aura was rushing here.

The fragment of the old god that looked like a balloon would automatically lock on to the strong and ignore the weak. Not only the fragment of the old god, but basically all creatures would do this, including Lin Shan.

Only those who can threaten oneself can get enough attention.

Lin Shan took the opportunity to drill directly into the ground and left a small card underground.

There are dozens of evil fallen comparable to the qualitative change of sequence 5 in the clan land. With the current number of fragments of the old god... it is definitely not enough to create chaos, unless the two fused fragments can reach the realm of the gods.

It's unlikely, but... what if it explodes again?

The three fragments of sequence 5 merge, or directly explode the fragments of sequence 4...

Above the earth, the space fluctuated violently, and a huge evil fell poked its head out along the point torn by Lin Shan, and saw the old god who was fusing at first sight.

"Old God..." The evil fell that looked like Godzilla first turned its eyes around, and then quickly retracted its head.

There is no benefit in having a conflict with the old gods. The old gods rarely actively attack them. Even if they can crush them, there is no need to get into trouble.

The only thing that made it puzzled was how there were three old gods outside the clan land, two of which were still fusing.

The other old god who did not participate in the fusion saw the huge head sticking out of the barrier, and the whole body immediately ignited with dark flames, ready to attack at any time.

Because of the characteristics of immortality and the extremely high status they once had, the heads of the fragments of the old gods are very iron, similar to the weird. No matter who provokes them or what strength they have, they will fight.

The worst outcome is to be divided again, and they don't care about this with their remaining intelligence.

The evil who just showed his head obviously knew this, so he didn't want to provoke the fragments of the old god.

The evil just retracted his head back to the tribe, and a spear nearly 10,000 meters long was deeply stabbed into the tribe's barrier.

In the tribe of the bee.

Aruyes was responsible for guarding the tribe to prevent outsiders from breaking in and disrupting important ceremonies.

The tribe was suddenly broken by several fragments of the old gods, and it was hesitating whether to pass the matter on to the gods.

While it was thinking, the sky suddenly dimmed, and the tribe barrier behind it broke again, and a huge hole appeared behind it.

Through the huge hole, it can be seen that the two fragments of the old gods have been successfully fused, and the spiritual aura comparable to the qualitative change of Sequence 5 emanates from the strange old god.

This old god is still not pieced together. The two black strips are fused into two legs, a bit like a person being cut in half from the middle.

But this leg is very slender, and the waist is tied together by a black tentacles. Under the slender legs, there are two big feet like duck feet.

This shape looks weird no matter how you look at it, but it looks very normal in Aruyes' eyes.

The half body that has just completed the fusion also discovered the evil in the barrier. After a few glances, it found that the opponent's strength is not bad, and the half body has no intention of actively attacking.

This made Lin Shan, who was underground, very anxious. Why didn't they fight? Are the evil gods and the old gods so good-tempered?

What's going on with this atmosphere of unwillingness to fight...

Forget about the old gods, they are not very smart and their behavior is hard to predict.

But the tribe was breached twice, why didn't the evil gods react at all...

If it drags on like this, Tushan Furu's body may be cold.

The barrier torn by Lin Shan healed automatically again, and Aruyes and the fragments of the old gods stared at each other until they could no longer see each other.

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