Above the gray fog

Chapter 646 Is the monster a fallen beast?

"Ah, is Jiuqu going to be taken away by the passerby brother?"

"Will I be able to live a good life in the future?"

"Can I eat fish every day?"

The two younger boys were a little envious.

The big boy named Long Ying knocked each of them with his hand, "What are you talking about? Do you feel that life is not good now? Is Brother Abut treating you badly?"

"No, no." The two children shook their heads repeatedly. Although they were envious, they would definitely not be willing to let Lin Shan take them away.

Unlike Jiuqu, they were brought up by Aibte and have no other relatives.

To survive in this kind of environment, even a child must have the most basic vigilance. It is impossible to follow others just because of a delicious meal.

Lin Shan pulled Jiuqu to his side, his body suddenly stiffened, and he looked at Jiuqu strangely, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Jiuqu, who was still struggling, looked at Lin Shan doubtfully, not understanding what Lin Shan was talking about.

Although she begged Lin Shan to take her away, she didn't know much at her age, and even the most powerful clan couldn't skip the stage of growth.

My aunt is like her mother. She has to listen to her mother's words. It is not easy for her to reach this point at the age of eleven.

She also felt sorry for her brother Abut, but she didn't know how to express her feelings.

"Is it cold?" Lin Shan asked.

"I don't know what it feels like to be cold." Jiu Qu shook his head.

"Ahem." Abut coughed and explained: "Maybe it's a characteristic of the Jiuqu race. She can't feel cold, heat and pain."

Lin Shan put his hand on Jiuqu's shoulder, and there was no other phenomenon except a slight tremor.

It's not as simple as not being able to feel hot, cold and pain. Even supernatural powers can be insulated.

Is it due to physical condition?

Just like a real doll, it isolates the external feeling.

It is absolutely impossible to climb to the top position without advantages like the optical brain introduction. This kind of introduction is stored in the database and can be changed at will as long as you have the strength.

After letting Jiuqu sit next to him, Lin Shan looked at Abt and asked, "Can I take Jiuqu away?"

Abut smiled bitterly and said: "When my aunt handed Jiuqu to me, she made it clear to me that if anyone comes to pick up Jiuqu, give it to him."

Lin Shan raised his eyebrows, this aunt had taken care of everything.

"Can you tell me what kind of person I am?"

"Very young, very beautiful, and very soft-spoken." After thinking for a long time, Abt could only think of these three words to describe his aunt.

"Why did she give Jiuqu to you? Where did she go?"

Pain flashed in Aibte's eyes, "After she handed Jiuqu to me, she started fighting with those weirdos. I fainted for some reason. When I woke up, there was nothing and there were only many big pits around me. , Jiuqu has been living with me for two years since then.”

"Weird?" This was not the first time Lin Shan heard Abt say the word "weird". At first, he seemed to... also regard himself as a so-called weirdo.

"Yes, weirdos, they look similar to us, but each of them has a lot of strength. Basically, the scavengers who encountered the weirdos died, and some scavengers escaped from the weirdos. Over the years, the town has found ways to avoid weirdos. The method is, if you encounter a weirdo, don’t look at him, just cry as hard as you can, and the weirdo won’t attack when he hears the cry.”

It turns out that this is the case. No wonder these children kept crying before. This is the source.

By the way, what exactly is the weirdo? Lin Shan thought about it and reached out mentally. He searched the entire 40-kilometer radius and found no whereabouts of the so-called weirdo.

On the contrary, at the gathering place thirty kilometers away, which was the town Abt mentioned, two iron trains were driving towards their direction.

They were all ordinary people, Lin Shan didn't care.

Just when Lin Shan was about to take back his mental power, a strange aura appeared within the scope of his mental power.

"The one who fell from the beast..." Lin Shan said to himself.

"You guys eat first. If your body feels bloated, don't eat anymore." Lin Shan simply explained, walked to the corner of the tin room and disappeared.

other side.

The dilapidated tin truck was traveling on the bumpy road, and it had been modified with a rear trailer.

A man and a woman were sitting on the stern. The woman put her hands on the iron sheet next to her, and the man fiddled with... an advanced and old communicator.

"Hey~, Hey, Star, are you still here, you loser? The boss and I have already set off."

An almost transparent illusory light curtain appeared on the long and flat device.

Then a big face with a long beard was reflected, and behind the big face was Abt's home.

The huge strange fish with one leg cut off was placed outside the iron room in an unusually eye-catching manner. It was almost the same size as Abbot's iron room.

The illusory bearded man opened his mouth, and a fuzzy voice carrying electric current came out:

"Zai Zai, brother Sam, you and the boss come here quickly, I can already smell the fragrance outside."

"Are you sure the strange fish fell from the sky? Isn't it connected with those weird people? I'm warning you, don't touch anything that has anything to do with weird people, it will kill you. It'll be fine if you die. If you harm the boss... "Sam showed a fierce expression.

"Really, really, how dare I harm the boss? This strange fish didn't exist last night. I heard a noise in the morning and saw it falling from the sky. The Abutyo family is eating it now... Star waved his hands repeatedly and raised his hands above his head, so that the screen could capture the strange fish in the distance.

"Boss, look, the big fish is still there." The sturdy man called Sam handed the long and flat box in his hand to the woman sitting in the middle of the tail.

The woman wore revealing clothes, revealing the plump curves of her shoulders, with exaggerated large earrings and metal necklaces. If you can ignore the fishy smell on her body, from the aesthetic point of view of humanoid creatures, she is indeed a wild beauty.

The woman glanced at the strange fish in the light curtain and licked her lips, "Abbot... I usually don't treat him badly. Seeing that he is taking care of several children, I didn't deduct his nutritional paste. Such a big fish, he didn't think of repaying me at the first time."

"That's right, Abbot is too much. He must teach him a lesson and let him know who is the boss in Hank Town." Sam echoed beside him.

The woman hummed softly, took out a dirty cloth and wiped her face, "Just teach them a lesson, don't beat them to death, these scavengers can contribute a lot of good things every year, and there are not many people in Hank Town, with few people... what's the point of ruling."

"You are right, you are right." Sam nodded and agreed.

Others don't know, but as a confidant of this woman, he knows better than anyone that this woman has extraordinary power in her body, and can split rocks and bend iron bars with her bare hands.

He is very sure that the extraordinary exists, and the old man in the town did not lie to him.

The woman in front of him is extraordinary, and she can rule the world even in prosperous times.

"Huh? What is that?" Sam suddenly raised his head and caught a glimpse of a beam of dim light and a gray light colliding together.

An invisible airflow spread downwards.

"Stop the car, get down quickly." Sam roared, and jumped out of the car and crawled on the ground first.

The fierce hurricane from top to bottom pressed the iron car to creak.

Thick dust rose in the air and spread rapidly into the distance.

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