Above the gray fog

Chapter 651: The Gate in a Different Spacetime

There are eight spiral columns in total.

All of them were cut off at about one-third of the way. The cuts were not smooth, but rather oblique, and the lengths of the eight spiral columns were not consistent.

Lin Shan disappeared in the starship and appeared on the cut surface of the tallest spiral column.

This column was made of an unknown metal. Rather than metal, it was more appropriate to say that it was stone, but its hardness was countless times harder than ordinary stone.

The cross-sectional diameter of this spiral column was about 30 meters. The column he was on was more than 2,000 meters high, and he could see the ruins far away through the gray fog.

Lin Shan looked around with his mental power.

Finally, he found the broken spiral column more than ten kilometers away.

Then, Lin Shan used his mental power to lift the more than 1,000-meter-long column and slowly moved it towards him.

Tens of seconds later, he looked at the intact column... with a strange look on his face.

At first it was just a guess, but he didn't expect it to heal again.

This stone pillar seems to have a memory function. As long as the position is right, it can automatically restore.

This stone seems to be deliberately cut off. I am afraid that only the Jiuqu tribe itself can do this.

Lin Shan retrieved the other six stone pillars one by one and pieced them together into a complete stone pillar.

However, the last stone pillar could not be found.

"Expand the scope and search for the whole tribe." Lin Shan ordered Dakong through the optical brain.

Those energy drones became smaller again, and the number of drones increased from dozens to more than a hundred.

This drone composed entirely of energy is a product of Yuanchu Technology.

The aerospace battleship is equipped with a detection module. This module carries the imprint of high-order detection characteristics through a ceremony.

Yuanchu Technology, like the old technology, is also a way of promotion that is linked together.

Mastering, 'Spiritual Pattern-Spirit Son Guidance', 'Spiritual Pattern-Spirit Son Diffusion', 'Spiritual Pattern-Spirit Son Constraint', these three keys can master 'Spiritual Pattern-Characteristic Inscription' on this basis.

The ‘Spiritual Pattern – Characteristic Inscription’ is further integrated with other Origin Keys to become ‘Spiritual Pattern – Characteristic Imprint’, which is a technology that can integrate characteristic abilities into spiritual patterns more completely.

Then, the spiritual pattern carrying the imprinting characteristics is integrated into the ritual, combined into a module on a machine or starship, and driven by external spirituality, so that the machine can exert the ability of the characteristics.

The aerospace battleship can be regarded as an extraordinary being. This drone is one of its abilities, but this ability is a weakened version of the imprinting characteristic, which has a limited number of uses. If the number of uses is too many, the imprint will disappear.

After all, it is not the main body. If the imprint disappears, it needs to be integrated into the spiritual pattern again. Lin Shan has not used it many times, and has not gone to the mechanical tribe for repairs for hundreds of years.

The advantage of the full energy body detector is that it can pass through any terrain and obstacles.

The drone turned over the entire area of ​​thousands of kilometers, but did not find the last spiral stone pillar.

Lin Shan asked the drone to continue to expand the search range. He no longer had any hope.

If these eight stone pillars are really the keys to the door to the mustard seed space... then the last spiral stone pillar is likely to have been destroyed or taken away by the Jiuqu tribe.

They can't leave the key to open the door at the door.

The enemy is not stupid. This spiral stone pillar is so special that they will definitely explore it.

Destroying or taking away the key is the best choice.

Now it seems that it is definitely impossible to get in through conventional means.


Without hesitation, Lin Shan used "Divination" to locate the location of the entrance.

The moment "Divination" was activated, Lin Shan's right leg was pierced by the dark thread of fate.

Over the years, he has used "Divination" one after another. Now he only has his left leg, left foot and head that have not been pierced by the thread of fate.

The invisible pulling force is getting stronger and stronger, but it still does not affect his normal actions.

When he was at Sequence 7, only one arm was restricted, and he felt like he was being pulled into the void space.

However, after being promoted to Sequence 6, his arms, chest, right leg, right foot, and other places were all pierced by black threads, and he still felt at ease.

This phenomenon made Lin Shan feel relieved, which proved that as long as he continued to advance, his resistance to the side effects of "divination" would become stronger and stronger.

When he was promoted to a certain level, he could even break free from the fate threads that ran through his body.

This time, when he used "divination", he was not sucked into the fate space.

However, "divination" is worthy of being an ultra-standard sequence. While it has unsolvable side effects, it also has a heaven-defying strength.

What he saw now was completely different from before.

The eight spiral stone pillars emitted dazzling light of different colors, and the light of the truncated spiral pillar was slightly dimmer.

The light of the eight spiral pillars converged into a colorful beam, pointing to somewhere in the void.

Lin Shan disappeared instantly and appeared at the end of this beam.

This is the entrance to the mustard seed space.

Even in the "divination" state, he did not see what the entrance looked like, and there was no door or cave in sight.

Lin Shan burned all his spirituality and injected it into "divination".

The horizon changed again.

A gray space was separated from the real space.

In real space, there is nothing where the beam is pointing.

But in the gray-white space, there is a sci-fi metal door standing in the void.

Cold sweat appeared on Lin Shan's forehead. His spirituality was being consumed rapidly, and the speed of consumption was far faster than the recovery speed. Lin Shan quickly disconnected the "divination".

His vision returned to normal.

"The entrance to the mustard seed space... In that gray-white world, what is that gray-white world?"

Lin Shan fumbled in the void, but did not find the alloy door.

"Gray-white space." Lin Shan muttered again, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He seemed to understand.

"Reverse flow."

The surroundings became gray-white, and time was flowing backwards rapidly.

The gray-white space appeared, but the door did not appear.

Lin Shan narrowed his eyes and thought... What else did he do wrong...

Stop the reverse flow, wait for the spirituality to recover slightly, and Lin Shan reverses time again.

However, this time it was not the time of the environment that was reversed, but his own time.

Let him derail from normal time.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Until the third second, a magnificent alloy door suddenly appeared.

"Found it!"

It's hidden so tightly that it's not in normal time and space. You need to go back three seconds to see the door.

This door is about 4 meters high and looks very sci-fi. It is made of an unknown alloy. There is a keyhole-like hole in the center of the door.

In the "divination" vision just now, the colored beam was shot into this hole.

For some reason, there are many cracks and holes on this door, as if it has been attacked violently.

Who would attack this door? Could it be "Chasing Fire"? Have they discovered this door...

But it seems that the attacker obviously did not succeed. The cracks and holes that appeared only appeared on the surface of the door and had no effect on it.

Since violent methods are useless...how to open this door?

His previous guess should be correct. The eight stone pillars are the key.

As long as these eight stones are pieced together and a way to start them is found...then the beam of light just seen in the divination world can be stimulated to open this door.

But now it seems that this method will definitely not work because one of the eight stone pillars is missing.

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