Above the gray fog

Chapter 67: Meet a New Tribe


A huge sheep bleating sound resounded throughout the space, and Lin Shan's ears were buzzing.

Then, a faint red light shone in.

With a thought, Lin Shan disappeared directly on the spot.

When he reappeared, the surrounding environment had turned into night, and the red moon was hanging high in the sky.

"Finally out." Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that he was stepping on something, but he couldn't see it with his eyes.

The next moment, I don't know if it was in response to the cry just now or for other reasons.


Another sound similar to the sound of sheep came from a very far distance.


Another sound, but it came from another direction, and the location was also extremely far away.

Then, the 'creature' under Lin Shan's feet began to tremble.

"Mee!!!" Accompanied by a huge bleating, the creature under Lin Shan's feet began to appear.

Like a mirror flower and water moon, a huge sheep's head made of stones appeared under Lin Shan's feet.

Lin Shan was like an ant standing on a sheep's head.

He looked at the huge head under his feet, which was at least a kilometer long. Although the head was huge, he was still a little unsure whether it was this thing that was eaten by it just now.

He remembered that the space just now should be a cube, and the space inside was many times larger than the sheep's head.

After the deafening bleating sound disappeared, its body became transparent again.

"This creature should be the evil one. There are obviously companions beside him. Because of his huge body, they are very far away."

This creature has a body and will not be weird. The most important thing is that this creature is very weak, perhaps just reaching the extraordinary level. Give Lin Shan some time, he feels that he can dismantle this creature.

However, Lin Shan certainly will not commit suicide, because there are companions beside it.

At this time.

Lin Shan looked at the mark on the parchment with a strange look on his face.

The head under his feet was moving at a very slow speed, and the direction of movement was completely opposite to him.

In this case, this head could not take the initiative to eat Lin Shan.

...Perhaps Lin Shan flew into its mouth himself, and it was forced to eat.

Lin Shan was a little speechless, he found that there were many "invisible" things in this world.

He crashed into the air wall directly, and this sheep head was even more outrageous, he put it directly into its mouth for it to eat.

After correcting the direction, Lin Shan teleported down a thousand meters and continued to move forward.

He was afraid that he would meet its companions at the same height, and he might feed it again if he was not careful.

He looked at the distance on the parchment, and the sheep head moved very slowly, only retreating less than five kilometers.

Keep moving forward.

The last distance is less than three thousand kilometers, I hope there will be no more problems.

In this way, rush during the day and rest at night.

Eight days later.

In these eight days, except for encountering two attacks by birds, there were no other accidents.

At this time, there was less than a hundred kilometers left to the target, and he planned to fly the last distance before descending.

Stopped at the last distance of less than two kilometers and hung in the air.

Lin Shan even felt that his palms were sweating unconsciously, which meant that he was in a state of extreme tension all the way.

He hadn't felt this kind of mood for a long time. Now he was just like the first time he saw the strange line fish, with a trace of fear growing from the bottom of his heart.

Suddenly, Lin Shan came to his senses.

He wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead and stared at the surroundings, trying to find evidence that his emotions were affected.

But there was nothing except a vast expanse of white void.

And there was nothing abnormal in his body.

"I'm not affected by the unknown, so what's wrong with this emotion?"

"The natural fear of the low sequence facing the high sequence?"

Why did these two emotions suddenly emerge, nervousness and fear, Lin Shan was very puzzled. He really hadn't felt these two emotions for a long time.

"Maybe what I encountered before is not enough to scare me..."

Only this statement can make him feel a little more at ease.

"Since I'm here, I must go down and try."

Lin Shan looked down and began to descend in altitude, four thousand meters, three thousand meters, five hundred meters, and finally hovered at a low altitude of two hundred meters.

At this distance, with the help of the red lantern, the ground scene can be clearly seen.

Plants of various shapes grow on the muddy ground, and wild animals can be seen running from time to time, and birds hover in the air looking for food.

Suddenly, Lin Shan looked somewhere.

There was a creature that looked like a crocodile, more than twice as large as a normal crocodile. The most important thing was that Lin Shan felt a strong spiritual fluctuation on it.

This is a peak sequence 9 crocodile!

It was walking aimlessly on the ground at this time, "tap tap tap..." accompanied by the sound of stepping on water and gradually moving away.

Lin Shan kept staring at it, or rather, staring at the bottom of it.

It was said that it was late, and it was fast. A bone claw stretched out from the muddy ground in an instant and grabbed the crocodile's hind legs. Even though the crocodile was huge, it lost its balance instantly when its hind legs were held by the bone claw, and it twitched and fell backwards.

"Swish swish swish...!"

Before the crocodile could get up again, dense bone hands stretched out from the ground and grabbed all over the crocodile's body.

Compared with the bone claws, these bone hands are relatively much smaller, only the size of a normal palm, and look very much like human hands.

Even though the size was much smaller, the power was not reduced at all. When those bone hands touched the crocodile's body, the crocodile twitched even more violently.

Then, the flesh and blood of the crocodile's body decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it turned into an extremely complete skeleton in just over ten seconds.

The whole process was very fast. It took less than thirty seconds from the first bone claw to the crocodile turning into bones. The crocodile didn't even scream, and died in a daze.

Lin Shan was terrified. If he was in the crocodile's position just now, his fate would not be better than that of the crocodile. With his physique, he would only die faster than that of the crocodile.

He found that the swamp under the crocodile was squirming before, and thought it was some kind of beast or evil that could burrow into the ground.

"What is this thing... There is no weird breath either, but it looks weird no matter how you look at it..." Lin Shan frowned. If this swamp was full of such monsters, let alone hunting targets, it would be difficult to survive.

He thought that the crocodile would be fine after death, but what happened next shocked him even more.

I saw that from under the crocodile's bones, dense bone hands stretched out again. This time, it was not just bone hands. After a moment, a half-complete skeleton crawled out of the ground, and then those skeletons continued to climb up. The whole picture turned out to be a complete human skeleton...

Lin Shan roughly counted, there were no less than twenty skeletons present, and there was a giant skeleton standing more than five meters tall in the front, which looked like the skeleton of some kind of lizard, but it could stand on two feet. It seemed that the bone claws that stretched out at the beginning were its.

Then, the more than twenty skeletons began to grow flesh and blood, and eventually turned into living people, but they had a single horn on their foreheads.

They all had one characteristic, they were very thin, as thin as if only a layer of skin was wrapped around the skeleton.

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