Above the gray fog

Chapter 679 Ascending to the Star

In the deep consciousness, two years passed in the blink of an eye.

The total amount of spirituality in the body has increased significantly. Maybe in another ten years, his body can break through the fourth stage of sequence 6.

The deep consciousness can automatically train spirituality, and the speed of spirituality growth is much faster than normal. This is a cultivation method that belongs only to him. At present, no one has been found to have the same ability as him.

Of course, if he wants to reach the peak quickly, he doesn't need to endure time. Finding spiritual medicine or using the origin of the weird body are both good methods. However, the extra spirituality after the promotion cannot greatly improve his combat power, so he is not in a hurry.

There is no need for Dakong to remind him. The rising temperature in the starship is a natural alarm clock.

Lin Shan opened his eyes and looked at the temperature inside the starship on the main control display, 312℃.

The temperature outside the starship is 10210℃.

The Death Star can be seen in the sight.

From Lin Shan's angle, it is a huge meteorite emitting dark blue light.

"Why is it so much smaller from here? I remember that when I saw it from the center of the human circle, this meteorite was very big..." Lin Shan looked at the star that was only the size of a fist.

Parchment: [In the Apostle Galaxy, any place where the dead star can be seen will be affected by 'reflection'. 'Reflection' is a secondary characteristic of the authority of high-order gods. The power of the gods reflects all living things, and the stars shine on the sky. ]

Parchment: [In simple terms, this star was tampered with by a certain god. In the Apostle Galaxy, as long as it is within the range of its light, the size seen is the same. The range of 'reflection' belongs to the God's domain. If you want to know the specific effect of the God's domain, you need to pay three thousand years of life. ]

"What is the God's domain?" Lin Shan asked.

Parchment: [Advanced usage of the Realm of Rules. ]

"Sequence 3?" Lin Shan asked.

Parchment: [Sequence 3 cannot cover a large system of God's domain. ]

"Sequence 2?"

Parchment: [I don't know. 】

Lin Shan curled his lips. Only a fool would trade three thousand years of life for this news that had no effect on him.

Moreover, he didn't have three thousand years left.

He didn't know if the next two thousand years of life would be enough to complete the next plan, which was related to the sky, the strange things, his hundreds of years of collection, and... the human race.

After the parchment said this, he remembered that the little turtle had also told him about the "reflection". He remembered that the little turtle said that the "reflection" on this celestial body was not a particularly powerful god, "only" about sequence 3.

But the parchment said that sequence 3 couldn't do it. The little turtle was once sequence 1, and the parchment's predictions had never been wrong. Who was right?

By the way, the little turtle had been sleeping for these years, and I didn't know how long it could last.

If something happened to it, it would be a big blow to the human race. The mountain and sea magic played a key role in the development of the human race.

Lin Shan shook his head and threw these things out of his mind.

He stared at the Death Star.

Even if there are gods on the Death Star, they will not be interested in him. Sometimes...weakness is the best weapon to avoid the strong.

He didn't know how many weak evils and spiritual plants he encountered along the way, but he had no desire to attack them.

He would even ignore creatures below Sequence 7.

This feeling cannot be compared to humans encountering ants. It is probably like a person walking on the road encountering a leaf falling from a long distance. He may take a look at the leaf, but will not catch it with his hands, let alone deliberately walk over and step on the leaf that has just landed. This is probably the feeling.

The nobility of the life level is engraved in the soul.

The Death Star reflected in the pupil is getting bigger and bigger.

The Apostle Galaxy will be affected by the "reflection", but he has not yet entered the Apostle Galaxy. He is still two light years away from the Apostle Galaxy, so he is not affected by the "reflection". The size of the "Death Star" he sees is in line with the normal law.

One day, two days, three days.

The Death Star in his eyes was already as big as a football. The temperature inside the starship rose to more than 900 degrees, and the temperature outside the starship was catching up to 30,000 degrees, not far from the 50,000 degrees of the damaged starship.

Seven days later.

The Death Star was already hanging high above his head, and more than half of the entire sight was a dark blue celestial body. There was no flame on the Death Star, and the light on the surface was unknown from where.

The temperature inside the starship was close to 2,000 degrees, and the temperature outside reached 70,000 degrees.

There were sparks from electronic components inside from time to time, many screens turned gray, and the projections in the sky flickered as if they were about to go out.

Lin Shan still did not move, he was waiting for the parchment to give the accurate calculation path.

The Death Star was very large, with a diameter of about 19 million kilometers, and the diameter of the sun was only 1.4 million kilometers. The site of the inheritance ceremony was just a small dot on the Death Star.

If he did not arrive at the target location when landing, he would have to move.

At his extreme speed of nearly 12,000 kilometers per second, it would not take long to circle around this star.

However, in this environment, every extra second of delay would cause devastating damage to his soul, so the landing location directly determines the success rate.

Before the parchment gives a definite result, the engine must not be started in advance to buy time.

Time passed second by second.

The temperature outside the starship gradually rose to 80,000 degrees. If Lin Shan teleported out now, he would be ignited in an instant.

However, as long as the spirituality is sufficient, even the highest temperature can be resisted, provided that the spirituality is sufficient.

The high temperature of 80,000 degrees is close to the limit temperature that the starship's thermal insulation layer can withstand.


The switch on the side of the valve in the main control room suddenly exploded, and the lights in other cabins except the main control room went out.

[The living area, scientific research area, storage area, and energy have been cut off. ]

Lin Shan stared at the parchment closely. The parchment was floating quietly and did not seem to be in a hurry.

At a certain moment, another explosion sounded from somewhere.

Just when Lin Shan was about to spend his spiritual power to help Dakong resist the high temperature.

Parchment: [Please start the engine in 10 seconds and go to the coordinate location at the speed of light. ]

Parchment: [10. ]

Parchment: [9. ]

Lin Shan quickly entered the number on the parchment on the main control screen.

This place was shrouded by his thick spiritual power, and the systems in various places were still intact.

[The target position was locked, the pulse engine self-check was completed, and it was ignited. ]

[The curvature engine is offline. ]

[Changed to spiritual network signal access, connecting...]

[Curvature engine online, self-check completed, ignited. ]

[The starship will enter curvature navigation in 5 seconds. ]

Parchment: [2. ]

Lin Shan's face darkened, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong. There was a problem with the curvature engine connection, and the engine ignition time was three seconds later than the time calculated by the parchment.

This curvature engine did not belong to Dakong. It was removed from the Council starship and forcibly welded to Dakong. Therefore, Dakong did not directly start the engine line, but used signal access.

"I hope nothing will happen in these three seconds." Lin Shan was tense. Each step to be done next would only be done once. If something went wrong, there would be no way to survive.

This time, even the ghost body could not save him.

Outside the starship.

After the countdown ended, the starship turned into a beam of light and crashed into the huge Death Star.

When entering curvature navigation, the temperature inside the starship dropped rapidly. As Dakong said, the speed of light can avoid the high temperature of the Death Star.

[About to land on the star, 50 seconds left before impact. ]

[10 seconds left before impact. ]

[5 seconds left before impact. ]

Dakong reported again and again.

When Dakong reported one second, Lin Shan had a feather pen in his hand.

He took a deep breath and tapped the tip of the pen lightly in the void.

Dakong, the storage necklace on his neck, and the animal teeth on his wrist all disappeared.

He was naked above the Death Star.

The Death Star was crashing towards him at a speed faster than light.

There was no need for the Death Star to hit him. The moment his body was exposed, it would have turned into ashes under the intense high temperature and extreme distortion.

There was only a dark shadow left on the spot, which was hit head-on by the Death Star.

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