Above the gray fog

Chapter 722 Waiting

July 13, 490th year of the human calendar.

On this day.

The human race is still peaceful.

The entire city is full of advanced technology and intelligent elements. From architecture to transportation to communications, the prosperity of the human race is reflected everywhere.

However, this day.

It is the first day that there is no pioneer in the human race.

The highest sequence in the tribe is sequence 8.

2765 nodes, R1 station.

Lin Shan, Wu Wang, Huang Ying, Xia Xuan, Zhao Xiaoan, Zhang Zhonghua, Jin Tianzong, Yan Ruxin, and all the existing pioneers of the human race gathered together, all staring at the surveillance information uploaded synchronously by the Council with a serious look.

The information is similar to a live broadcast.

The picture is a view from a high altitude.

In the picture.

Hundreds of millions of evil fallen gathered together. They crossed the plains, stepped on the hills, flattened the woodlands, and climbed over the mountains. In the dense group of evil fallen, it seemed that countless dark tentacles were intertwined, forming a terrifying scene.

The picture was zoomed in very small. Any piece of terrain in the gray fog world had a vast and boundless area. The evil army spanned countless terrains, which showed how exaggerated their number was.

Even if the picture was enlarged, their bodies were so dense that it was difficult to distinguish each individual. All that could be seen was a dark and distorted, violent aura mixed together, which was enough to suffocate.

When the evil army moved in the same direction, the ground was shaking violently, as if the whole world was trembling for their arrival.

Their steps were like magnified insects crawling.

There were many evil and spiritual plants with a size of more than 100,000 meters in the army. There was only coldness and cruelty in their eyes, as if their purpose was just to bring destruction and death.

The giant evil roared, as if they were discussing something.

Suddenly, countless evil roared deafeningly to the sky at the same time.

The gray fog was shaken away, and the sky suddenly became gloomy, as if a disaster was about to fall.

The roar gradually faded away, and the evil army began to move faster and gather in a certain direction.

There were some strange devices and weapons among the evil.

The most common one was the corn nuclear bomb that Lin Shan had seen before.

There were Sequence 8 evils hundreds of meters tall carrying corn nuclear bombs, and there were sticky tentacles behind the corn nuclear bombs inserted into the evil, and the two seemed to have merged into one.

What Lin Shan felt most threatened was that some evils with a height of more than 10,000 meters carried gun barrels close to 10,000 meters on their backs, and I'm afraid that the star destroyer can only be like this.

No wonder Jin Tianzong once said that the biological technology of "Chasing Fire" could not be learned by the Ten Thousand Races. This was a technology developed on the bodies of the evil. Moreover, the weapons they carried on their backs were related to the Plant Race. Lin Shan could see that the huge gun barrel was breathing weakly, which was obviously a living weapon.

The scene turned.

Came to the back of the evil army.

In the sky, countless evils with the ability to fly protected a black object in the middle.

You can only see it when the picture is zoomed in.

Protected in the middle is a creature that looks like a giant squid, covered with black scales and tentacles full of sharp spikes.

The squid is covered with weapons, making it look like a weapon rather than a creature.

Right in front of the squid, there is a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

The tentacles behind the squid swing and move forward in the air.

The picture changes again.

There is an evil creature with a wingspan of more than 100,000 meters soaring in the sky, with tentacles densely covered under its wings, and giant weapons are arranged at the connection points of the tentacles.

Seeing these pictures.

Lin Shan and others all fell silent.

This kind of enemy is definitely impossible for the human race.

We can only hope that the strongest have a backup to fight against these terrible biological weapons.

The human race’s inventory can only tickle the other party.

At this time.

The picture changes again.

A blue whale over ten thousand miles long looms and cruises in the void.

Its body exudes an indescribable power. Wherever it swims, time and space seem to be distorted and subverted, and all life trembles involuntarily.

The god of the fallen tribe, the god of lightness - Kada.

It is the only god in the original lineage in the human circle.

Wu Wang took a deep breath and complained, "The Council showed us this. Isn't this a blow to our morale? I'm scared to death."

Yan Ruxin rolled her eyes at him, "The Council is an organization formed by the ten most powerful clans. Each of them has a history of no less than 100,000 years. There is also an ancient existence like the Angel Clan. In the past 100,000 years, the resources of the entire human circle have been converging on them. Even if there have been wars in the past few hundred years, they should not have consumed the 100,000-year inventory. If they really couldn't stop it, they wouldn't show us this, but would just run away."

Zhang Zhonghua nodded and said, "There must be an intention, but it is definitely not to blow our morale. For 100,000 years, the Ten Thousand Clans have been suppressing the Plant and Fallen Clans. It is definitely impossible without some foundation. I'm afraid the strongest will be serious this time."

"We just do our best." Lin Shan interrupted, "The human race is not the protagonist, don't feel pressured."

The others nodded slightly.

At this moment, standing here, in addition to a group of pioneers, there are all the Sequence 7 accumulated by the human race over the years, as well as the people of the United Government.

Chen Liyun, He Awei, Sun Ze, Li Shiyao, Wang Ling, Wang Keyao, Nangong Xiaoming, Nangong Xing, Chen Yiqi, Jin Yin, Qian Ning, Asige, Yu, Liying...

They are all familiar people.

Hundreds of years have passed, some died, some were promoted.

The last few hundred years have been the worst and the best.

Promotion has been freed from constraints, and anyone with a potion can be promoted. The human race has mastered the surrounding hundreds of races. Although Sequence 7 potions are difficult to obtain, they have collected a lot of shares over the years.

Chen Yiqi is the son of Chen Er.

Chen Yi and Chen Er have dedicated their lives to the human race since the era of the empress. Chen Yiqi, the only heir of the Chen family, was specially taken care of by the human race and promoted to Sequence 7, which can be regarded as an explanation to the deceased heroes.

Sun Ze is the inheritor of the super-standard sequence. Nangong Xing, as Sun Ze's wife, also got the chance to be promoted to Sequence 7.

Of the eight former families, only the Wang family is left. The Nangong family is well preserved. The former heads of the family, Nangong Ming, Wang Cheng and others, have placed all their hopes on their children, allowing the children with better talents to be promoted, while they themselves have retreated to the second line. If they have no resources, they can only wait to die of old age.

The Jin family and the Qian family are both a bit lacking in strength, and as for the other families... we can only see a few words in history books now.

Led by Lin Shan, dozens of Sequence 7s from the hundreds of clans in the United Government stood silently in the abandoned military camp waiting.

Waiting for the next fate.

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