Above the gray fog

Chapter 734: ‘Ark Project’ on standby

Lin Shan's mental power swept through the entire clan, and there was only one Sequence 7 Evil Fallen in the lead. The moment his mental power came into contact, the Evil Fallen exploded directly. The remaining small Evil Fallen were stunned for a moment and then fell into chaos and became unconscious. Running around and even attacking companions.

[The bioradar detected the life breath of Behemoth, and a large number of Behemoth people gathered on the border 200 kilometers away from the Behemoth tribe. ]

At this time, Da Kong sent a notice.

"Go over and notify them." Lin Shandao

Before leaving, Lin Shan cleaned up the Sequence 8 evil fallen in the Behemoth clan's land. The remaining unconscious little evil fallen should be no problem for the Behemoth clan.

The starship flashed in the air and then came to the sky where the Behemoth tribe was camping.

Lin Shan observed this legendary race.

The Behemoth people below are several feet tall. Their bodies seem to be very bulky, their limbs are thick, and their bodies are covered with thick hard scales. They look extremely ferocious.

They have lion-like heads, thick manes on their faces, sharp fangs exposed in their mouths, fierce eyes, and long tails, like a flexible snake.

At a rough glance, there are probably less than 30,000 in number. No wonder they can abandon their clan and run away at any time.

There were more or less blood stains on their bodies, and they had obviously experienced fierce battles.

The leader, Behemoth, was the largest. It had a white cloth in its mouth and was bandaging a wound on its arm that was deep enough to show the bones. The treatment method was very simple. First, it licked it a few times, and then tied it tightly with the white cloth.

The arrival of the starship caught his attention,

A white shadow had appeared in front of him.

"Over there in the Behemoth tribe, the evil ones above Sequence 9 have been cleared away. If you want to go back, you can go back. There are still some small evil ones who have lost their consciousness. You can deal with them yourself." Lin Shan said lightly.

"Master of the human race..."

Before it could say anything else, Lin Shan disappeared from the spot, and the aerial warship turned into a beam of light and flew towards the next tribe asking for help.

Coincidentally, the second race is also the hyena tribe of the orc tribe. They have dog heads but human-shaped bodies. When Lin Shan went there, the hyena tribesmen were fighting against the evil ones. There were corpses all over the tribe, and even more Sequence 7 Evil Fallen is hunting the extraordinary, and the hyena human race is much stronger than the Mongolian race.

The orcs are a very large ethnic group. In the gray mist, these large ethnic groups, like the human race, were all broken up and classified according to their ancestors.

If a certain orc tribe becomes stronger and gathers other orc tribes, it is possible to form a tribe again.

The size of the orc tribe is no smaller than that of the human race, perhaps a little larger.

There are even fox tribes and cat tribes in the big family of orcs. They should be called fox tribes and cat tribes. They are not the same concept as the current most powerful tribe, the fox tribe.

The orcs are a type of civilization whose evolution is biased towards 'beasts', but they also have 'human' characteristics, so they can still be regarded as humanoid creatures.

After Lin Shan finished dealing with the hyena-human race, he continued to rush to the next race without stopping.

Nonstop rescue efforts continued for four months.

The war on the coalition government's side has come to an end, and the surviving ethnic groups have begun reconstruction work.

After the fifth month.

The spiritual network restarts.

The first thing announced by the Spiritual Network was that the ‘Ark Project’ was on standby.

This move plunged the small civilization that finally survived into despair again.

Is the council telling them that they can't win and are ready to run away?

Lin Shan rarely had some free time, and Wu Wang came to see him for a drink again.

This time Lin Shan did not refuse.

The two of them looked at the temporary tents scattered on the ground below, which were the temporary homes of the refugees. Fortunately, the human race had enough food reserves. Although life was a bit harder, they could still have enough food and clothing. Wu Wang suddenly asked: " If the Ark Project is launched, what will happen to the personnel distribution? "

"Draw lots? Or choose the elite?" Wu Wang asked.

"What do you think?" Lin Shan threw the question back.

"No matter which method is used, it will definitely cause internal chaos." Wu Wang sighed, "However, the next wave of humans may not be able to withstand it, and the 'Ark Project' is already inevitable."

Lin Shan smiled and said: "If you ask artificial intelligence this question, it will give you the answer. It's not that we don't know what to do, it's just that it's a little difficult to make a decision."

"Dakong." Lin Shan shouted.

Da Kong’s voice sounded:

[Dakong believes that the human race can use a combination of drawing lots and selecting elites. ]

[Specifically, the human race can first select some personnel according to a certain proportion to ensure fairness, and then select some elites from these people to lead and command the entire Ark plan. This can not only ensure fairness, but also Able to ensure high quality of leadership skills and qualities. ]

Wu Wang nodded after hearing this, "This method sounds good, but how to divide the proportions and select elites?"

[This requires the human race to establish a special committee in the organization, with professionals responsible for personnel allocation and elite selection. They can evaluate and screen each person based on their professionalism and quality, as well as their performance in the refugee camp. ]

After Da Kong finished speaking, neither of them spoke. Then Wu Wang raised his glass and said, "It's time to start the 'Ark Project.'"

"Wait a little longer, at least until the impact of the war has passed." Lin Shan said.

"Pioneer, how to distribute?" Wu Wang continued to ask, this was the main purpose of his coming.

Ark plan, whether all the pioneers will leave with them, or only some of them.

"If you want to leave, leave. If you want to stay, stay." Lin Shan replied.

"What about you?"

"I probably won't leave." Lin Shan said calmly.

"I understand." Wu Wang nodded.

After Wu Wang left, Zhao Xiaoan came again.

"Are you leaving or not?" Zhao Xiaoan asked.

"Let's go. There's no point in staying here." Lin Shan said seriously.

"I understand." Zhao Xiaoan nodded.

Telling Wu Wang that he would not leave was to tell Wu Wang that he could leave without worry. He was here for the human race.

Telling Zhao Xiaoan that he would leave was to tell Zhao Xiaoan that they would leave together.

Lin Shan hoped that all the pioneers would leave. If the situation was really serious, it would be a pipe dream to protect the billions of remaining human race people with the strength of Sequence 7. It would almost certainly lead to death.

Leaving the human circle, there was still hope to lead the human race to open up a new world. Hundreds of years later, the human race would still be the glorious human race.

After Zhao Xiaoan left, a light curtain appeared. It was Huang Liu's communication.

Huang Liu's dog face appeared on the screen.

"Lin Shan, it's over. I really can't cover it up this time."

Lin Shan's eyelids jumped. Huang Liu was in the board of directors, and the information he got was first-hand, so he usually wouldn't make mistakes.

He said he couldn't cover it up, and this time he really couldn't cover it up.

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