Above the gray fog

Chapter 74 Weird Coincidence

"Wouldn't it be possible to make your wish come true?"

Lin Shan tried to pray to his own spirit again, this time he prayed for himself to have power comparable to Sequence 8.

As expected, it failed.

Having a pair of wings, failed.

Having two more arms, failed.

Becoming taller, failed.

Becoming faster, failed.

Becoming stronger, failed.

Having an extremely sharp spear, success.


After trying for nearly half an hour, Lin Shan roughly understood that praying to his own spirit was just a different way to use the power of the spirit.

Prayers that exceeded the spirit's own abilities or characteristics would not be answered.

In short, this prayer is currently useful for increasing the visual range, and has no help in other aspects. It is not even as convenient as direct control with consciousness, after all, prayer takes time.

It is impossible to attach the spirit to the eyes and form spiritual vision using conventional methods, but praying to the spirit can.

The heart light itself does not have the characteristic of increasing the visual range. Why does this characteristic appear after praying? Where does this characteristic come from?

"Secrets are hidden everywhere in this world, even in one's own spirituality."

At this moment, Lin Shan suddenly had another guess.

If someone prays to his spirituality, can't they borrow the characteristics of his spirituality?

If so, is he a weak version of a god?

The question is how to let others pray to his spirituality. He can't stand beside others as a statue for people to pray. Lin Shan feels that the answer may be those complicated symbols.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it. Solving the line of sight problem is already a pleasant surprise. It's useless to think more now.

Perhaps the answer he is struggling to find now is a very common sense among high-sequence people.

Put the red lantern with only a piece of mahogany stick left into his pocket.

Zhang Kaixue Wing was about to leave when he suddenly thought:

"Since spirituality is possible, can the supernatural also be possible?"

Lin Shan stood in place, closed his eyes and tried to pray to his own supernatural.

After a moment, he felt that his spiritual power was also reduced, just like his spirituality, the total amount was reduced, as if it was separated to supply spiritual vision. If the spiritual vision was not unlocked, then this part of the spiritual power would not come back.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the visual range had increased to nearly 500 meters.

"It works!"

Lin Shan finally breathed a sigh of relief. The visual range of 500 meters was already a relatively safe distance.

Fly to 5,000 meters in the air.

He took a look at the parchment and found that even after a year, the Fuxi tribe had only moved less than 5 kilometers.

Lin Shan didn't plan to send it off again. Not to mention the peak of the double sequence, even the peak of the three sequence couldn't beat the higher sequence one-on-one.

That kind of gap, Lin Shan felt a little trembling when he thought about it now, as if an ant was shaking an elephant.

He could only think of some other ways, such as leading the evil to the weird field, or leading other evils over.

Or wait for the opportunity like Shiba Inu, follow it all the time, betting that it will encounter danger. There are many ways like this. The real strength of human beings lies in wisdom, not recklessness.

However, the option of "outlasting it" is not suitable for Lin Shan. The first one to be outlasted will definitely be Lin Shan himself.

Just when Lin Shan was thinking about what to do next.

His peripheral vision suddenly caught a glimpse of the parchment, which represented the point of Dongluo moving, and the speed was not slow.

He was a little confused. Isn't Dongluo a piece of snow? And he hadn't seen it moving before.

The distance shown on the parchment was 3450 kilometers.

"The moving Weird...maybe it's an opportunity!"

If he could lure it to Fuxi, and wait for it to fight, he would fish in troubled waters. In the end, no matter who wins, Lin Shan will not lose. Even if he uses his life to exchange for a material, he thinks it's a profit.

The most important thing is that Weird has no wisdom. Once it meets a person, it will attack instinctively, so it is easier to seduce.

But Eduo is wise and flexible, and it may be dead as soon as it is discovered.

Lin Shan stared at the parchment and roughly calculated the speed of Dong Yu's movement.

"It's doable." Lin Shan thought to himself.

He found that Dong Yu's movement speed was about the same as his.

He planned to try it first, and if it didn't work, he would think of other ways.

The blood wings shook slightly, and flew quickly towards Dong Yu's position.

Three days later.

Lin Shan looked at the parchment, and Dong Yu had been parked about one kilometer ahead two days ago.

He flew forward carefully, and advanced about 500 meters.

He braked suddenly and looked down in astonishment.

There were four crystal people, still the same configuration, three sequence 9 and one sequence 8.

They also set up a temporary tent here, and it seemed that they had lived there for a while.

But Dong Yu was not seen 500 meters ahead.

"The punctuation on the parchment is 500 meters ahead. Did the parchment make a mistake?" Lin Shan couldn't help but look at the parchment with some suspicion.

The parchment ignored him and was very cold.

Lin Shan continued to walk forward, 400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters, but he still couldn't see Dong Yi even after he walked within 100 meters.

Suddenly, a yellow figure ran past from below.

The punctuation marks on the parchment moved in the same direction.

"It's that Shiba Inu, Dong Yi is on him!"

At this moment, when Lin Shan saw the figure of the Shiba Inu, he understood everything. It was not Dong Yi that moved, but the small bottle was on him.

Seeing the Shiba Inu disappear from sight, Lin Shan hurriedly followed.

When passing by the tent, he found that the tent had been dismantled, and the four people were no longer there.

If nothing unexpected happened, the four people came to find potion materials, and the Shiba Inu came to wait for a bargain.

This Shiba Inu's ability to find people is a bit outrageous, comparable to his ability to find potion materials.

However, this time there are no more than 20 skeletons to assist. Is this Shiba Inu going to fight Sequence 8 head-on?

"There should be a back-up... This Shiba Inu is very shady." Lin Shan thought to himself.

The Shiba Inu did not choose to fly, but ran wildly on the ground with four legs. This time, with the parchment positioning, Lin Shan did not follow too closely, and hung far behind.

In this way, after flying for several hours, the Shiba Inu finally stopped at night.

Spend a peaceful night.

At dawn the next day, the Shiba Inu continued to run wildly. After several hours, the Shiba Inu stopped.

It looked at the group of skeletons in front of it excitedly. This time there were more than 40 skeletons.

This time, the Shiba Inu did not run anymore, but spread its wings and flew into the sky, hanging far behind the group of skeletons.

The skeletons moved forward cautiously.

Lin Shan flew a hundred meters behind the Shiba Inu. If the Shiba Inu looked back at this distance, he would definitely see him.

But it did not look back at all, staring at the skeletons below with a smile on its face.

Feeling this extremely familiar scene, Lin Shan felt full of weirdness.

The Shiba Inu seemed to have planned it every time, with the crystal man taking the materials and the skeleton man blocking the crystal man. It only needed to wait and deal with a small minion behind to get a set of sequence 8 potion materials.

Lin Shan absolutely did not believe that the same coincidence could happen twice.

And his two appearances behind the Shiba Inu were the real coincidence.

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