Above the gray fog

Chapter 740 From now on, ‘Human Circle’ will be renamed ‘Zhuyu’

There are countless gods in the past, but after so many eras from the beginning, I don’t know how many of the gods in the past are still inherited, and where are those gods with extremely high status.

I'm afraid there are not many gods left that have been passed down. In the first few eras of the Origin, the Gods of the Origin deliberately targeted the gods who carried the gods of the past, and even had large-scale divine wars. There were so many gods of the past in the human world. The gathering of bits should be related to the fact that all races are the old fire.

This white goose fairy is the white goose fairy recorded in mythology, but not entirely.

The divine throne is still the same divine throne, and the creatures that inherit the divine throne have changed countless generations.

The big white goose flaps its wings gracefully, and its white neck reaches under the wings as if it is preening its hair.

After a while, the big white goose raised its head.

His voice is like the fragrance of lotus flowers, and it is as sweet as a harp and a harp, making everyone gradually let go of their worries.

"Everyone has been summoned in a hurry because time is of the essence. From the moment the sacred corridor was shattered, the 'Chasing Fire' has launched a massive attack. We must stop the 'Chasing Fire' before the tribe in the rear is completely destroyed. If our actions are slow, Even if the 'Chasing Fire' is finally dispersed, all the Ten Thousand Clans will be left with are bones. The number of 'Chasing Fire' extraordinary ones is thousands of times, or even more, than that of the Ten Thousand Clans. We have no chance of winning if we resist head-on."

"If you resist head-on, I'm afraid you are the only ones who will survive in the end."

"Now, we have to do something to reverse this result."

"Let the last surviving people become your tribe."

"That means you might die."

"Would you like that?"

No one spoke.

Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the hundreds of millions of people in your clan?

They have gone through a lot of hardships and climbed to their current heights.

From being weak at first, it is now almost able to walk sideways in the gray fog.

No one wants to die.

The more powerful a person is, the more he cherishes his life.

After a long silence.

came a soft voice.

"I may not care about almost everything in this world, but there is always a small part that I am willing to pay for, even if it means my life."

Everyone followed the sound.

He was a young man from the Fox tribe. He was wearing very casual casual clothes, with his hands behind his back, looking at the big white goose.

The big white goose nodded slightly and looked at the others.

"What about you?"

"No one wants to die. I will try to be the one who survives." Someone sighed.

"I don't want to, but I also don't want to be the last person alive."

Everyone's answer was not unanimous.

But no one chose to leave at this time.

More people choose silence.

"Didn't you say there was no time? Hurry up. Once that 'sea of ​​hatred' is broken, everything will be restored and we can still enjoy the time for eternity."

Someone urged.

The big white goose flaps its wings.

He murmured:

"The great master of dreams - Lin, you are the incarnation of dreams..."

"Lead me home..."

As the big white goose murmured, the sky suddenly darkened.

Countless bubbles of different colors are like intertwined dreams, filling the entire sky.

"We don't know what the 'Sea of ​​Hatred' looks like, so be careful not to get separated." Big White Goose reminded, the light curtain enveloped everyone and turned into illusory bubbles, sinking into the body of Evil Fall below.

Lin Shan only felt as if he had turned into a transparent bubble. This bubble entered Evil Fall's body, and then exploded with a 'bang'. When he regained consciousness, the environment had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"It turns out that the so-called 'Sea of ​​Hatred' is a world intertwined with evil dreams..." Lin Shan said to himself.

"The gods immediately locked the location of the 'Sea of ​​Hatred' after receiving the information. All powers in this world have their traces. Ten thousand races have not found the entrance for so many years. There is no other reason, just because they are not powerful enough. It is the fate of the gods. Only gods can enter."

Huang Liu was still beside Lin Shan, and the positions of everyone remained unchanged.

"According to Big White Goose, this place should be very dangerous. Why did your sister let you in?" Lin Shan looked at him.

"Look at the gods like Tushan Ranqi, Tushan Anni, and the Fox clan, as well as the angel clan, including the leading holy angels." Huang Liu shook his head and said: " The more dangerous it is, the more important it is to fight. The high-order combat power cultivated by a clan is not just for fun. If you protect it because you are a close relative, you will not have the most powerful situation now. "

Lin Shan nodded slightly. These powerful people really put the responsibility for the survival of all races on themselves, but there must be some protective power in their clan. If they devote all their power here, they would be a fool.

The human race has always been a very marginal civilization. It cannot bear the continuation of its own race, and how can it have the strength to take on other responsibilities.

There are the most people like Lin Shan here. They stand here just hoping that all races can win this battle. There is no other reason.

The continuation of all races has little to do with them. All they care about is their own race.

The strongest ones are different, they rule the human circle, and the human circle is their own territory to them.

The two have different strengths and different structures, and naturally their thoughts cannot be the same.

At this moment, they were above a vast area of ​​flowing magma.

‘Sea of ​​Hatred’ is just a name given to it by all races, no one knows whether it is a sea or not.

Now it seems that it may be a sea, a magma sea.

The black earth is covered with cracks, and hot magma flows in the cracks.

The magma kept surging and erupting, as if a huge force was stirring underground.

There were black objects of different shapes floating on the magma, including sharp swords, twisted branches, broken bones, etc. These objects were not dissolved by the magma, but just floated quietly on it, and the magma exuded a wisp of scarlet breath.

There was no sky in the Sea of ​​Hatred, and there was endless darkness above.

In the distance, there was a large lake formed by the gathering of magma. It seemed that some unidentified objects were swimming, and occasionally a low roar was made.

These objects had no fixed shape, but their existence made people feel extremely uneasy.

The crowd and the gods flew straight in a certain direction. On the exposed black land below, some dilapidated buildings could even be seen. The walls of the buildings were covered with cracks and dark red spots.

The breath exuded by this world was very depressing, and everyone was silent.

"I can't absorb spirituality." Huang Liu whispered.

"I feel it, but it seems that there are no enemies. Are we really in the right place?" Lin Shan replied.

"Hush~, don't say that." Huang Liu looked around, "The gods are so sure, they should be right, just follow the gods, the White Goose Fairy never tells lies, since He said it's dangerous here, there must be a dangerous place."

The gods deliberately slowed down so that the extraordinary people behind could keep up. Even if they slowed down, everyone's speed was still very fast.

As they moved forward.

The lava flowed more and more regularly.

A giant tree burning with blazing flames appeared in front of everyone.

This tree stood there, as if it was the core of this world, and countless lava streams were scattered around the giant flame tree in the form of spider webs.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." An ethereal voice sounded.

A wisp of flame floated out from the giant flame tree and turned into a little girl in human form.

He stepped on the lava step by step.

"Do you see the magma all over the world? This is the anger that the Plant Falling Clan has accumulated for countless years."

"Kill me and you will win, but are you sure...you can kill me in my dream?"

Fourteen brilliant divine lights surrounded the giant flame tree.

At the outermost edge, Lin Shan and others formed a second encirclement. With so many high-order extraordinary people gathered, even gods could be trapped.

"Is this all the power of your ten thousand races? Compared to before...it's really much weaker."

"Although I don't know where your confidence comes from, I have to say that you hide it really well." The fox tail behind Nu Jiao fluttered, and endless divine power pressed towards the giant flame tree.

"The cholera in the human circle should also end." Another god in green clothes whose face could not be seen clearly waved his hand and sprinkled thousands of miles of divine light.

"Cholera in the human circle?"

"Do you think we caused the cholera in the human circle?"

"I have long seen through the true colors of you, the Fire Race. You are full of sentiment and righteousness, but you are only interested in worldly fame and gain!"

"You are obviously an executioner, but you claim to be righteous!"

"From now on, 'Human Circle' will be renamed 'Zhu Yu'."

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