Above the gray fog

Chapter 760 Dirty Things

Lin Shan quickly browsed the information about the Chosen One.

Now, eight hundred years have passed since people on earth began to travel through the gray fog.

The Chosen Ones have existed on earth for more than seven hundred years.

Over such a long period of time, after countless explorations by predecessors, the Chosen One has already formed its own system.

There are four realms based on the advancement of 'ether' energy. The names of each realm are easy to understand. The names were casually chosen by the seniors hundreds of years ago. That senior is still in the world today, and it is the fourth realm. , is also the current honorary tower owner of Tianxuan Tower.

The first realm, the second realm, the third realm, and the fourth realm.

Each of these four realms is a transformation of life. Judging from the description in the data, its effect is no worse than sequence promotion.

However, in terms of the increase in lifespan, the ether system is much less. Even if it is promoted to the fourth level of the fourth grade of Sequence 6, the lifespan will only be a thousand years.

If you are promoted through potions, you will be at Sequence 6 and have a lifespan of at least more than 10,000 years.

Moreover, the combat methods are much weaker. No characteristics will be added after promotion, which means that new abilities cannot be obtained. In this case, the chosen one can only develop the characteristics of the energy itself.

"Ether technology" came into being.

‘Ether’ energy is all-encompassing, and different ways of using it can produce different effects.

There are powerful "Ether Techniques" and some weak ones. There are now a total of 516 stable "Ether Techniques". The Tianxuan Tower has also arranged serial numbers for each "Ether Technique" based on the consumption of "Ether", 'Ether 01' - —'Ether 516', 'Ether Technique' has no boundaries, you can use it if you can learn it.

The opposite of "Ether Technique" is "Selected Technique".

"Ether Skills" must be learned through acquired practice, while "Chosen Skills" are automatically mastered after becoming the "Chosen One".

The Chosen One uses his own "Chosen Skills" as the core, supplemented by "Aether Skills" to fight and deal with various situations.

The "Ether" energy consumed to release the "Naturally Chosen Technique" is very little. The "Natural Chosen Technique" is like one's innate talent. The "Ether Technique" with the same effect requires several times the consumption.

There are many small divisions regarding ‘Ether Skills’. Different levels of proficiency in ‘Ether Skills’ are also divided into different levels of proficiency.

Before Lin Shan could continue reading, the reading room suddenly flashed red.

Countless light curtains like seals filled the entire reading room.

A bright red exclamation point flashed on the seal.


Lin Shan was not too surprised. The Tianxuan Tower was all high-tech, so the noise he caused was not small.

However, it should only be that the movement he made was discovered, and his soul body could not be seen. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as an alarm.

The elevator door opened, and a group of more than a dozen uniformed guards with advanced firearms rushed in.

"Don't move!"

Swish, swish, swish!

A dozen guns with cold gleams were pointed at Bentham Lena.

Lin Shan, who was standing aside, touched his nose awkwardly.

He's the culprit, okay.

Shaking his head, Lin Shan swaggered through the guards, planning to go home first.

He had just memorized Bentham Lena's identity information and was preparing to come back tomorrow.

At this time, the elevator door opened again.

An alloy armor walked in.

The mask slipped off the armor.

Revealing a head full of white hair and a face full of vicissitudes of life.

She is an old woman who looks to be at least eighty years old. She has gray-brown pupils and her face does not look like a Chinese.

"This lady is innocent, she is a victim." The old woman looked at Bentham Lena and said.

The guards immediately sheathed their weapons.

The old woman looked around and said:

"Why don't you have the guts to show your face?"

"There are not many people who can use 'Ether 17 - Shisui'... to your level. There are only two of them in the federation, and the other one can be eliminated directly. There is no need for a powerful person from the three realms to be sneaky when they come to the Chosen Tower. Bar?"

Lin Shan stopped.

This old woman must have misunderstood something. She is not afraid of all three realms. This old woman is at least one of the three realms.

"When we all worked together to build the Chosen Tower, I don't know how much pressure we endured and how many companions died. Now, why is it like this..."

The old woman sighed, "Since you don't want to see me... forget it, I don't have a few years to live anyway."

"Wait a minute!" An old voice sounded.

"Huh?" Lin Shan was surprised. He didn't expect there was anyone in the room.

His split soul only has the strength of Sequence 9, so it's normal that he didn't find it.

Beneath a row of bookshelves.

The space shook, causing ripples.

An old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a wrinkled face appeared.

He straightened his collar, looked at the old woman, and said seriously: "You have got something unclean into the Tower of Heaven's Choice."

Old woman: "?"

Aren’t you the one who is unclean?

The old man in Chinese tunic suit saw the old woman's eyes and understood what she meant. He waved his hand and said, "It's not me, it's a human-shaped black shadow with a mouth as big as a water tank. The little girl over there was frightened by that unclean thing. , If you don’t believe it, you can ask her when she wakes up. The old man pointed to the unconscious Bentham Lina. "

The old man in Chinese tunic suit added: "That thing has strange energy fluctuations on it, and it's definitely not 'ether'."

Lin Shan: "?"

Isn't this unclean thing him? He really wanted to thank the old man.

Lin Shan stood aside silently. He was a soul body and had no relevant abilities. He could not be seen in the four realms, let alone the three realms.

The old man in the Zhongshan suit had some air leakage when he spoke, and there were not many usable teeth in his mouth.

The old woman looked sad, "You should go get your teeth fixed, there are also many regeneration abilities in the 'Ether Skills'..."

The old man in the Zhongshan suit interrupted the old woman, "You don't believe what I said, you think I'm talking nonsense?"

The old woman didn't say anything, obviously didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe it, forget it." The old man in the Zhongshan suit said slowly, "When people get old, their teeth fall out, isn't it human nature? Before I became the Chosen One, I was just a farmer who worked hard in the fields. Now my son is dead, my grandson is dead, and my grandson's grandson is dead, but I am not dead yet. I have lived long enough. If I hadn't finished my work, I would have found a place to bury myself."

"Why did you betray the Chosen Tower?" The old woman was silent for a moment and asked.

"You know, if you don't share the same ideals, you can't make plans together. The Noah civilization is so high, they won't care as long as the earth doesn't explode. The purpose of building the Chosen Tower is to gather the Chosen Ones and prevent the earth from being divided by alien civilizations."

"But, after the Chosen Tower was built, what are you doing? Preventing the earth from merging into the gray fog! This is against the will of heaven! Sooner or later, the earth will be destroyed in your hands." The old man in the Zhongshan suit looked like he was disappointed with his son.

"Destiny?" The old woman took a deep breath and raised her voice, "What is destiny? Xun Wenle, you are already old, how can you be so easily deceived? There is no destiny at all. The fate of the earth is in our own hands!"

"That's why I said, if you don't share the same ideals, you can't make plans together." The old man in the Zhongshan suit shook his head, "Your destiny is in your own hands? Don't you think it's ridiculous? You should know how the Chosen Ones came about. This is the inheritance left by our ancestors. If you want to control your own destiny, you should get rid of your identity as the Chosen One."

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