Above the gray fog

Chapter 767: God who keeps pace with the times, ruins of the temple

Under the reflection of the lens, the place where Lin Shan stood was empty.

Gradually, invisible ripples appeared on the mirror under his feet, and Lin Shan felt that he was sinking.

A burst of light flashed, and the surrounding scene changed drastically.

The surrounding air became dense, as if there was some dense force maintaining the existence of this space.

A wide passage appeared in front of him, with mirrors on both sides of the passage.

Various strange scenes appeared on the mirror, most of which showed the starry sky in the universe, and there were also some special mirrors, which reflected some creatures.

What attracted Lin Shan the most was a Western dragon wandering in the universe.

"Go forward, be careful, don't bump into other people." The mirror spirit reminded.

"Is there anyone here?"

"Isn't it in the mirror next to you? Be careful that they suddenly come in." The mirror spirit pointed to the mirror next to it.

"Is this dragon... also from Silver Star?"

"Although I am the source of the mirror world, not only people from Silver Star can enter. Although I am the god of Silver Star, what's wrong with making some extra money? Didn't Ms. Xia Xuan of your human race also extend her faith to the interior of Silver Star?"

"I understand." Lin Shan nodded, "You built the mirror world, and they have to pay if they want to enter."

"Inappropriate, but it's almost the same." The mirror god stepped on Lin Shan's head and signaled him to keep going.

Lin Shan continued to walk and entered a tunnel. The walls on both sides of the tunnel were also made up of countless small lenses, like beautiful gems inlaid together, and each lens reflected a different scene.

Passing through the tunnel, the vision suddenly opened up, and Lin Shan came to a grassland that seemed to extend infinitely.

But the grass here is not green, but composed of lenses of various colors, reflecting a colorful scene. On the grass, there are also some flowers made of lenses, and their petals seem to have magic, constantly changing colors.

There are elves flying and chasing in this world.

"Welcome to the mirror world. Every blade of grass and tree here was built by me bit by bit."

The mirror god jumped down from Lin Shan's head and stepped on the gorgeous grass. Streams of light rose from the ground, and the elf in front of him changed into the form he had seen in the square before.

Just standing there made Lin Shan's legs weak.

"Do you like this form?" The mirror god tilted his head and looked at Lin Shan.

He was shining with dazzling silver light, like the center of this world.

"I still like your previous form more." Lin Shan replied seriously.

"Really? I like this form too."

With a "bang!", the lens shattered, and the little elf jumped to Lin Shan's head again.

"We're here."

"We're here?" Lin Shan was puzzled. He hadn't left yet, and he was here already?

"You don't have to move. The world is moving." The mirror god waved his little hand, and a click sound rang out, and the surrounding environment changed again.

"This is the planet where Ms. Xia Xuan left her ruins. It is suspected to be the main planet of the Silver Star several epochs ago. Because He is a god from the previous era, there is no belief in Him on the current Silver Star. We only knew that the Silver Star had such a history when we excavated this relic."

Looking around, I don't know what the influence is. Everything on this planet is collapsing silently. The rocky surface is constantly cracking and closing together. Streams of hot dust are squeezed out from the cracks and gushing into the sky. The air is filled with a pungent smell of dust.

After hearing what the mirror god said, Lin Shan wondered, "Has the Silver Star civilization existed for many eras?"

"Of course not." The mirror god suddenly said slowly in an ancient tone:

"At the end of the era, everything will be extinguished, only the old fire will be rekindled again and again until the last trace of flame is exhausted."

Lin Shan roughly understood the meaning. When the era ends, all civilizations will end with it, but the old fire is still there, and it will be sprinkled again in this universe, and everything will develop from the beginning. When it develops to a certain extent, it will pass through the gray fog again.

"This planet is protected by some kind of power, and the aftermath of several eras has not destroyed it. I dragged it from outside the Milky Way. I wanted to explore the history of the Silver Star before the era, but the result was not satisfactory. Although the planet was not destroyed, there was almost no residue on it. There was only a temple ruins, which was why the planet could still exist."

Lin Shan felt that he needed to reconsider the strength of the gods in front of him.

Drag a planet from outside the Milky Way to the Milky Way. Is this something that ordinary gods can do?

"Why are you looking at me? Humans and gods have different paths, don't have any other ideas." The mirror god knocked on Lin Shan's head.

Lin Shan was shocked by this. The mirror god has more humanity than him. This is unreasonable...

"Will you gods not be affected by divinity?" Lin Shan still asked the doubts in his heart.

"Oh, you are talking about this. There is no divinity in this universe. Only Gray Mist has it. I am a local god, not a god of Gray Mist. Naturally, I will not be infected with divinity. When you become a god in the future, you will find that we gods are also advancing with the times, and we are different from those ruthless, old-fashioned and muscular guys in Gray Mist."

"Do you know why I know so much about Gray Mist even though I haven't been there? There are few gods in this universe, and the circle is small. The gods are familiar with each other. Gods who have been to Gray Mist often share information about Gray Mist with us."

Another new news, there is no divinity in this universe...

No wonder gods like the mirror god can be created. Are other gods also like the mirror god?

If they were all the same, the survival pressure in this universe would be much smaller than that in the gray fog.

In comparison, the living environment in the gray fog is too cruel.

"What are you thinking about?" The mirror god reminded, "We've arrived. It's the ruins of this temple."

"Arrived?" Lin Shan looked forward, and a tall ancient building appeared in a place where there was nothing before.

Lin Shan thought of what the mirror god said before, that the world was moving.

He couldn't have rotated this planet...

It turns out that having power can really do whatever you want.

"Go in and see if it's the god you're looking for. I just happen to want to confirm the history of Silver Star."

"Yeah." The little black man floated into the ancient building in front of him under the wind and sand.

This building should also be made of some kind of mirror alloy, but now no mirror effect can be seen.

The ancient building does not occupy a large area, but the height is surprisingly high, because there is a statue of a god more than 20 meters high in the building.

He is tall and majestic, wearing a gorgeous robe, wearing a huge crown, sitting on a tall throne, awe-inspiring.

The face of the statue was covered with traces similar to rust, with eyes closed and lips slightly open, as if silently praying or uttering a mysterious spell.

Lin Shan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. The statue exuded a powerful energy fluctuation, which made people feel extremely oppressive and intimidated.

Although it was covered with rust.

But this statue was indeed Xia Xuan.

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