Above the gray fog

Chapter 79: The Ruler of Night——Rose

Beside a street in the city.

The buildings here are all made up of three integral diamond shapes, with a sharp corner at the top and two corners below as building supports, and a hollow area in the middle.

Lin Shan looked at the street, looking at the buildings with an average height of nearly 15 meters, and asked: "Is there any formation here that will detect us?"

"What formation? Spiritual instrument?" Huang Liu was puzzled at first, and then continued: "The Crystal Clan does not have the strength to build a spiritual instrument covering such a large area. Even my Night Clan will only set it up in the most important cities."

Beside the street, there are occasionally Crystal Clan people walking even at night. There is a beam of white light at the top of each building as a street lamp. The light is not strong, giving people a dim feeling. Lin Shan transformed into a set of clothes according to the style of Crystal Clan people's clothes, wrapped himself tightly, and walked under the dim light. Huang Liu turned into a Shiba Inu and got into the back of Lin Shan's clothes.

As for the clothing, although the styles are different, all the races that Lin Shan has seen so far have something in common. They are all humanoid, and they all call themselves a certain race'people'. The human race directly uses 'people' as the race name. Is there any connection between them, or is it just a coincidence? Lin Shan pondered the connection in his heart.

After thinking for a while without any results, he asked:

"In such a big city, how do you know their situation?"

"Just find a place where no one is around and ask." Shiba Inu Huang Liu said in a low voice below.

"Are you going to ask ghosts in a place where no one is around?"


"Can you understand their language?" Lin Shan asked in a low voice.

"I don't understand, but there are people who do. Find a place where no one is around and you will know." Shiba Inu still said in a low voice.

Just as the two were talking in a low voice, two crystal people came towards them, one big and one small. They looked like two female crystal people. The appearance and physical features of the crystal people are very different from those of the human race. Just the color of the skin made Lin Shan look out of place here. He quickly stopped and stood by the road with his head down, hiding himself in the dim light.

"Mom, why did that person wrap himself so tightly?"

"Hiss, don't look at him. Generally, people dressed like this are not good people. Maybe they are cultists or something. Be careful not to capture you and make you serve the evil gods."

"Hehe, I'm not afraid of any evil gods. The ancestors will protect us." The crystal girl was not only not afraid, but also squinted her eyes and laughed happily.

Seeing this, the girl's mother also smiled and rubbed the girl's head, and asked: "Will Asge become a person like the ancestors when he grows up?"

"No, Asge doesn't want power." The girl's mother was not surprised by the answer. Obviously, this kind of conversation was not the first time.

"But only with power can we protect ourselves and our race." The mother patiently persuaded.

"If you have power, you should bully others, right? History books say that we have bullied many races to develop to this point." The girl said unhappily.

"If you don't bully others, others will bully you. If we lose, even just once, will you still have the life you have now?" The mother still persuaded with a smile.

"But." The girl's face suddenly became serious: "Isn't it good for us to develop together? Shouldn't the strong help the weak, just like our ancestors helped us."

"Ah." The mother sighed and said: "Go home tomorrow. You have been out for a long time. Your father must miss you."

She then laughed and scolded: "He only has you as his heir, and you are not motivated."

"Has it been a long time?" The girl suddenly became sad and said with a depressed face: "It feels like it has only been a short time since I came out."

When the two gradually walked away, Lin Shan raised his head and looked at their backs: "What did they say?"

"I don't understand."

Then, Huang Liu's grim voice came from below: "Fortunately, they didn't get close. I was ready to destroy the bodies." He was still indifferent to life, or indifferent to the weak.

A deserted street corner.

Huang Liu crawled out from under the hem of his clothes and looked around to make sure there was no one here.

It changed into a human form, and wrote and drew on the ground with its fingers. Various mysterious characters emerged from its fingertips. After a while, the ground was full of characters with unknown meanings. Lin Shan counted them and found that there were 23 characters. These characters seemed to have no connection. Some were even just simple two strokes. He watched them repeatedly and memorized these symbols in his heart.

Huang Liu began to murmur.

"The great Lord of the Night - Ashlerorristi - Rose, you are the ruler under the gray fog and the ruler of the night. You control the night with infinite power."

"Your devout believers are here to pray for your gift. Please give me the power to talk to the night."

"I am willing to sacrifice my spirituality and guide my faith."

After the last word fell, the characters on the ground began to gradually light up with blue light, starting from the first character and lighting up one by one. When the last character lit up with blue light, the light on all the characters flashed a few times and disappeared along with those mysterious characters.

Seeing this, Huang Liu breathed a sigh of relief. Not bad, it succeeded in one try.

After the ritual was successful, Huang Liu closed his eyes. Lin Shan could not feel any fluctuations in him. The only thing he could feel was that his spirituality was getting weaker and weaker.

After a moment, Huang Liu opened his eyes and shook his head regretfully, saying, "This is just an ordinary tourist city. There is only one Sequence 8 in charge. Not to mention the Sequence 8 stone tablet, there is not even a Sequence 9 stone tablet. Let's go out of the city and go east. There is a city over there that is most suitable. There are three Sequence 8 guarding it, and there is also a Sequence 8 stone tablet in the city."

"Who did you just ask? You didn't really ask about this dark night." Lin Shan said in surprise.

"I just asked the Night Clan's hidden man who guided us in this city. Talking to the night... I guess only the Lord of the Night has this ability. For us, this is just a means of communication." Huang Liu replied.

Lin Shan nodded without saying anything.

"Let's go to the next city." Huang Liu continued.


Just then, a man and a woman suddenly ran in from the corner of the street. They held hands like a couple.

When they saw Lin Shan and Huang Liu, their bodies froze for a moment.

The next moment, their faces changed drastically, and they looked terrified.

Just as they were about to open their mouths to shout, their bodies suddenly softened, and they fell into a pool of blood without any pain.

Behind them was a light golden spear and a blue long knife.

A few hours later, the sun rose again.

Lin Shan and Huang Liu came to the sky above another city.

"Will it be a problem to leave the body there?" Lin Shan fiddled with the coat he had taken off and asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, they won't find us." Huang Liu was very confident.

Then he looked down and said, "Let's continue to act at night."

"Okay." Lin Shan responded. He was unfamiliar with the place, and Huang Liu had experience in such things. Listening to him could avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble and danger.

When night fell, two black shadows sneaked to the sky above the edge of the city.

"What should we do next?" Lin Shan asked in a low voice while looking at the city below.

"First, find a stone to make a stele, at least nearly ten meters high and two meters wide." Huang Liu said.

"Where can I find a stone that is so big? Otherwise, just cut a piece from the wall below?" Lin Shan pointed to a place below.

Huang Liu looked in the direction Lin Shan pointed.

It was a large lake, which he had noticed before, but when he looked carefully at this moment, he found that the bottom of the lake was actually surrounded by a circular wall made of huge stones.

"It can be used, and it can be modified when the time comes, but it should be imprisoned with something." Huang Liu hesitated, thought for a while and then said: "It is definitely not weird, a solid wall cannot imprison weird, maybe it is some kind of evil"

"Let's go and see." Lin Shan looked at Huang Liu and said seriously: "If there is any danger, we will run away."

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