Above the gray fog

Chapter 791 Open the door

Lin Shan took a deep breath to calm down. He never expected that the war that subverted the human circle would have such a trivial cause.

"You know that she is the daughter of the empress of the highly civilized empire of the previous era and the heir of the gods. Why don't you alert the scientific researchers of all races?" Lin Shan looked at Adam.

[What will happen if I remind you? ] Adam asked.

"The Ten Thousand Clans will not touch those corpses. Without the help of the Queen of the Empire, the war in the human circle may be rewritten."

[As you said, the direction and outcome of the war will be rewritten. Just because I mentioned it, the history of this galaxy was rewritten. I am not a creature of this era. The cause and effect is enough to crush me. . ]

After listening to Adam's explanation, Lin Shan fell into silence.

"Then why are you telling me now?"

[The mission of my existence is to protect the fire of all races as much as possible without endangering myself. I think you need to know the truth. Not only do you know it, but the surviving researchers also know the truth. Unfortunately, they are dead. Now You should be the only one in the circle of people who knows the truth. What are you going to do? ] Adam asked curiously.

"Then the Queen of the Empire won't cause trouble for me, right?"

[He, like me, is not from this era, so he cannot directly trouble you, but it is not certain whether he can do something secretly. ] Adam smiled.

"Did you deliberately let the Queen of the Empire find me? Why?" Lin Shan looked at Adam.

Both times he came here, Adam asked him to clean up the 'Farewell Flower'. Didn't this make it clear that he wanted the queen to miss him?

Adam did not answer Lin Shan's words, but sighed softly, "In the last era, He accidentally entered the space station when he was a little girl. My relationship with Him is pretty good, but creatures like humans will change. of."

"Does this have anything to do with the question I asked?" Lin Shan frowned.

[No connection, I just suddenly remembered it and felt a little emotional. ] Adam put his chin with his hand and looked at Lin Shan.

There is countless data flowing in the eyes.

After a while, it slowly said:

[All heavens and worlds, whether it is the previous Pangu Universe or the current Gray Mist Universe, have an essence. This is a force that no living being can resist. Because of this essence, only all heavens and worlds can exist. ]

[This essence is called ‘balance’. ]

[Everything has its opposites, black and white, yin and yang, humans and gods, strength and weakness. ]

[Black and white are in opposition to each other, Yin and Yang are in opposition to each other, humans and gods are in opposition to each other, strong and weak are in opposition to each other. ]

[What do you think of this sentence? ] Adam looked at Lin Shan with interest.

Lin Shan replied without thinking, "You want to say that humans and gods, strength and weakness, are essentially equivalent to yin and yang, black and white."

[clever. ] Adam sighed in admiration.

"I'm sorry I don't agree." Lin Shan shook his head, "Maybe the equality you said is not the equality I understand."

[Just treat it as a restrained relationship. If you encounter some problems that you can't handle in the future, you can start from this aspect. Remember, everything has an opposite side. ]

[Let me give you an example. If the resentment of all spirits gathers enough, even gods can be killed, and resentment comes from 'balance'. Without this balance, the gray fog universe would have turned into a mess. ]

"What you mean is that the resentment generated by all spirits is a symbol of equality between humans and gods. However, the resentment of trillions of people cannot kill a god. Trillions are better than one. How can this be equal?" Lin Shan retorted without thinking. .

[If you change your perspective, you will find that among trillions of people, there is only one person who can become a god. So, can this person be equal to trillions of people? ]

Lin Shan was thoughtful, as if he had captured something, but also as if he had captured nothing.

Then he stared at Adam, not understanding what kind of medicine it was selling in the gourd, "Although you said a lot, I can probably understand some of it, but what does this have to do with the Queen of the Empire? You don't want me to find someone who can restrain myself." Something belonging to the Queen of the Empire, right?”

[That’s it for now. ] Adam waved his hand and said: "You just need to remember what I said. Maybe it won't be necessary if you use it one day. The platform is almost renovated. The creatures of 'Chasing Fire' have already surrounded the space station. What's next? Help me adjust the coordinates of the space station.]

"After saying so much, you still didn't answer my question." Lin Shan raised his eyebrows lightly.

"No, He won't spend time on you." Adam said.

"That's not the problem." Lin Shan looked at Adam and repeated the previous question, "You deliberately made the Queen of the Empire care about me."

[Um. ] This time Adam admitted it generously.

"Why?" Lin Shan asked.

Adam spread his hands and tried to continue the fire as much as possible without endangering himself. ]


Adam stopped explaining and changed the subject, [The corridor you came in from, the first room on the right is Room 02. There is a red putter in it. You push it for about two seconds, and then put the putter down. . ]

Lin Shan saw that Adam made it clear that he didn't want to continue answering, so he didn't ask any more questions. He turned his eyes to the corridor behind him. Room 02 was not far behind him. The original key card was opposite the room 02 that Adam said. It should be 01. Room.

"Is there no danger?" Lin Shan asked, how could he remember that there were unknown dangers in every door.

[Yes, but with your current strength, it’s okay to hold on for a few seconds. ] Adam answered in the affirmative, and an ancient, rusty brass key flew out of Adam's hand.

"The space station has changed its coordinates. Will the location where I leave change?" Lin Shan took the brass key and asked again.

This matter must be asked clearly. This is an old space station. What if the distance of the two-second jump is too far, even across the galaxy, then he will have no place to cry.

[It will definitely change, but the distance of migration is at most more than ten light years. With the newly modified aircraft I gave you, this distance is nothing. ]

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded and turned to walk towards the room Adam mentioned.

When he walked to the door of Room 02, a flat keyhole was obvious.

Lin Shan observed the key in his hand.

There were no concave teeth, and the surface was cold, a bit like a very ordinary brass material with a little brown rust on it.

The key entered the keyhole smoothly.

Lin Shan put Jiuqi, who had been clinging to him, on the white jade floor and said, "Wait for me outside for a while."

Jiuqi looked at the door in front of him, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes, and his front paws were clinging to Lin Shan's trouser legs, as if he was a little worried.

Lin Shan pushed Jiu Qi back.

"Click." The door was pushed open by Lin Shan, making a faint ancient sound. A distorted beam of light came out from the crack of the door, and gradually spread out as the door opened.

The space inside the door seemed to transcend the shackles of reality, and time here became blurred and unpredictable.

Under Jiu Qi's gaze, Lin Shan slowly disappeared in front of the door.

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