Above the gray fog

Chapter 881 Promotion

"Next month is Gray Mist's New Year's Eve. Let's have a New Year's Eve dinner together?" Finally, Yuan Guang looked at Lin Shan and extended an invitation.

He still had extravagant wishes in his heart, hoping that Lin Shan would change his mind.

"Okay." Lin Shan agreed directly.

Time flies, and it will soon be New Year’s Eve.

Fireworks bloomed over the earth's human race, and the gray mist human race just watched dryly. They no longer had any feelings about the so-called New Year.

At the top of the Tianxuan Tower, Yuan Guang entertained many people, including Zuo Hong, who came from the Land of Guangyou.

Yuan Guang is indeed very suitable to be a leader of the human race. Unlike Lin Shan, who is purely superior, Yuan Guang can integrate into any group and deal with anyone. His vision and style of doing things are not weak at all.

"Come, come, let's all eat and drink. This is the New Year's Eve dinner, and Lin Shan's farewell drink." Yuan Guang greeted warmly.

Lin Shan's hand holding the vegetables froze. Why did this sound so wrong?

"Lin Shan, do you really want to leave? What should you do with Youhuo?" Zuo Hong, who was sitting next to Lin Shan, looked at Lin Shan. He didn't quite understand Lin Shan's approach. The human race was now in a prosperous stage, why would there be such a thing? OK idea.

"Well, I have made up my mind. I will leave the human world after my promotion." Lin Shan picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Zuo Hong. "After I leave, you will be the leader of Youhuo. Help me take care of the human race."

"Are you sure? You should know what Youhuo represents. This is the top right in the human world. In the next thousand years, whoever controls this right will be able to bring his race to the top." Zuo Hong looked at Lin seriously. good.

"So I'm not looking for anyone else, only you." Lin Shan said seriously, "I believe in you."

Zuo Hong drank the wine in the cup and said, "From now on, I will treat the human race like my own. When you come back, the Blessing Fire will still be yours."

"Everything in the world is for profit, and everything in the world is for profit. If you can break out of this circle, there won't be so many things. The so-called rights will get boring after a while." Lin Shan said with a smile, first gained When you are in power, it is indeed very comfortable and everything is so novel, but after a long time, it becomes boring.

Others raised their ears and listened to the conversation between the two. The only ones who could talk to Lin Shan were Zuo Hong and Yuan Guang. Yuan Guang was concerned about everyone's feelings. Although he cared about Lin Shan, he couldn't pay attention. It's all about Lin Shan, and he can have a few words with everyone.

Not far away, Gou Wenle and Yang Wan seemed to have put aside their previous suspicions. The two clinked glasses from time to time, and there was only relaxation between their brows, no longer as complicated as before.

As Yuan Guang's apprentice, Xiaopang was also invited. He mustered up the courage to toast Lin Shan during halftime. Lin Shan's natural response made him extremely excited. His life was changed because of Lin Shan. For Lin Shan , and he will always be grateful.

Seeing that Xiaopang's toast was successful, the others followed suit.

"Here's to the pioneers!"

"Here's to the pioneers!"

"Here's to the pioneers!"

Lin Shan responded one by one.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone else dispersed.

Lin Shan and Zuo Hong sat on the top of the Tianxuan Tower, watching the colorful fireworks below.

"Our Meimu tribe also has a New Year, which is more lively than yours. Remember... there are many tribesmen singing and dancing during the New Year. All the food on that day is free, and those who meet each other can enjoy the fun that night." Zuo Hong Tell about the customs of his people.

"I haven't seen Xuanniao for a long time. Where has she gone?" Lin Shan asked, ignoring the seemingly attractive custom of the Meimu tribe.

"Master Xuanniao likes to travel everywhere and rarely stays within the clan."


"Does your Meimu tribe still have such a custom? Brother Zuo Hong, please invite me to visit the Meimu tribe when you have time." Yuan Guang's voice appeared behind him.

"Yes, our Meimu tribe likes to entertain foreigners the most, especially men from the Wan tribe, who are more popular than men from our own tribe." Zuo Hong also expressed his views on the human race, "You human race are too conservative, which is not good for Unleashing human nature.”

"Releasing one's nature often does not lead to good results." Yuan Guang sat next to Lin Shan and refuted Zuo Hong's words.

Zuo Hong shook his head and chuckled, "What you call a bad result is just your own definition. If both parties think it is good, and society also thinks it is good, then it is good."

"Although what you said makes sense, humans set up shackles for protection." Yuan Guang agreed with Zuo Hong's words. From a civilized perspective, many things are difficult to define.

"Although all races have many similarities, there are also differences. Your protection is punishment for us." Zuo Hong said.

Lin Shan saw the two people on the left and right chatting with each other, and couldn't help but interject, "The culture of low-level beings is very different, but the higher you go, the smaller the differences. For example, when we chat together, and Mei Mu When we chat with the people of the human race, what they find unreasonable is just that in our opinion.”

"Yes, the higher you go, everything feels the same, and entertainment activities become less and less. How do the gods live every day?" Zuo Hong said with emotion.

Regarding this issue, Lin Shan believes that he still has a certain say. "Drinking tea, being in a daze, and being in a trance is a year. When there is nothing, you can only stay up and wait for things."

"That's about it."

"That god is really boring." Yuan Guang commented.

"We are also very boring." Lin Shan smiled.


"It seems so."

"Hahaha, hahahaha."

The three of them laughed heartily, but no one knew what they were laughing at. They just felt that they should laugh now.

"How do you plan to go? The fastest vehicle now is only ten times the speed of light. It may be a bit difficult to cross the hollow area of ​​millions of light years." Zuo Hong looked at Lin Shan,

"How do you go?" Lin Shan shook his head, "I haven't thought about it yet. I'll think about it when I go."

Zuo Hong was slightly surprised, "So casual? No more plans?"

"No, I just want to go, not to go somewhere. I am the number one fortune teller in the human circle. Believe in my sense of direction."

"That's right, I forgot about this. Anyone can get lost, but you definitely won't."

"I will be promoted first, and then go to Youhuo to complete the handover after the promotion is completed."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to find me." Zuo Hong nodded.


Human calendar year 997.

It has been 150 years since the human race on Earth crossed over.

Scale 5 Void Prison.

A colorful rule cocoon appeared out of thin air.

A white palm passed through the cocoon and peeled it off skillfully.

When the figure inside came out, the colorful rule cocoon immediately turned into a light spot and dissipated.

In 150 years, the ghost body was promoted to sequence 5.

The living body was also successfully promoted to the fourth stage. If there is no external force, the magic potion will naturally digest and it will take an average of 150 years to advance to a small stage.

There are still two characteristics missing for qualitative change and fusion. If he does not actively promote the fusion progress, there will be no progress. The later the fusion, the more difficult it will be. It is estimated that it will take hundreds of years to achieve a complete qualitative change.

Lin Shan quietly tore open the space and came to the outside world without alarming anyone.

In 150 years, the human race has achieved explosive development.

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