Above the gray fog

Chapter 91 The Journey

"Come up," the giant bird said in human language, its only leg crouched down, and its wings tilted to the ground, acting as an escalator for everyone.

The back of the giant bird was very wide, and it didn't seem crowded even if all five people came up, and there was even some space left.

Wu Wang took out a thin blanket from the backpack on his back and spread it on it, then placed various foods on it, and greeted everyone, "Everyone come to camp, it's not easy to come out."

Jin Tianzong turned his head and stared at him. The head was as big as a water tank, and it was inlaid with football-sized eyeballs. Wu Wang felt creepy and smiled, "If you are tired of flying, just stretch your head over here, I will feed you."

Everyone was speechless, God damn, stretch your head over here, I will feed you.

Jin Tianzong was furious, but he could do nothing about it. This guy has always been so jumpy. He ignored him, turned his head, and spread his wings to fly out of the barrier.

One day later

Five thousand meters above the sky, a giant bird more than ten meters wide was flying at a high speed. Lin Shan looked at the punctuation and calculated the speed. The giant bird that Jin Tianzong transformed into was also a speed expert, but because his current level was too low, only the second stage of Sequence 9, it was good to fly 500 kilometers a day, and everyone had to rest and eat in the middle.

In other words... it would take them about five months to reach their destination, not including the accidents they would encounter on the way.

One month later.

Everyone lay neatly on the back of the bird. Zhao Xiaoan and Wu Wang were sleeping soundly, while others were staring at the gray fog on the side in a daze. For a whole month, the surrounding scenery was unchanging, and they had not even been to the ground. There was no need to go down to take risks if they had enough dry food. If Jin Tianzong was tired, he would return to Xinguang to rest, and then continue on his way after resting well.

"We have walked so far, why haven't we encountered the tribes of other races." Xia Xuan felt bored and opened her mouth to find a topic.

Lin Shan sat up. He was used to this kind of journey. He looked at Xia Xuan and explained:

"It is impossible to break into the tribe by rushing around like this. The barrier outside the tribe will automatically guide us to avoid the tribe. Even if you feel that you are walking in a straight line, in fact, you are walking in a straight line, but you will avoid the area where the tribe is located. This seems to be some kind of protection rule. In theory, as long as you stay in the tribe, you will be safe, unless you encounter those high-order creatures. Moreover, you have only walked more than 10,000 kilometers... It is not far for this world."

This is what he learned from Huang Liu. There is no saying that powerful races will not bully weak races in this world. If the tribe is discovered, it is normal for people to be in a bad mood and slap you to death. However, normal people will not specifically trouble weak tribes, because there is no need. That little bit of tribe luck is completely dispensable. Who has nothing to do and finds ants to step on every day? Most of the ants that are stepped on to death are accidentally stepped on. The murderer may not even know that he just stepped on an ant.

He couldn't help but think of the fox city that was crushed. Maybe the behemoth didn't even notice the city under its feet.

"Fox tribe... Huang Liu said that they have no rivals except the fox tribe in the circle. Could it be the same fox tribe?" The weird girl and the middle-aged fox man were still fresh in his memory.

"What are you talking to yourself?"

"Nothing, just thinking of something."


Another month later.

I have to say that every time I travel with other pioneers, my luck is particularly good. It's calm all the way, without any danger, and I haven't even encountered attacks from ordinary evil.

When he was alone, there were always constant dangers, and he would encounter at least two attacks a month.

"Our dry food is running out, and the backpack that was originally bulging is now empty. We need to replenish it." Wu Wang turned the backpack over and poured it down, and only a few cans rolled out.

"It's yours that's going to be eaten, not ours." Huang Ying rolled her eyes at him, "Find a way after you finish eating, don't think about eating ours."

"My speed is normal, okay? How can you eat one meal a day? Lin Shan is even worse, he only eats one meal in two months!" Wu Wang said indignantly.

"Is it difficult to eat one meal a day? You are not an ordinary person, you are just greedy." Zhao Xiaoan mocked.

Seeing them quarreling, Xia Xuan smiled and said, "What's there to quarrel about? Wu Wang, you can eat mine in the next few days. I still have enough for a month. It's important to hurry on the road. Try not to waste time."

Zhao Xiaoan went over and hugged Xia Xuan's arm, "Sister Xia Xuan, don't be so kind. He won't die of starvation for ten days or half a month." Then he looked at Lin Shan, "Look at Lin Shan, he only eats one meal in two months, and nothing happened. I believe he can do it."

"How can I be the same as Lin Shan, this...strong man?" Wu Wang said angrily.

Zhao Xiaoan glanced at him, "Aren't you a man?"

"Okay, stop arguing. Let's go down and find something to eat in a few days. You haven't reached your peak yet. Filling your stomachs will just increase your spirituality." Lin Shan looked at the two people who were arguing and said.

These two people didn't get along when they first crossed over, and they are still like this now.

However, it may be because they have been suppressed for too long. In the tribe, everyone is a pioneer, a beacon leading the human race, a hero, and the object of everyone's admiration. While bearing these titles, huge pressure is also on everyone's shoulders. At that time, are their words and deeds still their own words and deeds? Only when everyone gathers together will they be so relaxed, even Lin Shan is the same.

When Lin Shan spoke, the two glared at each other, and sat on the back of the bird and stopped talking.

Time passed quickly, and another five days passed.

At this time, Jin Tianzong was carrying everyone at a low altitude of 200 meters. Below was a plain with serious desertification and sparsely rooted yellow weeds.

Even if the others used the spiritual vision ritual, the visual range was only more than 200 meters, unlike Lin Shan's two sequences superimposed to reach a visual range of nearly 500 meters, so they could only descend to an altitude of 200 meters.

"What is that thing over there? Can it be eaten?"

"Brother, that's a centipede! If you want to eat it, keep it for yourself."


From time to time, we can encounter evil or wild beasts along the way, but we didn't see anything suitable to eat. It was either centipedes or various insects. It should be the characteristics of this area. The creatures living in each area of ​​this world have regional characteristics.

At this moment, a giant bird flew towards us. Its body size was a little bigger than that of Jin Tianzong's illusion. He rushed straight towards Jin Tianzong, and his target was the people on Jin Tianzong's back.

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