Above the gray fog

Chapter 916 Federal Abnormality

[Is this game really that fun? Based on my experience of playing virtual games on various platforms for more than ten years, the "virtual world" can only be said to be mediocre, but the initial difficulty is too great, and it is definitely not a universal game. The reason why there are so many players is all due to the Federation's promotion. Everyone around you plays it. If you don't play it, you are a kind of out-of-group. ]

[Why does the Federation use such a great effort to promote a virtual game. Even using false lies such as helping to reduce the burden on society?]

[I had a hunch that there must be something fishy about this game a long time ago. In addition, various strange events have often occurred in the seven years since the game was launched, and even some human lives have occurred. A few people should have seen that someone posted before that the things obtained in the game can be taken out of the game, and even some strange energy in the game can be used outside the game. ]

[But these posts, as soon as they appear, will be deleted by the Federation officials, and the posters will be invited in for tea, so few people know about it, and it is only circulated in a very small circle. Today, I am risking being invited to have tea by the Federal Supervisory Agency to announce to everyone that all of this is true, with videos as evidence! ]

[This is a video I shot in the real world. I definitely didn't make a fake video. Let's see what this is. The ultimate reward of the Dragon Subduing Dungeon is the 'Dark Dragon Scale'. That's right, just now, the frontline strategy team has been attacking the Dragon Subduing Dungeon for more than 5 years and we have taken it down. This dragon scale is the final reward. But when I was about to log off and rest, I was surprised to find that this dragon scale actually appeared in reality. When I held this dragon scale in reality, I woke up. This is the real reason why the Federation encourages all citizens to participate in the game. The effect of this dark dragon scale in the game is to increase physical strength thirteen times and recover from injuries quickly. Although all visible values ​​are lost when brought back to reality, all the effects are still there. In reality, holding the dark dragon scale, my physique is really thirteen times stronger or even more! ]

[Look, this is an alloy steel plate. I can now bend it with my bare hands. ]

[I believe this post will be deleted soon, and I will disappear. I just hope everyone can know the truth. Every citizen of the Federation is the master of the Federation and should not be deceived so wantonly. ]

"Bring things in the game to reality?" Lin Shan frowned. If it is just to bring the energy in the game back to the technology used in reality, the level of civilization of the fox tribe can achieve it. These settings can be completed by borrowing the source.

The fox tribe can do it, and the technology of the Federation can naturally do it, but it is absolutely impossible to expand it to the entire Federation. The fox tribe, which has experienced wars for many years, has only a small test field for this kind of game, because the source is actually consumed. There is no war in the Federation, so where can there be so much source to enhance the physique of citizens.

But this person said that only a small number of people can bring energy out of the game. Is the Federation training extraordinary warriors in a targeted manner? This is very likely, perhaps to make up for the consumption during the war with the human circle...

Bringing items out of the game is even simpler. The entire game is run by the Federation, and it is not difficult to use teleportation technology to teleport specific items to the real residence of the passer-by.

The only doubt is, why did the Federation hide all this? Since they chose to hide, why did they do something that would definitely expose themselves, such as teleporting game props?

Things may not be that simple...

Lin Shan, who originally wanted to change games to find people, continued to dig for useful information in the forum because of this sudden incident.

After reading it for a whole day, he didn't find any other related posts until he was woken up by Sersi.

And the post he first saw suddenly disappeared more than ten minutes after he read it. There were millions of replies under that post, and those who replied did not show any signs of making a fuss. Everything seemed very strange.

"What happened?"

"That person asked me to meet in reality." Sersi said in a low voice, "He gave me an address and said we should have lunch together tomorrow at noon."

"This is a good thing." Hearing this good news, Lin Shan's depression that had accumulated for a long time in the forum dissipated a lot, "Tomorrow we will all go with you, there is no need to have other thoughts, there is no process of eating, we can just go and catch him back, then, he will be here, and we can know whatever we want to know."

"Okay." Sersi nodded slightly.

"By the way, have you seen the previous post?" Lin Shan asked.

"What post?"

"It says that things in this game can be taken back to reality."

"No, isn't this a game? How can you take things out?"

"It's okay, forget it if there's nothing." Lin Shan shook his head, but still told him what he saw before.

Sersi looked confused, but Jiuqi had a big reaction after hearing this, "Impossible, the Dawn Federation controls the entire Virgo Galaxy, and has countless people under its command. How could they have so many source essences to enhance civilians? When they were fighting with the human circle, they didn't deliberately collect source essences."

"Then do you think what that person said was false?" Lin Shan looked at Jiuqi. It's not impossible.

Jiuqi raised his head and stared at the star in the distance. The previous strongest tribes basically had similar experimental sites, and the fox tribe's experimental site was Sin City.

Jiuqi said slowly:

"Using source essence and some of the original technology, you can create the effect of upgrading after killing other creatures. The source essence of a single ordinary creature cannot do this. The missing amount is provided by the fox tribe."

"For example, if two ordinary mortals have a dispute, one kills the other, and the winner will directly upgrade to a higher level. The source essence he absorbs is at least a hundred or even a thousand times the creature he killed. The extra source essence is provided by the fox tribe."

"Each tribe builds such a place to study source essence. If you want to strengthen the entire tribe through source essence, it is impossible."

Jiu Qi continued, his tone was absolute, "The Federation concealed it on the one hand, and on the other hand, it exported the props in the game to the outside world, causing a small part of the chaos and then immediately suppressing the chaos. There is an obvious contradiction between these behaviors, but this just happens to prove another possible conclusion."

"This game may not be completely controlled by the Federation." Jiu Qi said word by word, "At least, the props that appear in the game in the outside world are definitely not given by the Federation."

"It seems that there is something strange about this." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

Then he thought again, whatever strangeness the Federation has seems to have nothing to do with them, and they are not here to investigate the Federation...

"Don't worry about these for now, the most important thing is to solve the curse on us."

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