Above the gray fog

Chapter 919 Getting the News

"Savages? He said we are savages?" Lao Wang looked unkind.

"'Savages' should be their jargon, probably people who do not have federal citizenship." Lin Shan explained.

"Of course I know, just think he is scolding us." Lao Wang looked at the fat man pressing closer and closer and asked, "Who is coming?"

"Can you do it?" Lin Shan looked suspicious. Lao Wang's current strength is only sequence 9. Even if he has superb spiritual control, he can't withstand the crushing strength.

"Huh? Don't tell me that I still have the spirituality of Sequence 9 now. Even if I become an ordinary person, I can still handle this kind of thing at will." Lao Wang saw Lin Shan's eyes, and immediately felt that he was despised, and said angrily , "There is no such thing as a tiger being bullied by a dog in this world."

Lao Wang took out the Si Yi Knife he had snatched from the storage space.

With a slight stroke forward, everyone present didn't know what happened, but one of the fat man's arms had fallen off, and fireworks were flashing at the fracture. It was a mechanical arm.

The Knife of Thoughts can freeze time. To put it simply, time stands still. This is the ability of Sequence 6. Naturally, they cannot feel any abnormality in their current state.

The scene in front of them stunned everyone. The store was no longer as peaceful as before, and the customers who had been calm before began to retreat crazily.

The fat man turned pale in pain and spoke incoherently, "You...my...how is it possible, how did you do it?

"External force is also a type of strength." Lao Wang touched the blade and said proudly.

Lao Wang's proud words made everyone focus on the silver sword in his hand.

"What? You want it?" Lao Wang teased wantonly, "I won't give it to you."


Lao Wang's provocation angered the buyer next to him, "Old man, you have the guts!"

"What? Threatening my old man?" Lao Wang smiled contemptuously, "I changed my mind. Everyone present must leave 1 million credits before they can leave this door. If you don't give money, I will kill anyone who dares to leave. "

More than a dozen buyers in colorful or low-key costumes looked at each other in confusion. No one dared to move. No one wanted to stand out.

"Ahem." Lin Shan coughed lightly, "Don't be too high-profile."

"I usually ignore these people. It's an honor for them to say a few words to them today, but they all stare at us like a hunter staring at his prey. How can I stand it? Today Let them know who is the hunter." Lao Wang refused to give up. The expressions of these people made him feel unhappy. He raised his knife and saw that the body of a buyer hiding in the corner had been separated.

"Hurry up, hurry up, give me the money together. Once you have collected all the money, you can leave." Lao Wang urged, "If you don't move, you may be the next one to die."

"Hero, have mercy on me, I, I, I...I don't have that much money, I'm just a servant who helps our master look for organs." After saying that, a middle-aged man dressed like a human and a dog knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing. , praying to Lao Wang to spare his life.

"Bah, I don't care who you are, you can only leave today if you pay me." As soon as Lao Wang finished speaking, the head of the man kneeling on the ground flew out.



The others screamed loudly to relieve their fear.

As an old man, Lao Wang knew that if he was soft-hearted and let this person out, others would definitely say that he was also a domestic servant, and kneeling down and kowtowing was nothing compared to money.

I saw Lao Wang playing robbery here.

Lin Shan walked straight towards the fat man, "Don't be afraid, I just want to inquire about something from you."

The fat man retreated to the corner after his arm was cut off and did not dare to move. The enemy could cut off his arm or his head without anyone noticing. No matter how many countermeasures he had, he would not dare to do so. act rashly.

"You...you tell me." The fat man, who was extremely fierce just now, is now a little awkward when speaking. There is a big difference between using genetic potions to advance and taking magic potions to advance. Taking genetic potions, no matter how far you are promoted, No divinity is born within the body.

"Do you know Chaofan? Not the one who takes genetic medicine like you, but the one who has strange abilities." Lin Shan asked.

"I know, I know, you mean the kind of extraordinary person who drank magic potion or was born with awakening. I know both of these."

"Very good, come with us and let you go if we find the target." Lin Shan said calmly.

"This kind of person is not something I can even imagine." The fat man was a little embarrassed, "I know that there is only one extraordinary person on Edith Planet - the Archon of Edith Star."

"If you don't want this kind of official extraordinary, are there any folk ones?" Lin Shan frowned. He didn't want to offend the official forces of the Dawn Federation yet.

"Yes, yes." Hearing that Lin Shan didn't want to meet the official Chaofan, Fatty was relieved, "I also know two Chaofans from the Star Hunting Tower. If you want to find Chaofans, you can find them on an ordinary planet like Edith Star." It is very difficult to find in the world. The paranormals awakened by the Federation will be sent to the central star region. The Star Hunting Tower and the Free Association also have their own areas under their jurisdiction. The number of paranormals in other star regions is very limited, even on the Edith Star. The administrative district’s main star is only single-digit extraordinary.”

At this moment, there were bursts of chaotic footsteps outside.

The fat man looked outside, and the hope of survival suddenly flashed in his eyes, but the demon in front of him was still there, and he didn't show too many expressions.

"There are many robots outside, all holding weapons, and there are more than a dozen genetic warriors." Cersei stood at the door and looked out, "There is an extra barrier in the sky, it seems to restrict us."

"We have got the information we want, let's go, this planet has begun to pay attention to us, be careful not to attract the attention of the Federation." Lin Shan let the animal tooth bracelet restrain the fat man who was looking happy in front of him.

The fat man was shocked. Didn't this man just say that he wanted to leave? What does this mean?

"Well... you are still useful. Come with us and tell us everything you know, and I will let you go." Lin Shan's words made the fat man fall into despair.

He is a gangster, and he knows very well that if he says this, the other party will not be able to survive.

The fat man showed a fierce look on his face, and smoke suddenly came out of his back, two black holes were exposed, and fist-sized missiles flew towards Lin Shan.

A black flame enveloped Lin Shan and others, and the missile exploded, flattening the entire building and the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters.

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