Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1002: Holy Son's Cave

Wang Lu understood that with this sword strike, the formation would no longer be spared.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"

As the deep blue fell, the formation emits a piercing scream, as if things had reached a critical and irreversible situation.

I saw a thick and deep blue sword thread breaking free from the dark blue spirit sword. The sword thread directly ignored the distance of the space. As soon as it came out, it took a step across the space and passed through the layers of white light waiting for it.

It seemed like an understatement, but under the snowy eyes, the shock in Wang Lu's eyes was clearly revealed.

The splendid and fiery white light of the protective formation seemed to have been suddenly destroyed by a sudden rainstorm, and the entire body was covered with water.


Accompanied by the momentary dimming of the white light, the formation let out an almost inaudible weak cry, and the brilliance was gone, gone.

So strong!

The six-star Gongyue Blade blessed by "Infinite" and the green talisman cloud did not even damage the fur of this formation, but Deep Blue's weak sword pushed it into the abyss of hell.

Wang Lu looked at Deep Blue who had fallen off from his right hand and turned into his own body with excitement. He shouted in his heart, what kind of existence are you? You are so powerful, boundless and lawless.

Even compared to you, Lingbao may be far behind.

It's a pity, it's a pity, the conditions for refining you are too harsh. The Ice Spirit Root is easy to find, but I haven't even heard of that damn thing's "Body of Ten Thousand Seas", let alone looked for it.

We can only try our luck and wait and see.

Haha, you are so powerful, even if I help you find it, I might not be willing to send you away. Now just follow me and conquer the world.

gone back.

Wang Lu used his magic power and "whoosh", the dark blue spiritual sword turned into a blue hair and blended into his hair.


Wang Lu laughed dumbly.

Why hadn't I noticed before that the Sky-supporting Stick occupied the position above his head domineeringly, and Deep Blue seemed to be a little afraid of it, stopping far away from his ears.

The cave is blocking, and Zi Jiu is inside it. Previously, due to the barrier of the formation, he could not wake it up from the illusion with his thoughts.

Now just a gentle drink will wake it up.

He was thinking whether to go in or not.

There are advantages to going in. Maybe there are some of his rare treasures hidden inside, and you can easily steal them. Why not?

If you don't go in, you can take Zi Jiu away immediately. While there is still a little time, you can escape from this underground maze along the way you came, stay away from Chaotian Palace, a place of right and wrong, and avoid direct fights with the Four Holy Sons and the Seven Holy Sons.

Anyway, harvesting milk extract can be regarded as a blessing that attracts worldwide attention.

Go in.

If God desires it, not taking it is a sin.

Wang Lu stared at him and walked into the cave step by step.


Such a deep aura, no, it's not an ordinary aura, but a very rare blood aura.

Walking into it, you will first see a wide hall, with eight passages glowing with crimson light extending from the edge of the hall in different directions.

The walls of the hall were crimson, and tiny red blood spirit beads were condensed on them. One by one, they flowed along the top to the corners of the wall, and then slowly seeped into the blood-red ground, along the gaps, and finally flowed into an unknown person in the middle of the hall. What a deep, choppy pool of blood.

There is a strange large stone in the blood pool that is as red as a ruby. On the large stone is placed a fist-sized wine-red ancient monster egg.

Although this beast has not hatched, it is filled with a powerful and unique wave of life.

Every heartbeat stirred the blood pool, causing the waves to roll all the time.

Huge masses of blood spiritual power were swallowed up by it silently.

What on earth is this? What a powerful vitality, what a huge devouring power.

Once it breaks out of its shell, it is no easy beast.

However, although the beast eggs were mysterious and advanced, Wang Lu just glanced at them casually and flashed towards the first passage on the left.

No matter how wonderful it is, it can't compare to one ten thousandth of Zi Jiu.

At the end of the passage is a secret room blocked by a golden light door. The golden light is also caused by the formation.

It seems that there are many treasures in it.

"Break it for me."

The six-star Gongyue Blade jumped out, and slashed at the golden light formation without any courtesy. Wang Lu used all his magic power, and 80% of the "Thousand Threads of Blades Formation" spurted out, "boom", and in the seven-blade count Under the billions of sharp blades, the light gate suddenly collapsed.

Wang Lu ducked in.

In the secret room, there are more than a hundred jade boxes of ten thousand-year-old white crystal jade, dozens of jade slips shining with various colors, and three exquisite humanoid puppets placed on two rows of toad wooden shelves.

Wang Lu made a move with one hand, and all the treasures were put into his storage bag.

Let's go out and see what the good stuff is.

The second passage, the third passage, and the seventh passage were all plundered by him.

The harvest is unimaginable.

Even he, who had always been steady, was a little excited at this time.

It really lives up to that saying, a horse will not be fat without night grass, and a man will not be rich without windfall.

The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death.

Wang Lu took a drop of the milk extract, and his magic power was instantly fulfilled, and his physical pain was greatly relieved. He must have used the "Endless Superposition" once.

the last one.

"Zijiu wake up!"

Wang Lu shouted in a low voice.


At this moment, Zi Jiu, who was in a state of confusion, suddenly opened his two small eyes, looked around, sensed something casually, opened his wings, and came to Wang Lu's left shoulder in an instant.

Wang Lu looked at it carefully, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed "haha".

However, his smile caused Zi Jiu to roll his eyes, and then he turned into a purple light and threw it into the spirit beast bag.

Zi Jiu not only did not suffer any harm, but also gained some benefits.

The Four Saints are on their way back.

Let's go after all the benefits.

He did not step into the last secret room, because that was the most confidential place of the Four Saints, and he did not want to see those wronged souls who died tragically.

Returning to the blood pool hall at lightning speed, Zi Jiu suddenly felt an inexplicable fear and surprise.

He knew that Zi Jiu wanted to devour the beast egg.

Forget it.

If Zi Jiu devoured and refined it, what would be the difference between what the Four Saints did, and would you still be the current Zi Jiu in the future?

There are things that can be done and things that cannot be done.

Such things that sacrifice others to fulfill one's own affairs must never be done.

Once you do it, under the cycle of cause and effect, sooner or later, you will get the same retribution.

Of course, unless the other party has evil intentions towards you.

After his persuasion, Zi Jiu was very unhappy. Wang Lu had to quickly take out a piece of top-grade spirit stone and put it into the spirit beast bag, which made this little ancestor calm down and fall asleep.

Hey, it's good this way. Without your breath, Zi Jiu, the Four Saints will never find you again.

Wang Lu then calmed down and sat cross-legged in the void with his eyes slightly closed.

The first thing the Four Saints did when they came back was his old nest.

Not only for the innocent lives that died in his hands, but also for the dying Mao Ju in the human bag and Zi Jiu who didn't have time to poison the spirit beast bag, he wanted to fight him to the death.

If he returned with a full load and left, he would not be able to get past this level anyway.

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