Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1004: Lure the snake out of its hole

Watching the huge army of 100,000 black pearl bees disappear like the sun and the moon in the blink of an eye, while Ji Qing was speaking, the four of them released their own methods.

Ji Qing's blue spirit sword flashed, and a clear blue light spread rapidly from bottom to top in all directions with the four people as the center.

"Ding ding ding ding ding..."

It was like the sound of metal collision, and thousands of black pearl bees were bounced and flew away when they met the sword light, but the power of the sword light was dissipated.

Their breath dropped sharply in the distance, but the queen bee in the formation flapped her six wings, and with the injection of an invisible force, she disappeared again with vigor.

"Xuan Chi Cycle Formation"!

Ji Qing secretly cried out, this formation is a secret formation that the black pearl bee clan has disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years.

Its power lies in that as long as the spiritual energy can keep up with the speed of consumption, 100,000 black pearl bees will be an immortal and terrifying existence under the blessing of the queen bee.

If you want to break this formation, you must first exhaust the spiritual energy of this formation. Don't even think about it. Who can drain the spiritual energy of the Chaotian Palace secret realm?

Another way is to kill 100,000 black pearl bees in an instant, forcing the queen bee to come down and kill them personally, and this formation will break without attack.

As a kind of strange insect, the black pearl bee is a very different existence.

They rarely grow to level 7 monsters, and there are very few cases. The peak of level 6 is their limit.

However, once they break through level 6 and reach level 7, there will be earth-shaking changes.

The speed is comparable to teleportation, the monster body is like a golden gang, and the whole body is full of poison. When the abdominal needle pierces, even the sky demon will retreat and dare not provoke it easily.

The level 8 black pearl bee is even rarer, and it is rare to see it in ten thousand years.

And the level 8 peak black pearl bee queen close to the level of the sky demon can be said to be extremely rare. Even the records of the insect race in history are only a few words, pitifully few.

Such a peerless and powerful formation, where did the Holy Son get it from?

A bad premonition slowly rose.

But he must not tell them about the "Xuan Chi Cycle Formation", otherwise the three of them would definitely feel the fear of being defeated, and then, it would be a real disaster.

As long as the bee colony consumes them almost to the point where they can't resist and escape, even if they can break through the encirclement of the bee colony, how can they be faster than the fatal blow of the queen bee?


Thinking of this, an idea of ​​defeating the enemy gradually formed.

In a flash of thought, the six domain masters stretched out a white silk in an instant, like a galaxy jade belt to gather, entangle and twist the black bees in all directions.


Thousands of black bees turned into powder, but the next moment, the queen bee exhaled a breath of life, and they returned alive and full of blood again.

At the same time, the three domain masters waved their jade hands, and millions of ferocious cold ants that were chilling to look at appeared, baring their fangs and claws, tearing the sky and splitting the earth. Pieces of extremely cold air that froze everything sprayed out, instantly freezing the surrounding void.

The movement of the black pearl bee was greatly affected, and it struggled to get out.

For this reason, the cold ants pounced on it, and more than a hundred of them bit and scratched a black pearl bee frantically, but the black pearl bee was so poisonous that even if it could not resist the self-explosion, it would also drag the cold ants into the underworld.

The seven domain masters were as gentle as jade, with graceful movements. A golden flute was suspended in the air, and several spells were cast. A circle of strange sound waves that seemed to be as loud as the sound of the great sound was sprinkled, piercing the soul.

The souls of thousands of black pearl bees were shattered with a "bang".

Although the four people had extraordinary means and powerful magical powers, the level 7 peak black pearl bee, which was 30% of its strength, was always reborn and reborn repeatedly under the continuous blessing of the queen bee.

However, the effect is very obvious. The "Xuan Chi Circulation Formation" is like a bottomless pit, swallowing up a huge amount of deep spiritual energy.

But the large spiritual vein in the Chaotian Palace secret realm, even if it absorbs like this day and night, it may not be exhausted in 500,000 years.

The spiritual energy is there, and the formation is intact. This is the magic of the "Xuan Chi Circulation Formation", which interprets the four words of endless life vividly.

Half an incense stick passed quickly, and the spiritual energy consumed by the formation was comparable to a huge amount. How could Ji Qing and the other four escape?

The demon power decreased linearly, and 20% was lost.

If this goes on, they can only wait for death. With their joint efforts, they can destroy at most half of the Xuanzhu bees at one time, but the queen bee doesn't care at all. She is full of energy and spirit, without any weakness.

Since you don't come out, then lure the snake out of the hole and lure you out.

Ji Qing immediately sent a message to the three people and told them his thoughts in detail.

They also saw that this formation was a dead loop. If they wanted to untie this knot, the source was still the queen bee.

He immediately agreed with his idea.

In fact, Ji Qing didn't tell them one thing.

He vaguely felt that the Holy Son would return soon.

If the circular formation could not be broken in a short time, at that time, not only would the "Xuan Chi Circular Formation" become more powerful, but the four of them would also follow the footsteps of the Eighteen Territory Lords without suspense and die from then on.

Breaking the formation was a matter of urgency and imperative.


The third territory lord's cold ant, the sixth territory lord's white silk, and the seventh territory lord's flute ignored the bee swarms except those in front of them, and suddenly hit the front.


Unexpectedly, 30,000 were destroyed at once, and a straight passage was cleared in front of the ancestral altar.


At the same time, Ji Qing shouted loudly, and the whole person suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, the queen bee's eyes suddenly tightened.

With flapping wings, 50,000 of the remaining 70,000 Black Pearl Bees immediately changed their attack and blocked Ji Qing in an instant. The other dead Black Pearl Bees came back to life and swarmed towards Ji Qing, blocking him tightly inside and outside.

The pressure on the three of the six domain masters suddenly decreased. Knowing that the opportunity was not to be missed, they all used their strongest means to wipe out the 20,000 black bees and attacked the formation frantically.

Seeing this, the queen bee's eyes were blurred. "Bang bang bang bang bang", a flash of silver light flashed, and the three of them felt a flash in front of their eyes, and their eyes were painful like needles, and their attack suddenly slowed down.

The next moment, the 20,000 black bees revived again and attacked them who were poisoned.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a while, the sky was full of light, various magical powers exploded, the sky shook, and the three of them felt that their demon power was gradually decreasing and was quickly frozen.

They looked at each other and wanted to retreat.

Suddenly, with a loud roar, they killed the bees that besieged them with the little remaining demon power, and teleported away like a stray dog.

Only Ji Qing was left in the field, who was still resisting.

In a short time, his demonic power was depleted by 80%. His messy hair covered his eyes, his body was covered with green blood, and his body was covered with tiny holes, all of which were pierced by the black bee's tail needles.

His breath dropped sharply, and it was horrible to look at. It seemed that he was just making a last futile struggle.


He used all his demonic power, and a blue sun that was brighter than the sun exploded.

100,000 black bees instantly melted into 80,000.

He glanced at the queen bee viciously as fast as lightning, and then dragged his seriously injured body to escape.

However, the other 20,000 black bees flapped their wings desperately, and the wind blades and 20,000 tail needles shot towards him.


Ji Qing's body suddenly became numb, and he suddenly sprayed a mouthful of his own demonic power on the water blue spirit sword. A soft water wave wrapped him, and at the same time, an indestructible blue light water wall stretched between him and the black bee. He raised the last demonic power and was about to escape.

At this moment, the queen bee opened her six wings and disappeared in an instant.

It came to the blue light wall and passed through it.

However, when it suddenly felt that there was no defense at all, "Hahahaha", Ji Qing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed: "You fell into the trap!"

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