Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1233: Suddenly Tightened

With the return of the Twin See Array, everything in Qingyang Mountain is in full view.

Zhou Mu and Zhou Xue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though the Divine Talisman has an unparalleled super speed of five thousand feet per breath, it still failed to catch up with the mysterious man who rescued Ding Yuting.

No matter if this person has the same speed as the Divine Talisman or other means, as long as they can escape, they will not resolutely take the gamble.

However, one thing is unimaginable.

How did the person who incarnated as "Cui Datong" make the Twin See Array directly ineffective and penetrate the array set up by Master Tianfu himself as if there was no one in the world?

Perhaps, with the above two points, Master Shenfu will chase after him personally.

As long as these two mysteries are solved, there is still a place in the world that cannot be visited. The Tianfu Sect's Array is just a figment of their imagination.

The two came back to their senses.

The Tianfu Sect was very kind to them. Although they had the Four Eyes of the Smallpox, which was of great significance but illusory, if they couldn't even pass the test of exterminating the sect, what was the point of talking about the Four Eyes of the Smallpox?

If the Tianfu Sect was destroyed because of their untimely information, even the powerful people in the sect in the God-Transforming Stage were wiped out, what would be their fate?

Needless to say, it was necessary to cut the grass and root it out, and exterminate it completely.

Many iron-clad things have proved that being kind to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

In order to put an end to this entangled grudge of revenge and never rekindle it, the best way is to leave no one behind.

After putting down "Cui Datong, who was owned by the Ten Great Spirit Eyes", the two women immediately adjusted their mentality and stimulated the mountain protection formation and the Twin Flower Formation to the limit.

As expected by the three people of Xingfu, Jianfu, and Beifu, there were as many as seventeen powerful people of Tianzun and above who had entered the Tianfu Sect.

Needless to say, the five people of Tulong were doing their best to break the formation set up by the Tianfu Master.

A man with messy hair and a mask was fleeing towards the Cuiyu Bamboo Forest where Liu Xiu was at a speed of 3,000 feet per breath.

A man and a woman were flying towards the Frog Valley where they were at the same speed.

Four thin men with strange looks, as if they were crippled, rushed to the Tianbao Pavilion guarded by the main peak Qingyang Mountain, with obvious intentions.

A masked, thin man in gray clothes, carrying a purple-gold scabbard sword on his back, walked calmly in the air towards the Cuiyu Bamboo Forest where Leng Zhi was imprisoned.

What was shocking was that his one step was 3,800 feet away.

If he ran wildly with his arms loose, how fast would he be?

A man and a woman, the man was handsome and the woman was charming, they stood side by side on a blue broadsword, their dresses fluttering, their long hair fluttering, like a couple of gods and fairies.

The broadsword led them through the clouds and mist, and flew straight to the bamboo forest that imprisoned Huang Shen Gu.

The two strong men rushed to the Fu Garden, another treasure place of Tianfu Sect, with a teleportation of 3,300 feet per breath without any taboos.

The one sitting in Fu Garden was Su Baichuan, the second strongest man of Tianfu Sect.

With the strength of the two Tianzuns, they could only wait to be killed when facing Su Baichuan.

If the seventeen Tianzuns attacked other super forces in Zhongzhou, they might be more than enough and win in one battle, but they were still a little weak against the giant Tianfu Sect.

However, the three of them would never have thought that this was just the beginning.

The mountain protection formation of Tianfu Sect was strong, and the double-flowered formation was rare in ancient times, but how could it resist the surging of people's hearts and minds.

The double-flowered formation could only illuminate all the places inside Tianfu Sect, and for the outside, it was dark and invisible.

Besides, were those seventeen people really so incompetent that they would be killed?

After receiving the order to prepare the talisman, Zhou Mu and Zhou Xue once again conducted a comprehensive inspection of the mountain protection formation and the twin formation, and even the ten tiny dots were smoothed out by them.

Since then, the two formations have no flaws and are round as one.

Next, it is the drama that they thought they had caught a turtle in a jar.

In Wang Lu's imagination, if there was an extra 10,000-mile teleportation talisman, he would leave with Ding Yuting.

Unexpectedly, it was destined that only the only one was drawn.

He had no choice but to send his beloved disciple away.

In fact, within a cup of tea, he went to Ding Yuting's side without anyone knowing.

Watching her grow from a little girl to a graceful lady and then to an independent woman like an orchid in a valley after going through thousands of sails, as a master, he was both happy and heartbroken.

He was really unworthy of being a master, and he had not been able to give her guidance on cultivation, life, and the path. Fortunately, the little girl was diligent and hardworking, had a little talent, and her senior sister Fu Tang and the entire Fantasy Sect carefully cultivated her, which made her so tenacious today.

Wang Lu looked at his disciple silently. The two were so close that even Ding Yuting could feel that he was coming quickly.

He knew Ding Yuting's wrong intuition very well.

However, he could only remain silent, as if he was wrapped in an ocean of apology and tenderness.

He wanted to say, disciple, the master is here.

He wanted to tear off the God and Ghost Invisibility Talisman so that she could clearly see and know that his master came for her regardless of the thousands of mountains and rivers, the difficulties and obstacles, and even the death of the Tao would come for her.

Until Ding Yuting's tears fell silently, his heart was tightly clenched, he could no longer remain indifferent, and tears wet his eyes.

However, he still couldn't move at all, because countless pairs of eyes were staring at him, staring at Ding Yuting.

Especially the pair of cloudy eyes that contained infinite wisdom, which made him uneasy and frightened.

Before the snow pupils were opened, the formation that wrapped Ding Yuting was ordinary, but under the snow pupils, this formation had great power, and even the Taiyi Formation Talisman could not break it.

The only chance was the moment when the formation was touched.

When the formation was activated and formed a protective shield in a very short time, it could shield the direct gaze and surveillance of the pair of invisible sharp eyes with its own activated spiritual power fluctuations.

And this is exactly what the Taiyi Formation Talisman is good at, the slightest flaw can be traced.

The master and the disciple are connected in heart, how could he not know Yuting's thoughts, how could he not know?

With such a disciple, what else can he ask for.

Wang Lu put aside all distractions, the key to success or failure lies in that one percent of breath.

If it were someone else, even if he had the Ghost and God Invisibility Talisman and the Taiyi Formation Talisman, such a short pause, even if he knew how to do it, would fail miserably.

But he has snow pupils, unique snow pupils, snow pupils that slow down a thousand times. One percent of a breath is ten breaths in his eyes.

Ten breaths, even a weak person who can't even tie a chicken can do something, let alone him.

Ding Yuting's heart was broken, but she firmly stretched out her jade finger and stabbed the Nascent Soul fiercely.


The strong formation was activated, and the yellow light was emitted.

When the yellow light blocked the spiritual perception of everyone including Ding Yuting, Wang Lu moved.

Without any signs, while sending Ding Yuting away with one percent of a breath, he also retreated unscathed.

Only the eyes were left with an unknown emptiness.

So when this strange scene appeared, the divine talisman suddenly changed color, and aroused the inexplicable excitement of the invisible eyes.

So, the divine talisman abandoned everything and chased after him.

And, just at the moment when the divine talisman set out to chase him, he finally realized it.

The scene turns back...

When he "entered Qingyang Mountain under Cui Datong's identity, the inexplicable reason that made his heart tighten suddenly" was that he thought the other party had noticed something. At that time, he was eager to save people and didn't take it to heart.

Thinking about it now, it's not the case at all.

And it's completely different.

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