Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 176 Goodbye Xu Kui

Wang Lu came to the stone door, looking at the stone door that was almost integrated with the wall of the hall. He mustered all his magic power and pushed hard, but the stone door did not move at all.

Wang Lu tried several more times, but the stone door still did not move at all.

He thought for a moment, there is no door in this world that cannot be opened, it's just that the method or key is wrong. Since there is no correct method or key to open it, then only violence can be used.

Wang Lu thought and did it, and released the six-star arched moon blade. Under the spell, the six-star arched moon blade formed a circle above his head, and the circle was bright and bright with dazzling light.

At the same time, Wang Lu kept casting various spells with both hands, and the "Thousands of Threads Blade Formation" was added to the round six-star arched moon blade.

Under the blessing of the blade array, the six sub-blades of the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade spun rapidly around the main blade in the middle, until the end, the speed became faster and faster, one after another of the green sword blades whistled towards the stone gate, stabbed on the stone gate, splashed bursts of green and yellow, and the yellow light isolated the sword blades one foot away from the stone gate.

Obviously, the yellow light was caused by the defensive array of the stone gate.

He did not use the method of breaking the surface with a point, but directly blasted the entire stone gate.

This way of attack was one of the magical powers of "Thousands of Threads Blade Array" after Wang Lu broke through to the Jindan stage. Through the blade array arranged by the seven blades, it can launch a powerful attack indiscriminately and in a large range. Each sword blade can reach the full force of a top-grade spiritual weapon. Although it is just scratching the itch for a Jindan cultivator, once entangled by the sword blade, the continuous attack of tens of millions of sword blades is enough to make a Jindan cultivator tremble with fear.

This array is also better than the Blade Silk Array in that it can greatly reduce Wang Lu's mana, which is also due to the use of the Six-Star Arch Moon Blade to reach the category of top-grade magic weapons.

The stone gate that stood like a mountain at the beginning did not move under Wang Lu's countless sword blade attacks. Half an hour later, Wang Lu's mana had been consumed by half, and the yellow light was still diffuse.

Wang Lu was not discouraged by this. He smiled "hehe" and countless sword blades continued to pierce the stone gate like arrows breaking through the air.

An hour later, Wang Lu drank a sip of Monkey Wine.

Three hours later, Wang Lu's eyes lit up, and the stone gate finally had a slight reaction. The yellow light on the stone gate shrank sharply almost instantly, and could only cover the entire stone gate.

After another three hours, the yellow light was broken and dispersed under the fierce sword blade attack, but what surprised Wang Lu was that the stone gate remained as calm as before.

It seems that even if the protective layer of the stone door is broken, the material of the stone door is still extraordinary.

Wang Lu is also excited at this time. I will fight you to see how strong you are.

Half a day has passed, and the stone door is still a dead object. Under the explosive bombardment of the sword blade, fine cracks begin to spread on the stone door.

Wang Lu raised the corner of his mouth lightly, and the sword blade swarmed away.

Two hours later, this stone door of unknown material finally broke apart, and there was not even a trace of dust left. Behind the stone door was a quiet and long passage.

At the moment when the stone door broke apart, a feeling of shock suddenly fell on Wang Lu. Wang Lu shuddered unconsciously. He knew that the center of the castle was not far away, but he would also face an unknown but extremely powerful existence.

As the stone door disappeared, the entire hall began to shake violently, and there was a danger of collapse at any time.

Wang Lu looked around the wall that was crumbling. Suddenly, a small piece of ancient spiritual material that released strong mana fluctuations fell to the ground.

Wang Lu flashed over and caught the spiritual material that was neither gold, wood, copper nor iron. The spiritual material was as heavy as an iron mountain. Wang Lu quickly put the spiritual material into a storage bag.

At the same time, the hall was crumbling, countless stones fell from the top of the hall, and at the stone door, yellow light surged, and the stone door was being repaired quickly.

Wang Lu didn't think about it, and flashed into the passage.

There was no vibration in the passage. The inside and outside of the passage were like two unrelated worlds, one was collapsing and the other was as stable as a mountain.

Wang Lu looked at the stone door that was being repaired quickly, and he suddenly thought of something. It turned out that all the power of the hall had disappeared and had been used to repair this stone door. No wonder the hall collapsed.

After thinking this through, Wang Lu calmed down a little. Facing this mysterious castle, he still knew nothing except that he and Wu Du guessed that this castle was the Xu family of the Sand Region more than 200,000 years ago.

The greatest fear of a person is not from the outside, but the doubts that he cannot understand and the denial of himself.

Wang Lu no longer cared about the collapsed hall. He relied on his spiritual sense, holding two medium-grade spirit stones in his hands, and walked slowly step by step towards an unknown place where he didn't know where it led to.

On the one hand, he wanted to use some time to quickly recover his magic power and the hidden injuries in his body. On the other hand, he had to keep a calm heart for unknown things.

Even if Xu Kui and Wu Du had fallen into it, he couldn't act too hastily. He had to keep calm so as not to make the wrong decision.

Half a day later, Wang Lu suddenly opened his eyes. The passage still had no end and no forks, but it was winding and seemed to lead to one place forever.

As if the passage sensed Wang Lu's desire to recover, the entire passage began to shake, forcing Wang Lu to quickly reach that unknown place.

At this time, the passage gave Wang Lu the feeling that he was crossing a single-plank bridge, and there was a deep abyss below the single-plank bridge. At this time, a hurricane came. If Wang Lu did not cross the single-plank bridge quickly, it would be very likely to be broken by the hurricane. He would either die in the hurricane or fall into the deep abyss.

Since the other party was so eager to see him, Wang Lu could only use his body skills to the fullest and leap to the end of the winding passage at an incredible speed.

As the passage continued to collapse, Wang Lu tried his best to use his body skills. His speed was getting faster and faster. After about half an hour, the end of the passage finally showed a flashing light that made people open their eyes. Wang Lu had no time to think and plunged into the deep light.

When he entered the light, the passage also collapsed completely.

"Tick-tick", "tick-tick", "tick-tick"......

Like raindrops falling on jade, Wang Lu opened his eyes vaguely and looked at the place where the sound came from. What shocked him was that Xu Kui was held up in the air by an invisible force, staring at him with lifeless eyes. His chest was split apart, and drops of blood slowly condensed from his heart and dripped into a half-foot wide blood groove that surrounded a circle. The blood groove had four smaller channels, leading to a five-inch cylindrical pit at the center of the circle that was bottomless.

And Xu Kui was not the only one hanging in the air. Above the huge circular blood groove, there were seven monks with different expressions and their chests were broken like him. Their hearts also condensed with blood, dripping into the blood groove and flowing into the cylindrical pit.

Apart from that, no one else was seen.

This extremely strange scene made the bold Wang Lu couldn't help but tremble with fear.

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