Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 240: Decisive Battle Eight

On the fifth day of the decisive battle, the red floating clouds above the valley became more and more dense, as if all the red clouds in the sky of the vast sea were rushing here, pressing the sky so low that it seemed to be within reach.

The valley within a thousand miles was reflected by the red clouds, as if wearing a red dress, charming and weird.

The golden dragon on the top of the city did not rest all night. He stood here all night. He could clearly feel the whole change of the red on his body from light to dark and then to a dark and indissoluble.

He knew very well in his heart that the other party had seen through them and must have made the most complete and detailed plan. They had no choice but to fight to the death.

He just hoped that the southern cultivators in the central battlefield and the East China Sea people in the southern battlefield could arrive in time, so that there might be a chance of victory.

The celestial phenomenon showed that today was the time to fight and stain thousands of miles with blood?

He slowly stretched out his hand, and the red light quickly wrapped around his entire palm.

Staring at the red light, he saw a purple glow in his eyes, and his pupils gradually turned from black to purple. He suddenly discovered that there was a very thin silver line in the red light, which was a thousand times thinner than a hair. This made him feel incredible, and at the same time he felt a sudden shock. This silver line was like an ancient beast swallowing him, which made him tremble with fear.

Purple pupils are a special pupil magic that he has after practicing "Wangchuan Sutra" and breaking through to a small success. Once the purple pupils are unfolded, they can see through more than 70% of the formation composition and prohibition defects, and they are always beneficial.

He put away the purple pupils in an instant, and the trembling from the bottom of his heart finally disappeared.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal!

At this time, the red clouds in the Blood Battle City far away from the valley, driven by the mountain wind, also came to the sky above this city. Under the reflection of the red clouds, every inch of the land in the entire Blood Battle City was printed with a touch of red.

In the secret room of Qingfeng Mountain, Lei Shun looked at Wang Lu, who was almost dying, and he sighed a long sigh with endless regret and regret.

He regretted why he didn't stop Wang Lu from challenging Fang Tian. In the battle between Heixue and Yuan Gang, he discovered Wang Lu's warlike heart hidden deep in his blood. Especially when Heixue and Lugu died together, it ignited the hot-blooded flame in Wang Lu's heart, but he didn't expect Wang Lu to come out in an instant, which led to the current deadlock.

To his regret, if Wang Lu didn't die, he would have become the most outstanding person in the history of the Dream Sect, and even the entire Western Desert would be famous for his peerless talent; it is hard to imagine what height he could reach if he continued on the road of cultivating immortals. This is what he expects, and it is also a great regret for him.

Since this nephew is going to return, the infinitely high sky and the vast land are his best destination.

Lei Shun waved his hand, and the secret room formation was removed in an instant. He picked up Wang Lu, walked out of the secret room, and came to the square of Qingfeng Mountain. When he saw the enchanting red clouds in the sky above the square, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It turns out that God is reluctant to part with you and sees you off. Go back with the red clouds all over the sky.

He looked at the red clouds in the sky silently. The mountain breeze blew not only his clothes and hair, but also the black robe of Wang Lu lying quietly on the ground, blowing his long black hair.

After half a day and a night of meditation and recovery, Yaojun, Caiwei and more than 400 Yuanying period monks removed the restrictions, walked out of the cave, and looked up at the gorgeous red clouds. A strong fighting spirit unconsciously bloomed in their hearts.

Although the time was short, with their concerted efforts, thousands of healing and mana recovery pills were consumed by them. Everyone has recovered their injuries to the current limit, and their mana has also recovered to 60%.

They saw the strange red cloud in the sky, and the mountain wind made the trees in the mountains rustle, just like the strong shouts of "kill, kill, kill" on the battlefield, ringing fiercely in their ears, which made everyone look at Yao Jun who was looking at the red cloud in deep thought.

Seeing the red cloud, Yao Jun suddenly saw the scene when Di Tan left the Blood Battle City. He asked Di Tan again:

"Di Tan, we have been friends for hundreds of years. Maybe this farewell is our last. I don't ask for myself. I just want to know how likely we are to win this war?"

"Lao Jun, regarding this war, I didn't want to participate in it, but my nephew Ku Yao disappeared, so I had to come. You should have heard about my senior brother's prediction about the war. What I want to say is that there will be some incredible things in this war. As for what, I have no idea. It seems that there is a fog that hides all the secrets of the sky, and it seems that there is an invisible big hand that fills the sky of the vast sea with red...ah...ah..."

Before Di Tan finished speaking, he fell straight down as if he was cursed. No matter how he cast a spell to stop Di Tan from falling, even if he personally supported Di Tan, he fell to the ground with Di Tan.

Fortunately, the old man's breath was still stable, but his sea of ​​consciousness had suffered some inexplicable damage. With the help of Qinglong Huanling Pill, he would be fine after two or three years of quiet recuperation.

This scene flashed through Yaojun's mind like a meteor. It turned out that what the old man had not finished talking about was Hongyun.

Although red clouds appeared in the sky over Manghai three years ago, today's red clouds are like the endless red sun in the sky suddenly jumping onto the clouds in Manghai, burning the clouds so red.

Seeing the red clouds filling the sky, an inexplicable emotion surged into his heart. He suppressed this strange mood. No matter what, after several years of continuous war, it should have come to an end today.

He roared at the boundless red clouds: "Let's go!"

Under his roar, everyone's spirits were greatly boosted. Lord Yao released the flying ancient treasure. Not wanting to waste any more mana, everyone jumped on the ancient treasure. The ancient treasure shuddered and flew to the battlefield at high speed.

Behind the monster city tower, in a jungle one hundred and fifty miles away, more than a hundred Nascent Soul monks were energetic and cautiously hiding within a radius of one mile. Chang Feiming, dressed in white as snow, fortunately Zerong was cut off alone by the earth. The image of the sacred cow tearing apart kept flashing in his mind, and the veins on his handsome and extraordinary face were carved by a knife. He secretly clenched and released his fists, clenched and released them.

After a while, the anger in his heart gradually extinguished. He looked at the strange, monster-like red clouds that appeared in the sky overnight, and the war in his heart began to emerge again.

He couldn't help but look at the cultivators in the north within a mile, and saw that they were just like him, with fighting intent emerging in their eyes.


Chang Feiming shouted coldly, and everyone woke up and gave him a grateful look.

Even though this place is still one hundred and fifty miles away from the battlefield, he can still guarantee that he will reach the battlefield within two breaths and give the opponent a big surprise.


The author has something to say:

These days, writing about the decisive battle between the two clans is very laborious, and it also makes reading more difficult for you book friends. I would like to apologize here! In these chapters, the protagonist Wang Lu is basically ignored. I also know that doing so may lose some book friends and make you feel that the protagonist is no longer here, so why write a book? I wrote this chapter today very tangledly. I revised and revised the short two thousand words to pave the way for the upcoming plot. The protagonist will return within two or three chapters, thank you for your support! I wish everyone good luck and success in 2021!

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