Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 255 Occupation

Three days later, Wang Lu woke up. He looked at the empty fifth floor and rubbed his eyes blankly.


Seeing a red jade slip lying quietly beside him, Wang Lu simply glanced at it. The content on the jade slip was very useless to him. It only recorded eight pill recipes. He had never heard of these pills. What these pills were used for was not explained on the recipes. More than 90% of the spiritual materials had long been extinct in the current world of immortal cultivation. It was just to broaden his horizons.

He could only reluctantly put it away and threw it into the corner of the storage bag.

Then, Wang Lu checked his body and the situation was extremely bad.

Whether it was the serious injuries to the body after the madness, or the shrinkage of the sea of ​​consciousness and the damage to the soul, it would take a long time to recuperate. Fortunately, there was still one month and three days before the five-month deadline.

He looked around with hatred. He had killed all fourteen puppets without leaving any residue. If it weren't for the sudden green dot, he would not have suffered such a serious injury.

His vision of orange floating cloud was blown up by the vast amount of spiritual power in less than two breaths. At the same time, as the floating cloud exploded, he was also seriously injured.

Fortunately, there was the existence of the broken spirit. Controlling it required some mana, otherwise, the spiritual power in his body that had nowhere to vent would surely blow him to ashes.

Thinking of the strange green dot, even now, he was still frightened. What exactly was that green dot? Why did it carry one thousandth of the spiritual power that was not even as good as the spiritual diamond? This puzzled Wang Lu.

The spiritual stones in the world of cultivation are from low to high: low-grade spiritual stones, medium-grade spiritual stones, high-grade spiritual stones, extreme spiritual stones, spiritual crystals, and spiritual diamonds. As for the higher-level spiritual stones, Wang Lu could not know, because after the spiritual diamond, it is said that only the fairy world exists.

In terms of the exchange ratio, one hundred low-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for one medium-grade spirit stone, and one hundred medium-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for one high-grade spirit stone. However, when it comes to the best-grade spirit stones and above, the exchange ratio of one hundred is completely meaningless and only adds to the joke.

Even five thousand high-grade spirit stones may not be able to exchange for one best-grade spirit stone.

Of course, in addition to ordinary spirit stones, there are also some special spirit stones, which are relatively rare but extremely valuable, more than a thousand times the ordinary spirit stones, such as thunder spirit stones, poison spirit stones, Yin spirit stones, including the wind spirit stones used by Wang Lu, etc. These spirit stones are also divided into grades, but the concept of distinction is not so perfect.

Wang Lu put away his thoughts. The five-month trial period plus the one month given by the voice is only more than two months. He has to take the spirit monkey wine to restore the mana that has been completely consumed and repair the damaged soul and sea of ​​consciousness, which is barely enough.

It was as if the master of this secret realm had understood Wang Lu's situation exactly, and even the time for his healing was so accurate, which made Wang Lu feel deeply powerless.

Others are the butchers, and I am the meat.

But now he can't care so much, there must be more difficult trials waiting for him later, and he must recover from his injuries first.

Wang Lu did it as he said, and he sat cross-legged. He planned to use the spirit stone to cultivate some of the dried-up mana first, and then use the thousand-year-old monkey wine to speed up the repair of his body, mana, sea of ​​consciousness and soul.

Outside the earth-born treasure temple, it seemed that there was always a strong wind, surrounded by clouds, and filled with mist. The figure of the Bodhi tree could be vaguely seen below, and all this did not change at all, just like the puppets in the tower, exactly the same, and indistinguishable.

"Is this an illusion?"

For five days, whenever Wang Lu did not meditate to recover, he would come to the outer platform, looking at the scene outside the pagoda, and he said to himself.

On the 45th day, Wang Lu woke up from meditation, half a month later than the expected two months. This not only made him unable to explain the reason, but also made the voice in the secret realm unbelievable.

In fact, Wang Lu was able to recover half a month in advance, which was entirely due to the role of Ruomu, one of the four sacred trees that had merged with him. Although Ruomu's body was decomposed, its essence was still there. The thick essence was buried deep in a very secret and tiny dark cave in Wang Lu's body, nourishing and repairing his body at all times. Such nourishment is subtle, but it is not inexhaustible. Sooner or later, it will be exhausted.

However, this day may come a long, long time later.

After recovery, Wang Lu did not slack off in his physical cultivation.

While carefully repairing the minor injuries in his body, he flashed back to the moment of the battle with Fang Tian... until now.

He kept pondering the details, trying to find some subtle points that he had overlooked. After pondering over and over again, he still attributed the reason for his survival from serious injuries to the emerald green twig.

When he was in the Xu family's ancestral land, it was the twig that greatly shortened the time for him to recover from his injuries. It should be that it saved him.

Although the emerald green twig flew away like a bird with wings, Wang Lu could still remember all its characteristics clearly. If he survived this disaster, he would definitely find out its origin after he got out.

At the same time every day in the last half month, Wang Lu would stand on the outer platform and watch the scenery outside the tower: wind, clouds, fog, wind intensity, cloud thickness, fog range... everything was almost the same, almost exactly the same.

At this point, he was sure that everything outside was an illusion.

However, if they are all illusions, how should we explain the thousands of Bodhisattva trees that have grown for hundreds of thousands of years?

Why is the owner of the secret realm unwilling to show the true appearance of the secret realm? What exactly does he want to do?

After confirming that all the scenery outside was transformed by the formation, these three questions came one after another. Perhaps, only by going to the end can these three mysteries be solved.

He didn't persist because he had too little information.

On the last day, Wang Lu stood quietly on the flat seat outside, waiting for the arrangements of the voice.


Sighing, I originally thought that one year of meditation would be able to completely recover the hidden wounds in my body, but after half a month of repairs, it will take at least three years.

It seems that the minor injuries in the body are much more serious than imagined!

The "Master of the Secret Realm" didn't let him wait long. An hour later, the voice sounded in his mind again:

"Trialist, relax, you will be taken to a small secret realm. There is only one test in the small secret realm. Only by passing it can you get the reward."

Wang Lu followed the other party's words and relaxed his mind. In an instant, a mysterious power came to his body.


Wang Lu let out a heart-rending roar!

The situation has taken a turn for the worse!

That mysterious power directly blinded his sea of ​​consciousness and soul, occupying his body like a body!

Wang Lu instantly lost all consciousness and control of his body.

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