Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 260: Unraveling the Mystery (Part 2)

During the two hundred years that Wang Lu struggled to dig cracks along the smooth mountain, Xuanyang of Nanming Sect first passed away in the 130th year. With his return, a dark space suddenly descended. The entire secret realm was swallowed up.

Until the last moment of his life, he never had the courage to face the cutting of the knife waterfall.

In the 192nd year, at the last moment of his life, Cai Qian of the Caiyu clan blessed himself with all the defensive treasures and jumped towards the waterfall of swords, but was directly strangled to death by the waterfall of swords. Secret Realm Then it disappeared without a trace.

At this time, only Wang Lu, Chen Zhi, Niu Tianshuai and the azure mouse girl Wan Meng were left in the secret realm.

Needless to say, Niu Tianshuai would run to the lake almost every day to admire his good appearance. He was completely indifferent to the knife waterfall. He was just waiting for the last moment to come. The lifespan of their monsters was far longer than The human race has grown a lot, and the weak prisoner ox bloodline in his body has become much stronger again after being baptized by the Transformation Pill. His lifespan is approaching five thousand years, and he still has a lot of time to waste, so He wandered around the valley when he had nothing to do, and he was an optimist.

Because Wan Meng possesses a superior spiritual sense, she gradually feels that the fear caused by the knife waterfall is still gradually diminishing, just like the eternal night will eventually pass and the dawn is about to come.

For two hundred years, Chen Zhi continued to ponder the entire process. With his in-depth exploration and repeated thinking, he finally came to the conclusion that everything was caused by himself.

To be precise, it's because of his own spiritual roots!

He has dual spiritual roots of water and fire. Because water and fire are in conflict with each other, he is considered to be the worse type among the dual spiritual roots. However, he doesn't care because everything coexists in mutual restraint.

The key to his grasp of spiritual roots was that he discovered that all the monks taken away by the Silver Palace were not the highest cultivation beings in each sect, nor were they the core disciples of each sect.

For example, several core disciples of the Golden Core Stage of Miao Nian Sect with Heavenly Spiritual Roots or Foreign Spiritual Roots were not taken away by the Silver Palace. Instead, some of the Golden Core Stage monks around them were kidnapped. This shows that, including him, All the golden elixir stage monks in the world at least do not have heavenly spiritual roots or alien spiritual roots.

When thinking of this, a new question arises spontaneously, why not other spiritual roots, but only those who cultivate immortality with dual spiritual roots? Besides, not only the monks were taken away on the spot, but also many monsters. Monsters themselves do not have spiritual roots. If it is the reason for spiritual roots, how should we explain those monsters?

The first question is easy to answer, because he himself is a person with dual spiritual roots, so among the people taken away by the Silver Palace, there must be monks with dual spiritual roots. As for whether there are other cultivators with spiritual roots, unless they find someone with two spiritual roots in the secret realm, Only a few people exist, and this secret will be unlocked.

However, for the past two hundred years, Chen Zhi has never been able to answer the second question. He was completely lost in deep confusion and constantly seeking answers, and he knew nothing about the changes in the valley where he was.

What he didn't know was that when he decided that dual spiritual roots were the rules for selecting people in the Silver Palace, the ground of the entire secret realm suddenly and unknowingly increased by five hundred feet. In other words, the thousand-foot-high sword waterfall shortened completely. Five hundred feet.

At this time, when the mysterious "he" in the space saw this situation, he couldn't help but exclaimed loudly: "Okay, very good! After so many years, I finally saw the changes in Dao Waterfall. Hey, it turns out to be Ancient Wuyou No wonder, no wonder, Shuzi can teach you the way of cause and effect!"

Then, he looked at the secret realm where Wang Lu was, and let out a burst of wild laughter: "Haha, you guys have found the only two ways to crack it. It's a pity, I'm afraid your lifespan won't be that long. , Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains!”

Wang Lu didn't know the situation in other similar secret realms of Dao Waterfall. He remained silent and carried out his plan of digging cracks day and night.

Seventy years later, Wang Lu's speed became faster and faster. A gap one-tenth of an inch wide and five hundred feet long appeared like a straight little snake along the bottom of the smooth mountain wall. Wang Lu turned around. Looking at his masterpiece, he understood that even if the excavation speed was getting faster and faster, it would still take at least four hundred years before he could dig the slits to the other side of the mountain lake.

By then, his lifespan may not be far away. Even if he cracks the sword waterfall, he has no chance of hitting the Nascent Soul stage, because he is only at the beginning of the middle stage of the Golden Core, and is still far away from the Nascent Soul Stage and the late stage of the Golden Core. Even with the support of massive amounts of elixirs, he could not break through the three small realms of Golden Elixir Dzogchen and Half-Step Nascent Soul in just a few decades.

Thinking that the master's great revenge has not been avenged and the "Six Talisman Book" has not been recovered, he can only accept the arrangement of fate. However, he must solve the mystery of Dao Waterfall in his lifetime. This is his obsession. Thoughts are also his resentments!

Chen Zhi woke up from his deep confusion. Two hundred and seventy years had passed, and he still had about twenty years to live at most. He looked at the sword waterfall, which was only 500 feet high. He was already sure that the silver The rules for selecting people in the palace are: only immortal cultivators with dual spiritual roots can be brought.

As for why monsters without spiritual roots were taken away by the Silver Palace, for seventy years, although he had some ideas of his own, he had been wandering between denial and affirmation.

He sighed secretly, could he really die from this?

For monster beasts, levels are generally divided based on the thickness of their bloodline. Is it possible that those monster beasts have already formed spiritual roots in their bodies?

No, a demon beast may be able to generate spiritual roots, but hundreds of demon beasts are absolutely impossible!

Therefore, the idea of ​​spiritual roots is absolutely wrong for demon beasts, and this idea is incorrect!


Suddenly, Chen Zhi, who was always serious, laughed wildly. He finally solved the mystery of the silver palace demon beast!

At the moment when he successfully solved the puzzle, a slightly happy voice sounded in his mind:

"Congratulations to the trialer, you are the first person to succeed in the trial!"

Just when Chen Zhi was overjoyed and couldn't help but roar to the sky, his eyes suddenly went black, and he was involuntarily blinded by all his consciousness and spiritual perception. When he opened his eyes, a huge silver palace appeared in front of him.

The silver palace exuded millions of feet of soft and unusual silver light. He bathed in it, and felt that all the pores in his body were stretched out crazily, like a hungry person, constantly absorbing the silver light into his body and integrating it into his blood.

A moment later, a huge shock appeared on his face!

At the same time, Wan Meng, who was lying on the pink bed with her chin supported by one hand, suddenly laughed. She understood that she was not far from leaving this strange and weird valley.

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