Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 301: The Six-Sense Reversal Formation

"Young Master, go back. We have been delayed here for a long time. You have also met Chen Yong. The family has sent people to urge you many times. There must be something urgent to do so." The old man named Gao Bo had magically transformed from an early-stage Jindan monk into a peak mid-stage Nascent Soul master with an extremely powerful aura at the snap of a finger.

"Yes, my wish is over, and we should go back. However, this person does have some extraordinary qualities. His set of top-notch magic weapons that are close to half-step spiritual treasures alone is considered worthy even if they are placed in the entire Northern Xinjiang. It is rare to see him in the world. Coupled with his own skills in making talismans, he can barely be shortlisted. However, what I can't figure out is why this person traveled hundreds of millions of miles from the Western Desert to the North. Jiang, could it be to avoid the great war between humans and monsters a few years ago? If so, then I would be too disappointed with him. Don’t think about it so much. Uncle Gao, please clean up. Let’s get it done. Go back." The handsome young man frowned and said.

"Okay, young master, this old slave is waiting for your words." The old man raised one hand, and the entire Guangxie Zhai seemed to be lifted out of the clouds. An old shopkeeper in the early stage of the golden elixir seemed to have emerged from a long and long journey. Waking up from a hazy dream, he quickly looked at the intact shop and a bottle of pills that had not been lost, and then said a finger gesture to each of the two late-stage Qi Refining clerks who were still sleeping and unconscious, and then the two of them slumped. When he woke up and saw the shopkeeper, he was stunned and suddenly said: "Uncle, what on earth is going on?"

The shopkeeper at the early stage of Jindan thought for a while and did not speak. He just asked them to continue doing things as usual. Then he sighed and slumped down on the stool. At this time, he deeply understood the sentence "People are Daozu, I am The true meaning of "for fish meat".

The words that stayed in his mind: What happened today, if you have even a little thought in your heart, the restriction in your soul will be automatically opened. In an instant, your soul will be destroyed. This is the best explanation for you. Don't have any delusions. If you want to find someone to crack it, even the most powerful person in the formation of the God Transformation Stage will only have a one-tenth chance, so you should take care of yourself.

Wang Lu walked slowly and leisurely towards the Tai family's residence. It took him two full hours before he returned to the backyard.

What is the origin of this bull-headed monk who suddenly appeared and found him in the vast crowd, and why did he find him?

This question has been lingering in his mind almost all the time. He recalled everything that happened since he entered the world of immortality, but he still couldn't find a clue. This made him scratch his head and puzzled.

Could it be the reason for the Sifang Dingtian Cauldron, or was he inadvertently cursed or planted with some kind of poison?

Since he can't figure it out, he should improve his cultivation as soon as possible and condense his Nascent Soul as soon as possible. If he doesn't eliminate this hidden danger, he will never feel at ease. He is not a person who leaves his freedom, cultivation and life under the control of others.

It was like a life-threatening sword hanging above his head at all times, which made him very uneasy.

Fortunately, the bull-headed monk swore the inner demon oath, otherwise, no matter what, he would have to fight to the death with him on the spot!

Wang Lu calmed down and took out the "Inverted Six Consciousness Formation" that the bull-headed monk had given him as compensation from his storage bag. He didn't know whether the pig-headed monk who boasted about the magic conch was really a genuine great formation as he said. mage.


Wang Lu couldn't help but marvel. It turned out that this formation still needed to be refined by the person who set it up, otherwise the entire formation would treat everyone as an attack target without any distinction. It was indeed quite capable.

He also knows that the six consciousnesses are the six realms among the eighteen realms of Buddhism, and the other twelve realms are the six roots and six dusts.

Buddhism centers on people's understanding of things and divides the human body into eighteen realms.

The six roots that are innate in recognizing all things: eye root, ear root, nose root, tongue root, body root, and mind root. The so-called purification of the six roots in Buddhism means completely abandoning the six roots, leaving only the inner mind in the world. My heart is the heart of heaven, but this is too illusory for Wang Lu now, and he has not yet reached that state.

The six dusts are the concrete images or phenomena corresponding to the six roots of all things in the world. They include: color dust, sound dust, fragrance dust, taste dust, touch dust, law dust, whether it is image or emptiness, whether it is real or empty, whether it is true or false, In the eyes of Buddhism, those are not important, what is important is colorless, lawless.

Due to the existence of six roots and six dusts, six consciousnesses will eventually be produced. Six consciousnesses means seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and feeling. Specifically speaking, they are: eye consciousness and ear consciousness. , nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, consciousness.

In Buddhist terms, if a monk completely abandons the six consciousnesses from the beginning to the end, leaving only a Dharma that is neither empty nor empty, neither an image nor an image, and if the Tao is like the Tao, then he will enter the "one thought" The supreme state where all things come into being and all things perish with one thought.”

In Wang Lu's opinion, this was nothing more than a joke.

From ancient times to the present, for hundreds of millions of years, we have never seen a grand occasion where the Buddhist way is superior to all the heavens, let alone a state of supremacy.

Wang Lu only thought about it for a moment, and then began to refine the "Inverted Six Consciousness Array" that belonged to Buddhism. He didn't know whether the pig-headed array master was a successor of Buddhism, otherwise why would he create this array? come out?

The formation disk was the size of a palm and glowed with a golden color that symbolized Buddhism. Wang Lu followed the jade slip and played a magic spell on it. Suddenly, the formation disk turned into a square shape with an exact length and width of three feet and three inches.

The pig-headed monk is indeed a true disciple of Buddhism, and even the thirty-third heaven has been integrated into the size of the array.

Wang Lu thought to himself, and forced a drop of blood essence from his fingers and injected it into the array disk together with the spell.

When the blood essence was integrated into the entire array disk, the golden light bloomed instantly like a flower. If there was no isolation of the array, it would definitely rise to the sky, and it might attract the peeping of the strong.

Wang Lu did not pay attention to this accident. He was completely immersed in the refining of the array disk that was neither empty nor empty.


A day later, Wang Lu stared at the half-inch long feather floating in front of him, which was emitting a hazy light yellow light. He had to sigh at the profound attainments of the pig-headed monk in the array.

The array disk was forged by him with such ingenuity and precision, like the horns of an antelope, which was perfect to the extreme. He was indeed a great genius in the array!

The array is one of the most important arts of cultivating immortals. It can be used in all aspects of cultivators, such as refining pills, refining equipment, refining puppets, practicing, fighting, trapping people, defense, attack... and so on.

To become a formation master, in addition to a rare talent, one needs a rock-hard tenacity. Otherwise, just those boring and countless formations will make people collapse; to be superior in the formation and become a formation master, in addition to being steady, one must also have a mind as clear as a spirit, so that one can find his own way in the ever-changing formation.

It can be seen that this person has reached the level of a formation master, has his own formation, and it is a very rare formation in Buddhism. This is too rare!

It is a pity that he did not know his true face and did not make friends with him. It is really a great pity.

He can only sigh and encourage himself: always be humble and never be arrogant, because there are too many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world of immortal cultivation!

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