Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 349 Chaos (Bai Cui)

Wang Lu now has only one thought in his mind. He must find the space node of the outer circle of Tianyun without stopping, enter it, go to the middle circle, break through the middle circle checkpoint, reach the core inner circle, and then do everything possible to find the shape-changing elixir.

This is related to his alchemy career. In addition, the second level and the five levels of the "Kui Niu Treading the Sky" technique, the Kui Niu Shendan involved in it and the divine elixir made by the first level "Hundred Refinements into Gang" must be very different, and it will be more difficult to refine. With his almost zero alchemy talent, the shape-changing elixir is the key to whether the sixth level Kui Niu Shendan can be successfully made.

Through the life-and-death duel with Yu Hao, he deeply realized the power of force. If he had not embarked on the road of body forging, he would have fought a tie with Kuang Dao Wuji at most, and both would have suffered losses. For Yu Hao, it would be death.

In the end, it was the body of force that made him reborn from the ashes.

This critical and life-threatening journey to death made him more eager for the subsequent skills and cultivation of "Kui Niu Treading on the Sky". With the added power, he would surely achieve twice the result with half the effort and greatly increase his chances of survival.

He did not hesitate to use all his strength to perform his skills and disappeared on the spot. Time was running out and he had to race against time.

During the one month and twenty days when Wang Lu came to Tianyun to find a place to consolidate his cultivation, fight Yu Hao and recover from his injuries, the outer circle, middle circle and current inner circle of Tianyun all fought on their own and launched a crazy and tragic fight.

In Tianyun Market and Tianyun Square, the crowds were as dense as ants and the crowds were indignant. In the last two months, the survival list was fluttering in the wind, and the seventeen golden numbers that entered the central Tianyun were shining and dazzling on the black list at the bottom.

Everyone was waiting for the decisive battle between the strong.

Although more than 90% of people did not know who those numbers belonged to, it strengthened their speculation about the last seventeen numbers.

The gambling house opened a bet for seventeen numbers again. Each person was only allowed to buy one number. As long as the person with the number walked out of Tianyun alive, no matter how many people walked out, the odds were 17 to 1.

At the same time, no one knew who had spread the rumor that who corresponded to which number. For a time, almost everyone moved. More than 30% of people bought the number 166, which was said to belong to Liuyun, and few people bought the number 16.

However, like thunder from the ground, it almost shocked everyone's eyes. A Yuanying stage cultivator wearing a mask and with an extraordinary aura that could not be seen, threw five spirit crystals and bet heavily on the number "16". Immediately, some people with a keen sense of smell seemed to see a ray of mystery and put all their money into it.

People did not wait long. On the fourth month and fifth day, the dialogue between the strong finally took place.

The outer circle of Tianyun was surrounded by clouds and mist. In the southwest direction, after Lei Gui escaped from the encirclement of Tai Qingyu and Maitreya Monk, he came to the depths of Tiansha in anger and quickly defeated the sand giant and successfully stepped into Tianyun.

He was also unlucky. After killing three powerful level 6 peak mutant monsters in succession, the space node did not appear. Although he took several hundreds of thousands of years of top-grade spiritual materials without hesitation, he had been uneasy these days. His intuition told him that he must be careful and cautious, otherwise, the outer circle of Tianyun would be his burial place.

He frowned and looked up at the sky covered by layers of white clouds. A strange fragrance came from the mountain not far in front of him. It must be a rare spiritual material. At the same time, a faint but strong breath of monsters faintly permeated the mountain.

Although he did not see the monster, its breath was so pure that he felt that this monster was not easy to mess with. He couldn't help but mutter to himself, could the danger come from this monster?

If that were the case, he was fully confident that he could take his life, and at most he would suffer some injuries.

Then, he put aside this thought. Cultivating immortals is about having a pure nature and clear thoughts. He cannot deceive himself. The crisis will never come from this monster, but from someone else.

Since he has come, he will face the challenge head-on. Only by fighting for life and death can he fully stimulate all his potential, and then make brave progress and be unstoppable.

He took a deep breath, and a thunder exploded in front of him, and Lei Gui disappeared.

Two hundred and forty feet away, another thunder "puffed" sounded, and Lei Gui did not stop, and thunder appeared two hundred and forty feet away. He soon came to a towering ancient tree in the mountain that was originally covered by thick fog.

However, the scene was clearly visible. Within a radius of ten miles, the thick clouds and fog had been cleared away completely.

When he saw the mutated winged thunder tiger that was torn into pieces and the handsome man in white clothes standing not far from the thunder tiger, who seemed to be flying against the wind, his fear suddenly dropped, but disappeared in an instant.

Come on, Liuyun!

He was determined and roared in his heart.

"Boom boom"

A blue lightning suddenly bloomed in front of Liuyun, followed by more blue thunder, which immediately covered him.

Strike first to gain the upper hand!

Although he had a violent personality, he knew that if he didn't do his best, the vivid scene of the winged thunder tiger in front of him would be repeated on him.

The winged thunder tiger not only possessed an undefendable and superb thunder escape technique, but also had a huge force far beyond that of an ordinary level six peak monster. A trace of the blood of the white tiger, one of the ten ancient beasts, flowed in its blood. It was violent and fierce, and its strength was extraordinary. Even an ordinary Yuanying early strongman would flee when he met it.

The thunderstorm lasted for ten breaths. After the lightning dissipated, Liuyun was surrounded by a faint white cloud. His figure seemed to be frozen in place forever, still looking calm and composed.

Lei Gui subconsciously took a step back. This man's defense was too terrifying. Even the Qingyang Spiritual Thunder that he had transformed into a trace of the 72 Earth Thunders did not hurt him at all.

He felt a chill in his heart. Liuyun was incredibly powerful and very scary.

Hatred rose from his heart and evil grew in his courage. The stronger he was, the stronger his fighting spirit was.


Lei Gui shouted, and in an instant, dark clouds covered the sky within a radius of five miles. One of the dark clouds with white thunder jumping and flashing flew over his head. For a while, the wind was sobbing, and white thunder rolled in the dark clouds.

Lei Gui changed his fiery personality and cast a spell towards Liuyun in the distance with a steady and calm manner, saying: "White is day, thunder comes out, breaking the day; thunder falls, night comes."

As soon as the voice fell, there was lightning and thunder in the dark clouds above his head. A thin white lightning as thin as a silk thread broke through the clouds and flashed, shooting at Liuyun's clouds.


A flash of lightning passed by, and the cloud in front of Liuyun was finally shattered by a blow.


Liuyun spoke slowly, and at the same time, a pure white spirit sword came into his hand.

"Bai Cui Thunder, go!"

Lei Gui waved his hands, and hundreds of white thunder flashed, flashing an amazing momentum of destruction and annihilation.

Hundreds of thunders suddenly disappeared at the speed of thunder escape, and were about to fall on Liuyun in an instant.

Liuyun raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his spirit sword, and a net of pure white and snow-white sword energy caught hundreds of white thunders five feet away in front of him without leaving a trace. The thunder was like hundreds of fish rushing left and right in the net, but couldn't break free.

At this moment, another piece of sword energy suddenly landed on the sword net like a fairy from the sky.


The Bai Cui Thunder, which has one ten-thousandth of the "Daytime Fairy Thunder" of the thirty-six thunders of the sky, has been disintegrated and disappeared.


Author’s words:

Starting from this chapter, the extraordinary skills and methods of the owners of the Heavenly Dragon and Earthly Phoenix tokens will be shown one by one. Please forgive me for any shortcomings in the writing. At the same time, I also ask for your support from all book friends!

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