Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 361 Chaos (Big Blue)

Hearing this, the third prince did not deny it. He asked with a strange look in his eyes: "Are you so sure that I killed your second senior sister?"

Xunhai suppressed the anger in his heart and seemed to be lost in memories: "When you killed Second Senior Sister, I had just become Master's disciple. I was still young at that time, and I often saw Master sitting silently by the sea, looking into the distance. , I asked Master what was at the end of the sea. Master smiled and said to me, it is hatred, a hatred as vast as the ocean. He also told me that if the murderer cannot be found, even if all the water in the South China Sea is poured out, it will not be possible. Wash away the hatred in her heart. Later, I found out that the second senior sister was traveling and died, and I found out that the master was sad for the death of the senior sister when she was harmed by you. The key to the later stage is not being able to sense the secret of heaven. At this point, she regrets it. However, the vast sea of ​​​​people, the five realms are so big, plus the vast wilderness and endless land, where can I find you? However, Master. I almost paid a huge price with my life to find Tianyuan Sect, now you should know why it was you."

After Xunhai finished speaking, his face turned frosty. In his hand was a simple burning talisman. In the talisman was a quiet, beautiful and gentle woman of stunning beauty. Soon, the talisman burned out and the woman turned into ashes.

"Fate Talisman!"

The Third Prince said with a gloomy face, word for word.

The Fate Talisman is one of the most important treasures of the Tianyuan Sect. After a monk dies, as long as there is anything left that the monk has used in his life, the Talisman can be made into a talisman. When the murderer is encountered, the Fate Talisman will be activated and then burn. After all, the murderer's true colors were revealed.

This is the secret of Tianyuan Sect that can only be drawn by the extremely powerful people in the late stage of becoming gods. Moreover, every time it is drawn, part of the lifespan will be cut off invisibly.

I didn't expect that the Tianhai Sect's leader would spend so much money to find him.

However, what if he finds himself? If he can kill the daughter of the sea, he can still kill the son of the sea.

That bitch back then almost destroyed the foundation of his cultivation, causing him to have to rebuild it, otherwise he would have already been a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage.

Xunhai saw what he was thinking and sneered: "Are you thinking about getting rid of me too and eradicating the roots, right?"

"Haha, a kid can be taught!"

The third prince put away his blood whip and thought nothing more.

He shouted loudly, a strong wind blew up, and the white clouds in the sky surged and rolled. Countless lightning flashed in and out of them, as if something was twisting wildly. Before he could take a breath, a pure white dragon head broke out from the white clouds, and soon the dragon body, all four sides Claws, dragon tail, cloud dragon breaks through the clouds and comes out.

"Roar!" Yunlong roared.

Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the clouds continued to escape crazily in all directions, leaving only the white cloud above Yunlong's head with lightning constantly intertwined.

The cloud dragon's tail shook slightly, and the clouds fell into pieces. It opened its mouth and sucked in, and the cloud fragments were swallowed by it together with the lightning.

Immediately, the dragon's body swung in the air, quickly became smaller, and suddenly penetrated into the third prince's body from his head.

The third prince's aura instantly rose, and his momentum became stronger and stronger. He was like the center of a hurricane, the air swirled around him rapidly, and a hurricane rising into the sky became bigger and bigger, with the momentum to destroy everything and destroy everything.

"Winds and clouds are gathering, clouds and dragons are overwhelming."

In the center of the hurricane, the third prince touched the hurricane gently, and a small hurricane broke away. In an instant, ten, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousand hurricanes separated and went away. These more than ten thousand hurricanes seemed to have grown legs of their own. Like, flickering and jumping towards Xunhai.

Facing the hurricane coming from the sky, Xunhai didn't panic at all. His face was like sinking into the water, and with a burst of magic power, the blue trident exploded into a ball of blue light like sea water. The sea water rippled in the blue light. With him as the center, the blue light surged and expanded. , going away like a straight line in balance.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

When a hurricane encounters blue light, it suddenly sinks more than a hundred times, and its speed is greatly restricted, almost like a snail.

The blue light was like an extremely sharp saw, cutting into the white hurricane, which then exploded like a balloon.

Soon, ten thousand hurricanes disintegrated under the cutting of blue light. The blue light remained unmoved and moved unswervingly towards the huge hurricane.


The third prince in the hurricane thought that the blue light emitted by the trident was a strange heavy blue. Heavy blue could make the space he was in or moving more than a hundred times heavier with a snap of his fingers, but even heavy blue couldn't cut vegetables. He cut his powerful hurricane into pieces like a melon. There must be something in it that he couldn't see through.

"Hmph, watch me blow you to pieces."

With the magic formula, the hurricane instantly shrunk into a pure white mace. He looked at the blue light that was about to invade in front of him. The shadow of the cloud and dragon on the mace appeared, and he struck it against the blue light.


The blue light surged and shrank rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, a pure blue trident was shot with lightning. This sudden trident suddenly appeared with a huge force and 500 times the pressure of destroying the space.

The third prince seemed to have expected it, and the mace came out from the side. With a "clang" sound, the mace shattered the trident and returned to his hand. He laughed faintly: "Hey, I was the second one of you back then." Senior sister's move almost capsized my boat. Now you are doing it again. Do you want to make the same mistake as her? Don't worry, I will send you to reunite with her soon. "

"I'm not ashamed of my words, so I'll let you see something you've never encountered before, a line between sea and sky, a giant blue!"

Xun Hai stared at the Third Prince, a wisp of killing aura surrounded him, and he spoke calmly.

The killing aura was faint but extremely pure, which made the Third Prince suddenly have a bad premonition.

A bald man holding a trident appeared naked in a pair of leather pants around his waist, and appeared in the air behind Xun Hai. Xun Hai quickly used the magic formula, and the bald man's body gradually changed into another wonderful blue that far exceeded the deep blue.


The bald man's face was blurred, but it was still clear that he was the sea god in ancient times: King Yu.

When King Yu appeared, the whole space seemed to be much heavier, as if the sky and the earth were pressed down a line.


Xun Hai raised one hand, and the trident in his hand and the trident in King Yu's hand merged into one, and a strange blue light surged.

Xun Hai used the magic formula together and gently drew a line on the chest of the Third Prince in the distance.

At the same time, King Yu, holding a trident of extremely rich blue, also slashed at the void. In an instant, the endless white clouds in the sky shattered, and the entire space became heavy like water. A very long blue silk thread appeared and slashed towards the Third Prince.

Seeing this, the Third Prince's eyelids twitched, and his body seemed to be pressed by a huge mountain, unable to move at all.

Wherever the blue line passed, the space shattered layer by layer. It was unknown whether it was caused by the sharpness of the blue line or its super strong power.


He shouted, and the wolf tooth stick soared into the sky, directly turning into a cloud dragon that turned the river and the sea upside down. The cloud dragon bared its fangs and claws at the blue line that tore the space apart, and spit out a mouthful of white dragon breath.


The dragon breath met the blue line and was directly split into two from the middle, and was crushed to pieces.

Yunlong was not to be outdone. He waved his four claws in overlapping waves. The sharp claw shadows in the sky tried to tear the blue line apart. However, before the claw shadows touched the blue line, they seemed to have encountered a huge crushing machine and exploded one after another.

The blue line flashed past Yunlong's body, and "boom", Yunlong broke into countless pieces, exploded in mid-air, and turned into ashes.


The Third Prince spurted out a mouthful of blood.


He was like a rooster whose throat was suddenly pinched. Before he could utter the word "ah", his head was chopped off by a sharp kitchen knife, and it stopped abruptly.


The blue line had not yet touched his body, but he felt a huge force coming. Under this huge force, the whole person suddenly exploded, and the blue line passed by, and the blood mist turned into powder.


The blue line disappeared.

The entire space was shattered, and dozens of dark space vortices appeared, madly devouring the shattered space.

After a few breaths, the entire space was reorganized and restored.


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