Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 366: Puppet Thousand Skills Formation

Eight days had passed since Xunhai and Tai Qingyu reunited, and then he jumped into the unfathomable black hole.

In these eight days, Tai Qingyu returned to her previous peace. Her face was as bright as morning flowers, like a fairy who was not in touch with the world, sitting upright beside the small hole to meditate and practice.

The cold needle-like breath that was five hundred feet high still pierced the sky.

There were at most seven days left before the appointment of ten days or fifteen days to Xunhai.

However, on the ninth day, the inexplicable fear came again, and Tai Qingyu stood up and sighed that what was coming had finally come.

The monk flew over with a "hehe" sound, but when he just stepped onto the island, the whole space suddenly spun.

Hundreds of Jindan early stage puppets holding knives, swords, and sticks swarmed towards the monk from all over the island. For a moment, the whole island was shaking, and the shouts of killing shook the sky, while Tai Qingyu disappeared under the cover of the formation.

"Haha, a piece of cake."

The monk laughed loudly, and a pair of scissors about ten feet long burst out with green and yellow light, and cut away the countless knife and sword auras bursting out from various weapons.


The sky full of light was like a piece of cloth, which was cut in half by the extremely sharp scissors and annihilated without a trace.


The monk did not retreat but advanced, using his extremely fast body to wander among hundreds of puppets. Whenever his shadow had not dissipated, the green and yellow light would bloom like a firework in front of each puppet that seemed to be motionless for an instant.


During the time it took to eat a meal, hundreds of scissors kept flashing in front of hundreds of puppets, and they were cut into pieces by the extremely sharp scissors.

The louder you roar, the faster you die.

However, the monk stared at the broken puppet pieces and felt a little bad.

"Monk, you are really powerful. So many Jindan early stage puppets were cut into ashes by your broken scissors in less than a moment. However, have you heard of "Puppet Thousand Skills Formation"? Today, I will let piles of puppets drown and tear you apart."

Tai Qingyu Qingling's words were like a bolt from the blue, and they exploded accurately in the monk's ears.

The monk's face immediately darkened. Qianqiao Sect was a puppet sect that flourished in Zhongzhou more than 200,000 years ago. This sect took a unique approach and integrated the formation into puppets. They injected the formation into the puppets. As long as the puppets were not beaten to pieces, they could be transformed continuously. The way to win for this sect was one word: grinding.

As long as the cultivators were trapped in the "Puppet Qianqiao Formation", even if they were a higher realm, they would be submerged in the tide of puppets. They would come back to life and the cultivators would be dragged to death alive. This was the highest realm of the word "grind".

However, Qianqiao Sect's blessing on puppets with the formation was only a flash in the pan.

Their prosperity was due to the emergence of a formation genius who shocked the world in the sect at that time. It happened that this person had a deep attainment in the way of puppets. The combination of the two made Qianqiao Sect so arrogant at that time.

After this person ascended to heaven, Qianqiao Sect never produced such a world-shaking genius again, so it slowly disappeared in the long river of time.

I don’t know where Tai Qingyu got this strange formation that disappeared more than 200,000 times?

Although the foundation of the Beixi Zen Sect is insufficient, they also know this very well, so they spent a huge price to buy a large number of ancient books and fragments from Yinluanxuan, so that the monk can know it.

The monk looked seriously at the thousands of puppets rushing towards him desperately. He was no longer sad and happy. He shouted softly, sat upright in the void, and pointed the spell. Suddenly, the shear wind floated above his head, sprinkled a green and yellow light ball to cover him, and the green and yellow light expanded to a radius of five feet in a snap, facing the puppet army running at high speed from all directions.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Puppets in groups were cut into two by the invisible shear wind when they touched the green and yellow light.


Thousands of low-level magic weapons released various kinds of auras that bombarded the green-yellow light ball, causing the monk who was sitting as steady as a mountain to shake.

An hour later, the puppets continued to grow.

The green-yellow light ball was forced to four feet and five.

Half a day later, the green-yellow light ball was forced to four feet.

A day later, the light ball shrank by another ten feet.

Two days later, the green-yellow light ball was less than two feet.

On the fifth day, the light ball was less than three feet. The densely packed puppets piled the monk into a small mountain. Not counting the attacks from the puppets, the weight of so many puppets that kept crawling on the small mountain could crush the monk to death.

At this time, there was a man who was as tall as a mountain and looked like an iceberg beside Tai Qingyu. Xun Hai returned to the ground on the twelfth day, and the cold air column disappeared with his return.

Tai Qingyu subconsciously tightened her shoulders. It was too cold!

It was obvious that Xunhai had already obtained the "Ice Blue Water" he talked about.

She looked at Xunhai, who was as cold as frost for thousands of years. His eyes seemed to contain two pure blue miniature ice cubes. Staring at his ice blue eyes seemed to freeze her whole body. She quickly retracted her gaze.

"Ice Blue Water", very scary.

"Junior Sister, you have been deceived!"

Like thunder from the ground, Xunhai's words made Tai Qingyu instantly feel a sense of disaster from the sky.

"Put away your formation."

Hearing this, Tai Qingyu lightly scolded him, clicked on his spells, and "boom". When the last wave of puppet magic weapons hit the monk who was covered in green and yellow light, the puppet army retreated completely like a tide in an instant.

The monk was surrounded by puppets, with only a tattered yellow cassock fluttering under the green and yellow light of the cutting wind.

"Ah," Tai Qingyu asked in shock, "What on earth is going on?"

Xunhai's icy blue eyes looked at a large blue stone at the end of the island, and said seriously: "I don't know the reason yet. He has been using secret methods to hide behind the blue stone from the beginning to the end."

Xunhai stared at Qingshi, and his changed words made Tai Qingyu suddenly change his expression: "This person's magical power is very strange and powerful. He is not only waiting for you, but also for me, because once he kills you, And if you can't find me, I will deduce the real reason why he took your life based on some of the circumstances after you were killed. He doesn't want people to know this reason, so his target is not you, but the two of us. people."

After a pause, he pointed to the bluestone and asked calmly: "Monk, am I right?"

"Pop", "Pap", "Pap"...

The pot-bellied monk clapped his hands enthusiastically and emerged from behind the bluestone, laughing loudly and saying: "You are absolutely right, this is a great kindness!"

"In order to completely eliminate all accidents, I have to wait until you show up. Fortunately, you are not Liuyun, otherwise, I would have already escaped by the time you showed up."

When he finished speaking, the monk continued: "It is precisely because you are not Liuyun that you are destined to die today!"


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