Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 488 Strange Bird

Half a month passed in a flash, and Wang Lu recovered from meditation.

The spiritual energy here is so rich, and with the help of some elixirs, he has recovered to his prime.

Thinking of the thrilling incident half a month ago, he wanted to catch the culprits, Xian Teng and Xiao Lu, and give them a good beating.

Now thinking back, he was doomed at the time, but it should be those two guys who leaked a trace of their own breath, which caused the crazy monsters that were about to trample him to death to change direction, so that he could save his life.

Otherwise, it would be scary to think about it.

Wang Lu calmed down and took out the line jade piece given by the shopkeeper again. It was still covered with mist and blurred.

He put it back into the storage bag, put away the formation plate and formation flag, and finally entered the Kujiang Secret Realm. Now there is no position restriction for the shopkeeper, it is a great opportunity to fly freely.

Thinking that the green bird flying ancient treasures all come from the Kuhu Secret Realm, the treasures here should be more precious, right?

His face became serious and he walked out of the cave.

He used his body skills, but he was still restrained by the air ban, and his speed was greatly reduced.

Soon, he came to the top of the mountain and looked in all directions. The sky and the earth were still gray. A thousand miles away was an extremely wide river. The river was surging, but it was silent, which was very strange.

There were several winding rivers of different sizes around him. The river water was quiet and slowly flowed into a river about 100 miles wide, two thousand miles away, and then into the Kujiang River.

The entire secret realm was a mountain and river landscape. The rivers basically circled around the undulating peaks one after another, and the mountains were connected to each other. The mountains and ridges were continuous, forming some depressions, plains, and hills.

There were towering ancient trees on the mountains, some of which were steep, some were beautiful, some were ferocious, and some were majestic. They were different and had their own characteristics.

The entire secret realm was shrouded in clouds and mist, and the mountain wind blew with a little moisture. The line of sight was at most 500 feet. Even though Wang Lu's vision was greatly enhanced after entering the blood realm, he could only see about 600 feet and it was out of reach.

The above were actually all secretly remembered in his mind when he fled half a month ago.

Wang Lu retracted his gaze and felt that the fairy vine and Xiaolu had completely lost contact, and he didn't know where they went.

He looked at a foggy mountain in the distance, intending to try his luck and see if he could find one or two rare spiritual materials, which would be worth the trip.

Having made up his mind, Wang Lu came down from the mountain, slowly walked forward, and searched carefully like a carpet.

Hey, the Kujiang Secret Realm is indeed well-deserved.

Not long after, he found a few worthwhile ten thousand-year-old spiritual materials. Although they were not as good as those natural treasures in the Tianyun Secret Realm, they were also relatively rare.

Thinking back to the time, Sun Xue used a thousand-year-old spiritual herb to subdue him. It is conceivable that it can still be sold at a good price and be very useful.

Two hours later, he walked to a foggy valley. A very faint smell of blood floated faintly. Wang Lu perked up and expanded his spiritual sense.

Unexpectedly, a burning pain came, and he quickly retracted his spiritual sense.

The sight here is even worse, less than thirty feet.


The six-star arched moon blade came out immediately, and the mother blade with six sub-blades surrounded him happily like children, jumping up and down, left and right, and back and forth. Wang Lu's mood instantly improved, and he laughed "haha".

The old saying is right: what belongs to you is still yours.

He cast a spell, and the seven blades immediately broke into the thick haze.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish..."

In less than ten breaths, the seven blades flew back. Because their spirituality was too low, he could only vaguely feel that there was nothing unusual in the valley.

Wang Lu waved his hand, and the seven blades burst into green light. Seven green dragons roared out. The fog within a radius of ten miles in the valley was cleared in an instant, revealing the true appearance of half of the valley.

Wang Lu looked quickly, and the nameless half-foot-high green grass grew lushly and wildly, and various brightly colored wild flowers swayed in the wind. A clear stream flowed out of the mountain, and a mountain road that seemed to be going up the mountain spiraled up.

The mountain in front of him was the place Wang Lu wanted to explore.

However, in less than two breaths, the thick fog spread again at a high speed.

Wang Lu frowned slightly. For his own safety, it seemed that he had to take some measures.

He shouted softly, and the seven blades escaped into the void. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of extremely fine green sword threads shuttled and intertwined, and all the fog within a radius of one hundred feet was swept away.

All the scenes were vivid.

The Six-Star Arching Moon Blade, with the blessing of the "Thousands of Threads Blade Formation", was surprisingly sharp enough to break everything.

Wang Lu moved left and right quickly. The valley was very quiet except for the whistling mountain wind, but the deeper he went into it, the deeper the bloody smell became.

After walking about ten miles, he stopped, because the source of the bloody smell in the air was two hundred feet away and out of sight.

With the protection of the Six-Star Arching Moon Blade, he was certainly not afraid of any unexpected occurrences. After walking about fifty feet forward, a tragic scene broke into his eyes.

A body with blood and flesh, almost only white bones left, fell in a patch of weeds. The blood stains on the grass had been dried by the wind, and the green grass within a radius of fifty feet was in a mess, dilapidated and withered.

It was obvious that this person had experienced a violent struggle before his death, but still could not escape the fate of death and extinction.

Three four-foot-long strange birds with blood-red sharp beaks and green feathers were lazily lying on the grass. Their two small eyes like sapphires opened and closed, emitting an intoxicating blue, which was very moving.

The three strange birds seemed to have noticed something. One of them suddenly stood up, and the blue light in his eyes broke through the thick fog, and Wang Lu was clearly visible.

The blue light rushed into his eyes, and Wang Lu shuddered violently. The six-star arched moon blade burst out with a strong green, and only then was the blue light crushed.

Seeing this, the other two strange birds closed their eyes, and four blue lights surged in.


Wang Lu suddenly changed color and shouted, and the whole space was shattered in an instant. The four blue lights were also annihilated in the shattered space and disappeared.

The four blue lights actually made him use 30% of the "Thousands of Threads Blade Formation", which was really terrible.

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