Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 525 Gain and Loss

Blood Soul Fruit, a sacred fruit that can forcibly fuse the souls of two different creatures.

If the soul's main body is the caster, then the other soul will be completely melted into the caster's soul, and will completely perish from then on, no longer having its own spiritual consciousness, and will become the nourishment of the caster's soul.

The soul is one of the most mysterious things in the world. The human race is just one of the races and creatures in the forest of all races. The concept of three souls and seven spirits only belongs to the human race.

The human soul is composed of three souls and seven spirits. If one soul or one spirit is damaged, then the person is not far from death, unless it is restored.

However, how difficult it is to recover!

Except for the rare "Tian Yilan", one of the ten rare flowers, the rest have little effect, or even no use at all.

However, Tai Qingyu, who possessed the strange Tian Yilan, was swallowed by Hua Heshang of the Sad and Joy Zen Sect, and Hua Heshang was smashed to ashes by the furious Wang Lu with the unique and unreserved Tiancang stick at that time.

Since then, there is no more Tian Yilan in the world.

After learning that Tai Qingyu's vision was Tian Yilan and that he did not leave the Tianyun Secret Realm, the shopkeeper sighed and regretted. He also wanted to see if he could repair himself by devouring Tai Qingyu.

Souls are not unique to humans.

All races have them.

However, they are divided into strong and weak, high and low.

Once a creature's soul is destroyed, even if its strength is cultivated to a very high level, it will decay and wither in the torrent of time.

It is mysterious and profound, and it is very rare to be able to check, restrain, make up for, repair, nourish, and improve it.

This shows that the blood soul fruit is rare and precious.

So, the question is, why is the shopkeeper determined to get the blood soul fruit?

Because he has two souls, and the blood ghost mask is not worn by him, but that soul has gradually occupied his facial features and is his true face.

As the master of the soul, only the Blood Soul Fruit can annihilate that soul.

After absorbing everything that "it" sees, knows, gains, feels, understands, and everything... everything in its cultivation, he will become a rare leader in this era, the only one in the world, and the leader of peerless elegance.

No wonder, when Wang Lu saw his hideous and increasingly terrifying blood ghost mask, he had a sense of correctness that even he himself thought was incredible and impossible.

This is the shopkeeper's biggest secret, and it is also a stubborn disease that he must eradicate.

Fortunately, he accidentally obtained the red token and the Star Sea Thousand Islands Map, which conveyed a lot of information to him.

There are countless treasures related to the Seven Colors Palace, but he only cares about the "Blood Soul Fruit", and everything else is irrelevant.

So, he searched for masters.

Under deception, he got the guidance of that soul and found Sanhua, Gu Yang, Duanmu Qing, Caiying, Xuanyi Fairy and Wang Lu, who he thought of himself, a total of six people.

The purpose is very simple. Only with the existence of these six masters and the other six token holders can the closure time of the secret realm be greatly extended, preferably for the longest period of half a year.

These people did not disappoint him, and as for their life and death, they were all ignored.

In fact, even he didn't know at the beginning that in order to enter the real Kujiang River and open the Seven Colors Palace, four tokens were needed.

This was something he didn't expect and caught him off guard.

Fortunately, these twelve people once again impressed him and saved him when the building was about to collapse.

In particular, Duanmu Qing, who was a little dull but hidden, actually grabbed a key token and made the Seven Colors Palace completely visible.

The surprises continued. Just when he was at a loss and thought that God was going to kill him, Wang Lucaiying came down like a god and completed the last blow:

Knock on the door and enter the Seven Colors.

When the door opened, only he understood that the four of them entered purely to seek death. Unless they stayed on the river bank, otherwise, they would be buried in the Kujiang River and die.

None of them had the opportunity to explore the Seven-Colored Palace. Only he, who possessed the Star Sea Thousand Islands Map, had the unique pass.

Thinking of this, facing the four humanoid puppets that advanced and retreated in a measured manner and attacked him endlessly, the shopkeeper let out a very scary "hehehehehe" cold laugh.

His laugh was so deep in people's hearts and souls.

It was like when you were sleeping soundly in the dead of night, a person with disheveled hair and bloody tears stared at you quietly, and you opened your eyes unconsciously and saw the moment...

That was a throbbing of fear and fear.

His laugh, even the four puppets who only knew how to execute orders couldn't help but feel a little scared, and their steps suddenly became messy.

Waiting for this moment.

The four puppets joined forces, not afraid of any powerful person in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and even surpassed them.

No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't compete with those old monsters in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

"Ghost Dance, Blood Knife!"

The shopkeeper knew that the opportunity was gone. He had been entangled with them for so long, and his magic power was less than 40%. If he continued like this, he would be exhausted to death by them.

He shouted angrily, and in an instant, a red strange knife that seemed to have swallowed the blood of millions of people broke through the void, and shrank several times in a flash, and was tightly held in his hand.

At the same time, he stood up, stepped forward, and drew his knife.

The next moment, a shocking scene came:

In an instant, as if seeing a ghost, forty-nine shopkeepers with the same cultivation level did the same and unanimous:

Stand up, step forward, draw your knife...

For a moment, the blood-red, sharp sword energy rolled over like huge waves, and in a moment, it submerged the four humanoid puppets who were about to defend themselves.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack!"

The sound of four bodies breaking rang out in this closed space.

The humanoid puppet's body was torn into pieces.

The body was scattered all over the ground, nothing more than that.

The shopkeeper held his breath and walked towards the blood soul tree very slowly, step by step.

At this time, his steps were so light, his eyes were so gentle, and his heart was so soft.

It took him a full stick of incense to cover a distance of more than 20 feet.

Before an important thing is truly owned, no matter who it is, they will become cautious and careful.

Because everyone has an instinct:

Desire to get, and even more, fear of losing.

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