The revenge has been taken, the matter in the Northern Frontier has been settled, and now it is time to go to the South China Sea.

Originally, he had the idea and impulse to uproot the entire Shenxue Sect and leave no grass behind, but after repeated consideration, he decided to give up.

The killings this time were enough, and I believe that the three words "Liu Fu Sect" should be able to let the entire Northern Frontier know that he is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately.

Revenge when there is revenge, and revenge when there is injustice, this is the common sense and iron law of the world of immortal cultivation.

If even those low-level disciples are not spared, it will definitely incur the wrath of heaven and the resentment of the people. Under the cycle of heaven, he will not be able to escape the great calamity of the inner demon.

He did not give his name. If the Shenxue Sect survived this bloodbath by chance and a powerful figure appeared, he would take it when he found him.

If he was defeated, he could only swallow the bitter fruit, time and fate.

The world of immortal cultivation is such a big dye vat with bloody rain, turbulent clouds and unpredictable water.

There is a possibility of falling at any time.

He did not search for the treasure of Shenxue Sect. It was not that he did not want to, but he wanted to leave it behind so that those who escaped the catastrophe would become greedy again and fight among themselves, causing Shenxue Sect to completely destroy itself and perish.

As the saying goes, when there is no food in the trough, pigs will fight pigs, and when the spoils are not evenly divided, dogs will bite dogs. This is exactly the truth.

Humph, think about how Shenxue Sect treated Liufu Sect in the past.

As the saying goes, a man who is small-minded is not a gentleman, and a man who is not toxic is not a man!

Wang Lu left with Zi Jiu in hatred.

The revenge of Shenxue Sect made him deeply understand the perversion and profundity of "Kui Niu Treading the Sky Art". With the peak cultivation of the late Jindan period, no matter how talented he was, there was only one word: "Death" against a mid-Yuanying strongman!

However, the strength completely made up for this natural gap, and with the assistance of his "Zongyue Yunjian" body method, "Wuliang" magical power, six-star arched moon blade, Zi Jiu and various intermediate and intermediate talismans, he successfully survived to the present.

These are his strong support and trump cards, and also the foundation for him to walk in the world of immortal cultivation.

Stepping out of the Shenxuemen formation, the sky was slightly bright.

Wang Lu smiled and greeted Zi Jiu, who returned to the spirit beast bag reluctantly like a flash of lightning.

This guy has made great contributions this time, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has made great contributions.

Moreover, it was smoother and more powerful than he expected. In less than an hour, all the set targets were harvested.

Hey, it’s time to rush to the Nascent Soul stage. Once the Nascent Soul is successful, the "Infinite" magical power and the "Thousands of Threads and Blades Formation" will burst out in a straight line, becoming another trump card killer besides his strength.

At the same time, as the mana deepens, the body will be cleansed again, and the strength will be further improved.

At that time, the strength is powerful and the mana is deep. The combination of the two will really have the capital to gain a foothold in the world of immortal cultivation.

You have to find a secret place first, recover from the serious injuries and set off immediately.

Think and do.

After running over 3,000 miles, he found a hidden place, released the "Mountain Formation" and Zi Jiu to protect him, took out a magic pill, and healed his wounds.

He fought with Master Shenxue and almost split him in two.

Wang Lu suppressed it, and then fought with six Yuanying period masters. In fact, his body was like a candle in the wind. Once a master like Master Shenxue appeared, he would die.

Fortunately, his luck was quite good, and no masters came to visit Shenxuemen and communicate.

Time passed inadvertently.

A year passed, and the two jade bottles containing healing magic pills were used up.

His injuries were gone, his magic power was restored, and he returned to the peak.

With a single hand, Zi Jiu returned to the spirit beast bag, put away the formation, and walked out of the cave.

However, when he was about to start his body movement and escape to Massachusetts, suddenly, his whole body tightened.

A cold and sharp blade of the soul pierced into his mind, and Wang Lu's whole body stiffened.


Just when his body was completely unable to move and his soul was in great pain, Zi Jiu let out a violent whine, instantly enveloping his soul, and a warm and mysterious breath came over him, making him recover in an instant.

Zi Jiu immediately fell into a coma.

Zi Jiu!

Wang Lu's heart was bleeding, and he was extremely sad!

The opponent was too strong, and he was far inferior to him.

Who is it!

There is only one way to go back to Macheng, and the Linglong Sea, more than 300,000 miles to the south, is the only way out.

His mind was racing, and he took advantage of the precious moment when the opponent thought he had completely defeated him and the unexpected Zi Jiu brought him back to life, and cast a spell.


A burst of blood burst out, and Wang Lu disappeared.

"Blood Escape Talisman, it's you again, damn Blood Escape Talisman!"

"Hmph, don't think you can run away, even the Blood Escape Talisman can't save you!"

Unexpectedly, a burst of surprise came from the air.


A red ball of light bloomed in the air, flying towards the south at a speed of nearly 700 feet per breath.

Little Wanli Flying Boat!


Ten thousand miles away, Wang Lu spurted out a mouthful of blood due to serious injuries, and almost stumbled.

Immediately stabilized his body, looking at the vast and empty sky behind him, he knew that the other party would definitely not let go.

There are only two intermediate high-level Blood Escape Talismans and 25 intermediate mid-level Blood Escape Talismans left. Whether he can save his life depends on you.

His injuries are very serious. Even if he takes the ten thousand year spiritual milk, it is like a leaky wall, ventilated everywhere, and the essence of the spiritual milk cannot be retained at all.

It’s better to run first, as far as you can. If you can’t escape, the worst that can happen is death.

Wang Lu raised his confidence, his eyes firm.

“Bang bang bang bang bang…”

Twenty-seven consecutive beeps sounded at 10,000 miles, 20,000 miles, 22,000 miles... and finally stopped at 80,000 miles and exploded.

After nearly 27 teleports, he should be in a safe place, but the thought of the terrifying unknown opponent behind him made him feel cold all over and uneasy.

He had no idea what went wrong or when he was locked.

He knew nothing and was puzzled.

Judging from his posture, he was doomed this time and had to die!

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