One pig and one person ran quickly.

After a cup of tea, the fire pig "hummed" and blew out hot air from its nose, bringing Wang Lu to a hill full of green vines as thick as his arms.

The fire pig showed an extremely ugly smile, with a mouthful of sharp teeth, shining brightly.

Even though death was not far away, this scene still made him laugh.

Then, it flew forward, grabbed one of the green vines and pulled it down five times. After letting it go, it thoughtfully searched for several vines among the countless vines, pulling this one three times, that one four times... It seemed to be very regular.

Looking at the fire pig's focused and serious expression, Wang Lu put away his smile, and his hope and expectation slowly emerged.

Every time he pulled a vine, he felt the whole island vibrate slightly.

With the last vine pulled for the ninth time, "boom, boom, boom", as if an earthquake had come, the whole island shook several times one after another.

Immediately, an incredible scene appeared:

All the vines seemed to be forcibly separated by a pair of invisible hands, revealing a small piece of smooth jade-like mountain wall. The fire sea pig laughed even more and turned his head to look at him, and in one step, flew straight towards the mountain.

What was even more surprising was that the mountain wall seemed to have some kind of attraction. When the volcano pig was about to hit it and bleed, it swallowed it into its stomach all of a sudden.

Wang Lu was shocked and jumped up, just like it, under a strange traction, into the mountain.

Less than two breaths after the fire sea pig and Wang Lu disappeared, "swish swish swish swish...", the vines quickly covered the mountain and returned to its original state.

Only the irritable breath of the fire sea pig remained in front of the mountain, which lingered for a long time.

"Where can you escape to!"

The eighth elder said angrily in the small Wanli flying boat.

I don't know if Wang Lu has decided that it is useless to run away, so he stopped.

After chasing for more than a year, going so deep into Linglong Sea, even a powerful master in the early stage of Huashen may have to think carefully, there are too many uncertainties and risks.

It is said that once Linglong Sea exceeds 100 million miles, the deeper you go, the more dangers you will encounter.

Fortunately, the two of them have an extremely fast small Wanli flying boat, otherwise, even if they have a hundred courage, they will be daunted and stop.

It is less than 30,000 miles away from Wang Lu's sensing point, and he can catch up in an hour at most.

The two were excited and wished they could go faster.


Like a sharp dagger cutting through cloth, Wang Lu successfully arrived in the mountain.

This is an underground space with a radius of 30 feet and extremely rich spiritual energy. Hundreds of dark blue stalagmites and stone pillars are hanging upside down, and droplets of spiritual energy are deposited on them, like water droplets, which are so rich that they cannot be dissolved.

Such a rich spiritual energy!

He couldn't help but take a deep breath, and immediately, the spiritual energy entered his body, and he quickly refined it according to the law.


It was so comfortable, all the pores stretched open, the spiritual energy here was not only deep and rich but also very special.

That's right!

Wang Lu suddenly realized that this was a very pure and extremely rare water spiritual energy!

If it weren't for the arrival of a strong enemy, he would have been happy to stay here for ten, a hundred, or hundreds of years.

Let go of his thoughts, this place seemed to be dug out by people.

Hey, where is the pig?

"Ah, ah."

The sea of ​​fire pig was actually behind him.

Turning back, it was lazily and complacently lying on an ancient, muddy yellow teleportation array that exuded endless years and seemed to have experienced vicissitudes of life.

Wang Lu was shocked!

Is it really God's love?

Am I really the son of luck?

There is light at the end of the tunnel, and I can survive in desperate situations!

He took one step as two and hurried forward, making the Fire Sea Pig happily move aside. Suddenly, a chaotic message poured into the Fire Sea Pig's eyes.

Standing for a long time.

Wang Lu sighed and patted the thick waist of the Fire Sea Pig, which was half a body taller than him.

So that's it.

A hundred years ago, when the Fire Sea Pig successfully entered the ranks of the seventh-level monsters, this island in the depths of Linglong Sea inexplicably appeared in its mind.

Excited, it set out from Baihai with fear and trepidation, hiding during the day and traveling at night, and went through untold hardships and was almost killed by a powerful Yuanying period monk, and came to Linglong Sea.

After arriving, it did not dare to slack off, and used eighty years of extreme caution, and found this island after a narrow escape.

After resting for two years, the Fire Sea Pig did not understand why there was nothing on this island. Even if the spiritual energy was thin, there should be some reptiles and birds.

After two years of lurking and observing, there were very few monsters on this island except it.

Even here, it sneered at the spiritual energy of the island and left quickly.

At this point, it was completely relieved.

According to the ancient memory fragments that broke through the air, after five years of fiddling, it finally discovered a unique method to enter the space.

It had never expected that the space in the mountain was such a magical place, and it was so surprised that it drooled all over the floor.

However, it knew that "a man is innocent, but he is guilty of holding a treasure", so it entered and exited carefully.

With the blessing of endless pure water spiritual energy, water and fire blended, its strength has been greatly increased, and it is steadily moving towards the middle stage of level seven.

In Wang Lu's opinion, this cave in the mountain seemed to be tailor-made for it, as if it was waiting for it in the dark.

He had to sigh, mysterious and magical.

As for the teleportation array next to it, it had no idea how to use it. The memory fragment only told him that it needed very, very strong spiritual power to activate it, but it didn't know where it would be teleported to once it was activated.

Wang Lu carefully examined this unique, yellowish ancient teleportation array.

There was no flaw at all, and it only lacked a large amount of spiritual energy.

Fortunately, there were millions of high-quality spiritual stones in the storage bag.

At the critical moment of life and death, no matter how many spiritual stones there were, they were redundant.


He shouted softly, and millions of high-quality spiritual stones were broken into powder under the power of magic.

A spiritual energy storm that was enough to burst the entire space swept thousands of times.


The muddy yellow teleportation array was like a whale sucking water, swallowing all the spiritual energy in one gulp, and then it emitted a faint yellow, and then it became quiet.

Wang Lu's face was happy, and seeing this, it was like eating a dead rat, and he was so painful that he wanted to cry!

At this moment!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The ground shook continuously.

Wang Lu's face suddenly changed.

Here it comes!

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