Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 578 The truth comes out

Yu Ningzhi subconsciously tightened her body when she saw Wang Lu's gaze.

Li Jie was also puzzled when he saw this.

Wang Lu retracted his gaze, pondered for a moment, sorted out his thoughts again, and asked solemnly: "Excuse me, fellow Daoist Li, when you set out to the South China Sea to search for treasures a few years ago, did you feel like you were being spied on? You must recall it in detail and don't miss any details."

"Wait a moment, let me think about it," the scene in front of him seemed to be constantly spinning and pulling back. After a long time, Li Jie seemed to have figured out a clue and said, "That was more than three hundred years ago, when we first met Lou Hengshan, who had just entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, the Killer Hall. Although we were caught off guard, we did not lose our composure. After a life-and-death battle, my sister Zhi and I escaped death."

"Since then, it will appear every few decades."


Just as Li Jie continued to speak, Wang Lu interrupted him and asked, "Very good, Brother Li, think about it carefully again. When you first had that feeling, where were you?"


Like a thunderclap exploding in Li Jie's ears, he understood Wang Lu's meaning a little.

He tried to recall, and finally said with certainty: "At that time, we were on a hidden island about 60,000 miles away from the land."

"Okay, continue."

"The second time, Qianye Island 80,000 miles west of the land."

"The third time, a hiding place outside Chen Tianfu."

"The fourth time, a small valley in Canghua Mountain of Canghua Sect."


"A few years ago, my sister Zhi and I were about to run out of spiritual stones, so we took advantage of the appearance of the blue Tianyu Ganoderma lucidum and went out to sea. We took advantage of the fire and sought wealth in danger. After traveling 100,000 miles, that feeling completely disappeared."

Li Jie paused for a few breaths, two sharp lightning flashes shot out of his eyes, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Qiu, you have always suspected that something of ours was seized by the Killer Hall. Now it seems , without a doubt. However, if the distance exceeds a certain point, it will lose its effect on them; or, they clearly know our exact location and are about to summon the killer, but are blocked by our unconscious and unprovoked next move, so we can avoid it without any feeling, but the probability of this is always low. "

Seeing that Wang Lu did not speak, Li Jie said with a little hatred: "What they want is actually the "staying where we are" under the higher probability, so that we are being hunted down again and again today. "

Li Jie's eyes are sharp, and he analyzed calmly and emotionlessly in a strange tone that seems to penetrate people's hearts.

Hearing this, Yu Ningzhi's jade face flashed a trace of surprise, as if she was meeting her husband for the first time.

Wang Lu nodded affirmatively, added weight to the bargaining chips, and continued: "I believe Brother Li also knows that no matter where you and your wife are or in which direction, if the distance is not more than 100,000 miles, you will be found by the Killer Hall; although the South China Sea Continent is vast, with the power of the Killer Hall, as long as the heavy troops are stationed in important places, no matter where you hide, you will have nowhere to escape."

"As Brother Li said, they can't grasp your next move, and they don't know what you think at all. The Killer Hall just wants that high probability that your couple can't hide."

Analyzing here, Li Jie's bright, sharp and expectant eyes floated over.

Because he knew that Wang Lu's next sentence was crucial, this was the key to solving the whole mystery.

Only Wang Lu spoke steadily: "It's the extremely faint and almost inaudible but real fragrance on my wife's body!"


Like a revelation, Li Jie felt cold all over and looked at Wang Lu blankly.

Yu Ningzhi was shocked and completely stunned.

Everyone loves beauty, especially Yu Ningzhi's love for Li Jie has penetrated into her bones. She puts on makeup to please herself. In the endless escape, all she can give him is her deep affection and beauty as a wife.

Li Jie also knows that he has not fulfilled his responsibilities as a husband for these years, causing the woman he loves to suffer so much. He also wants her to be happy and give her the happiness of a little woman.

The two of them are deeply in love and tender.

So much so that they ignore the almost negligible fragrance of love from themselves.


Wang Lu did not say anything else.

The nearly 800 years of escape life has already overwhelmed the couple. They live in the struggle and fear of death all the time. Although the mystery has been solved, their thoughts, worries, and joys are extremely intertwined and entangled, which is very complicated.

The methods of the immortal cultivators are all kinds of strange, and all kinds of strange skills and methods are endless, which are hard to guard against.

Even so, how could Li Jie and the others fall into the trap so easily? Although all possibilities have been ruled out, they are still hunted down and killed again and again.

This shows that loopholes must exist.

So, following this line of thought, Wang Lu cut off all doubts and flaws, but there is still no solution, no answer.

In this case, then jump out of this fog, observe from the perspective of a bystander, and look at it as an outsider.

It is very simple for mortals to be locked, just have eyes everywhere.

This is not the case for immortal cultivators.

They come and go like the wind, are cautious like rabbits, alert like mice, and tenacious like snakes, which are difficult to master.

However, cultivators are also human beings, and they have their own preferences and unique marks.

Then, the problem must be here.

Since he swallowed the cold breath that the elder of the Yu family had infiltrated into his body, his spiritual sense, spiritual awareness, divine sense and all his senses have been greatly enhanced.

He deliberately thought deeply and dug in this direction.

Suddenly, a very faint fragrance floated like a dark fragrance, and Wang Lu was shocked.

Everything was revealed.

When he smelled the special fragrance on Yu Ningzhi that he could not smell even at such a close distance, the answer to the mystery was revealed and the puzzle was solved.

He couldn't help but admire the Killer Hall from the bottom of his heart. They were really omnipresent and used every possible means.

They captured such a faint fragrance and amplified it with special means, and then found the two people from it.

Seeing the slightest smell, it is like a miracle.

From this, we can see how powerful the Killer Hall is and how deep its influence is.

Whenever a flaw is caught, they will use the force of thunder and bite until they are killed and completely eradicated.

This is why the Killer Hall has always won every battle.

Wang Lu patted the guilty Li Jie's shoulder to comfort him.

Yes, even someone as cautious and alert as Li Jie fell into the trap silently.

As a human, you have weaknesses.

Unless you become an immortal.

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