Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 604 A message

Looking at Wang Lu's speed of jumping balls and shrinking figures that surprised him, Lan Yu felt very complicated. How could he offset such a big favor?

The way of heaven is high and far, and cause and effect are cyclical. The cause has been planted, when will the fruit mature?

If you ignore it and want to break through the God Transformation Stage, it will be a foolish dream.

This person is very good at attacking the heart and is also a man of loyalty. When fighting with the female cultivator, he saw through his details. It was because the junior brother Qingshan made contributions in the war between humans and demons that he would not kill him at all, but he kept holding back. Based on the constant changes in his expression, he understood the deep affection between himself and the junior brother, and then used this as a breakthrough point to say "He is the one who eliminated Fang Tian", and then completely broke his vigilance and remembered his kindness.

Then, another beautiful heavy punch came, and the three-eyed demon wolf returned intact, which made him completely relieved and even a little grateful.

At this point, it's not over yet.

The most exciting part is here. He took the Tianhong grass and divided half of it without hesitation or care. He almost made himself dumbfounded.

Such a performance that progressed layer by layer and touched people's hearts was well-intentioned and really amazed him.

However, even if he understood his methods, what could he do? This person's boldness and sincerity really made him ashamed and admired. After making friends with him, he must have made mistakes. Even the current trip to the South China Sea was greatly benefited by this person.

Just the inner demon made him not know how to be grateful.

Hey, a very interesting person.

He is powerful, has a broad vision, and is thoughtful. He is a little kind. I wonder if you have noticed it?

Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake?

Once you exceed the so-called kindness, you will regret it for no reason.

Ha, maybe in the future, the senior brother will help you block this disaster and return your kindness.

Find a safe place to rest first.

He left as soon as he said he would. Lan Yu's eyes shot out two sharp rays of light. He remembered Wang Lu in his heart and sighed for his benevolence.

With a single hand, a sky-blue flying boat was suspended steadily. With the power of magic, he jumped and landed steadily on it.

"Let's go!"

The flying boat exploded with a "bang", soared into the sky, and flew towards the south at a speed of 700 feet per breath.

It turned out to be an extremely rare small Wanli flying boat.

After collecting the Tianhong grass, Wang Lu left without stopping for a moment. The words were already there, and they were Lan Yu's words that were comparable to the heart demon oath, so he could rest assured.

With this strong support, the alliance with Li Jie and his wife has an extra guarantee.

Lan Yu is very powerful. In his opinion, the cultivation of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul can completely compete with the general late stage of the Nascent Soul. Once he breaks into the late stage of the Nascent Soul, his strength will surge again.

In addition to his identity as a core figure of the Tianyue Sect, almost no one provokes him.

The domineering magical power of the towering green mountain that kept accelerating and accelerating and rapidly enlarged still lingered in his mind and could not be shaken off.

What a shocking blow this was. Except for a head-on collision, there was no way to defend against it, and it would be crushed into nothingness.

It was terrible!

Wang Lu continued to go deeper into the South Sea and the North Sea. He had a strong premonition that the Tianhong grass was very important and was the key to whether he could peek into the key to the God Transformation Stage.

Now that it has been obtained, perhaps some kind of bad luck that blocked the way ahead is gradually disappearing or being greatly delayed. At least, it will not come now, which gives him a lot of buffer and time to improve himself.

This feeling came suddenly and mysteriously. He didn't understand why, but he took it very seriously.

Speeding up cultivation is the top priority.

In a month, there were not many obstacles and sea beasts in the sea.

A small green island, deep in the dense forest, the six-star arched moon blade "crackled" and soon a cultivation cave was created.

Lay down multiple formations and enter the cave.

He planned to take a good rest on this island. The joint attack of Lan Yu and the nameless female cultivator was not so easy to take. He still had hidden injuries. If he didn't get rid of them completely, the foundation of his physical body would be damaged to a certain extent, leaving hidden dangers, and he would not be able to go far in the end.

Holding two medium-grade spirit stones, he made a sleeping posture of Kui Niu. A mysterious black power rose up and gradually spread from head to toe, penetrating into the body, limbs, skin, hidden acupoints, meridians, and various organs...

Wang Lu fell into the fine polishing of his physical body.

I don't know how many years have passed. He woke up leisurely, and his body returned to its peak. He felt refreshed, as if there was endless power flowing through his body. His magic power was perfect and perfect, and there was no more to increase. He just waited for the recipe to go further.

Counting with his fingers, two years have passed.


A black storage bag was suspended in the air, and with a little mana, "clatter, clatter, clatter...", countless spirit stones and various treasures gushed out, among which there were also many large and small jade boxes of various colors.

Wang Lu was full of smiles, and he had gained a lot.

All the spirit stones were top-grade spirit stones, and a rough calculation showed that there were almost a million of them. There were also a large stack of defense talismans, attack talismans, invisibility talismans, and other talismans, three powerful arrays that were both offensive and defensive, and several lightning beads that could threaten the Nascent Soul stage, with electric wires flashing...

Thirty-three jade boxes of forbidden spirit talismans ignited without fire, and with the help of mana, the jade boxes opened one after another. Looking closely, Wang Lu was even more happy.

Although these spiritual materials were far different from those he found in the Tianyun Secret Realm and the Kujiang Secret Realm, all of them were more than ten thousand years old, and some were even as old as fifty thousand years, which was another huge income.

He didn't pay much attention to the above, but a jade slip with a circle of ancient yellow light caught his attention.

His spiritual consciousness entered, and a message rushed into his mind.


It was like a loud bell, shocking Wang Lu to the point of being stunned.

The jade slip seemed to have completed its mission, and it turned into ashes with a "bang".

Like a human sculpture, Wang Lu, who stood there for a long time, still felt his head "buzzing", and he put away his surprise.

With a light move, the last two emerald jade bottles came to his hands, and when the bottle stoppers were opened, a very strong wine spirit suddenly rushed out and floated up.

Ten thousand years of spiritual wine!

Overjoyed, Wang Lu had more confidence in the message sent by the jade slip.

Sixty years? Calculating the time, it should be in time.

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