Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 648: Overlapping Sea

"Click, click, click, click..."

Wang Lu, who had been concentrating for a long time, suddenly caught an almost inaudible sound in his ears, as if something was about to break apart, a terrifying sound, and a clear and delicate panic suddenly came.

Something terrible is about to happen!

He didn't dare to make any rash moves at all. He exhaled heavily, put all his strength into his body, and firmly stabilized his body.

In less than two breaths, all the sea fog went crazy and gathered towards the place where he stood from all directions at an astonishing speed like lightning and thunder.

"Swish, swish, swish...boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Something seemed to be falling sharply, and Wang Lu subconsciously looked behind him.


He was always bold, so he covered his mouth with one hand as he was about to roar, which almost didn't scare him out of his skin.

as expected!

With the opening of the corner of the South China Sea, the heavy rain that had been falling for a whole year finally stopped on time. The dark clouds dispersed, the long-lost sun diffused, and a circle of extremely thick fog formed a sky. The sea, a huge column with a radius of 100,000 miles, surrounded them.

He stood just inside the wall of fog with his legs trembling a little.

If the calculations were even slightly wrong, he would fall into the 13,000-foot-high flood behind him, and the water would be bloody and red, like a maniac with teeth and claws falling into the ferocious sea of ​​a crazy monster.

This is a sea with a radius of 100,000 miles, rising straight from the sea in the south, like a sea within a sea!

Unparalleled in history, rare in the world, and unique!


Wang Lu showed a look of shock again, and suddenly had a sudden thought, as if the heavy rain in the past year had come just for this moment, and this sea was born for this moment.

To create this sea!

This extremely high cylindrical fog wall, which is almost touching the sky, is the only interception that prevents outsiders from entering the secret realm. Although he has not personally felt its defense, his intuition tells him that even the strongest person in this world cannot break the fog wall at all.

It’s too dangerous, just a hair’s breadth!

If he falls dangerously close to the outer edge, he will not only lose the opportunity to enter the corner of the South China Sea, but he will also be swept up by the crazy huge waves and hit into the extremely heavy sea water, and he will die without any hope of death.

Wang Lu turned his eyes fearfully.

Because fifty thousand miles in front of me, an extremely small black line running from south to north separates the sea within the sea.

The previous "click, click, click, click..." sound came from this point.

It's not over yet, the extremely strong crisis is becoming more and more clear.

What is coming will always come!


It was like a bolt of lightning flashing across, so fast that even Wang Lu felt his eyes flashing.

It's like a sky-reaching giant standing proudly on the side of the sea within the sea. With his unparalleled giant hands, he grabbed the small straight line like an iron hoop, let out a "oooh" roar, and suddenly pulled the sea within the sea from it. Cut, split in two, and force it apart.


A ear-piercing and deafening sound of pulling came straight in, coming at me without any preparation!

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"

More than sixty hysterical screams occurred one after another within a radius of 100,000 miles, including Wang Lu.

Everyone used all the means in their lives to resist the engulfment of the rolling waves.

Several people were closer to the center, and their sense of surprise increased sharply. Fang felt that they were about to resist, but they only had time to let out a frightening roar before they were swept away.

There were dozens of people standing on the edge like a king on the road. Fortunately, these short three breaths made them more prepared to go all out, but they were still taken away without any suspense. Some people persisted a little longer. A breath or two.

However, dozens of people who were half a mile away from the rift but not nearly 20,000 to 30,000 miles away from the rift, with all kinds of precious lights and auras soaring into the sky, had to hold on for at least five breaths before being involved in it, which was an astonishing strength.

The King's Road is like a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river. He cannot save himself, so there is no way to pay attention to the reactions of others.

Moreover, the howling sound, which was as sharp as a steel needle, was so fierce and domineering that it directly caused him serious injuries.


Wang Lu held his head and howled, two pillars of blood spurted out from his ears, and his breath dropped by more than 30%.

With a livid face, he looked solemnly at the endless sea water, like a torrent, rushing unstoppably into the terrifying crack in the middle that was getting bigger and wider, with an unknown depth.

The sea level he was standing on was sinking rapidly, and the huge force from the sky that prevented him from flying was holding him down.

What made him even more horrified was that where he stood, the unparalleled pulling power of the torrential waves forcibly pulled his motionless iron body forward, as if it were rooted in a mountain.


Wang Lu roared in a low voice, pouring all his strength crazily into his body, "Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah...", countless electric sparks rumbled and exploded under his feet!

Still unable to stop his body, he couldn't help but plunge into the huge crack that seemed to have a bloody mouth!

"Ah, ah, ah..."

As the distance continued to get closer, Wang Lu let out hysterical roars!

Must not die, must not die!

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't stop the suction force that reached the sky.

The strange vision of the thick yellow talisman cloud appeared in the world for the first time, wrapping him tightly like a rice dumpling. The six-star arching moon blade and the sky-supporting rod became the main force of the "Thousands of Thousand Threads Blade Array" that "accommodates all things and is a perfect whole" The army guarded him closely.


The speed was extremely fast, like a jumping ball, like a line of shooting stars. He only felt the wind in his ears and the rumbling of thunder. He could not stop himself from being automatically swept into the bottomless and dark huge rift valley like a moth to a flame.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Ten thousand rivers rushed, thousands of seas converged, and the rift valley swallowed up the sea water within a radius of 100,000 miles and the remaining 61 Yuanying period strongmen.


At this point, the sky was clear, the wind was calm, the rivers were clear and the seas were peaceful.

The sea in the sea fell to the sea level, as if the wonders and visions a few dozen breaths ago did not exist at all, and the world was peaceful.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the sea water was strangely blue. He dared not stare at it, as if it would dye his reflection into the same deep blue as it, and then spread to the body, merge with the sea water, and turn into nothingness.


A bubble suddenly emerged from the last tiny point where the crack shrank, as if telling the world that it had been here before.


The sea breeze blew slowly, the waves gradually rose, and this strange and nameless sea area returned to its past state.

The waves were huge and fierce, layer upon layer, endless and continuous.

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