Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 707 Strait Island

Hearing this, Huang Yuanjie frowned and fell into thinking. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and took out a silver token in the shape of a luan. His fingers kept stippling in the air, and the token glowed with slender silver light.

When the light faded, he gave Wang Lu a wry smile and said nothing.

Within a few breaths, the space in the secret room undulated like ripples, and a jade slip gradually squeezed out of the void and appeared.

Huang Yuanjie pointed a single point, and the jade slip came to Wang Lu.

Wang Lu gained some consciousness and stood up in an instant. He said solemnly: "My nephew has done a good job and has thought carefully. He is worthy of being a disciple of Yinjiu. If everything goes well, I will mark it down for you. The situation is serious and I must immediately Go to.”

Before he finished speaking, Wang Lu disappeared.

Huang Yuanzhu stood still and watched, his thoughts were extremely complicated. He clearly knew how dangerous Wang Lu and Yin Jiu were facing. The opponent was too strong, and Master Qiu's past was like hitting a stone with an egg.

As one of the nine deacons of Yinluanxuan, he only has the right to summon the great monks of his sect once in his life. This time, he has made up his mind.

Immediately, he raised his hand, and a white jade slip appeared. He muttered the magic formula silently, and a message was injected. The space fluctuated again, and the jade slip slowly dissolved.

Master, uncle, you must come back safely.

In an instant, the disappeared jade slip appeared in a huge manor full of flowers. An energetic old man who was watering the flowers smiled "haha", and the jade slip came through the air and took a casual look.

"Bang", the jade simplified into flying ash, and leisurely sprinkled a piece of spiritual dew on a white and red spiritual flower in front of him.

The expression is freehand and calm.

An hour later, half of the work in the garden was finally finished. He looked up at the starry night sky. As he watched, a yellow light like a shooting star flew towards him and stopped in mid-air.

"Young man Huang, you dare to disturb the old man's mood and come back to deal with you. Hey, if it weren't for the sake of the deputy master and the ancestor of the Fang family, I would delay it for dozens of days at will. Your master's life would be at risk. It’s easy to say, just follow fate.”


The yellow light exploded and the old man blinked out of sight.

This flying treasure with an indistinct form flew across the night sky at a speed of thousands of feet per breath far exceeding that of a small ten-thousand-mile flying boat. It was so fast that even the space had no time to fluctuate.

As anxious as a spark, Wang Lu walked out of Yinluan Pavilion and returned the same way with meteoric strides.

Half an hour later, when he arrived at the Tianhai Gate Outlet Square, he gave a soft drink, and physical strength rolled in. The complete "Across the Clouds" opened, like a big bird, "fluttering" and shot into the vast South China Sea, floating light and shadow, and in an instant Pass away.

The super speed shocked thousands of people present.

One of the mid-stage Nascent Soul masters just returned from the distant sea. Seeing this scene, he was extremely shocked and his expression changed.

This man's speed alone is enough to overwhelm the heroes. Although the opponent's speed is faster than lightning, fortunately, his spiritual consciousness is naturally superior to others, and he has also recorded his appearance. Maybe...

After thinking for a while, the young man seemed to have made a decision and left with a smile.

At this time, Wang Lu only had one coordinate in his mind: the southwestern waters of the South China Sea, the Strait Island 56.37 million miles northeast, where three great monks of the late Nascent Soul of the Kong family and dozens of strong men were besieging and killing them. More than a month.

Yinluanxuan's hands and eyes are indeed astute, and he even knows such secret things clearly. He is worthy of being a super power spanning the five realms.

Huang Yuanjie also knew the elegant meaning of the song after hearing it. He quickly figured out the clues and accurately positioned the countless complicated things. This tact is also quite rare.

Although he was very confident that he could compete with the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, he only believed that without personal experience and experience, it was all an illusion.

In his opinion, once he had perfected the Soul Realm and entered the second page of "Kui Niu Treading the Sky", he should be able to compete with the ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monks. How could he have imagined that he had just narrowly escaped death from the corner of the South China Sea? Encounter a strong enemy again.

God, you have to drive me to a dead end before you are willing to do this.

Wang Lu was indignant. Li Jie and Yinjiu were behind bars. He had to rush to the formidable enemy.

The only worry now was that the two of them would not be able to endure his appearance. One breath of eight hundred and thirty feet was enough to frighten the world, but he still felt that it was not fast enough.

The sea wind is howling, the waves are rolling, the sea fog is deep, the water is deep, and a looming shadow is like a straight black line stretching, extending, disappearing, stretching, extending, disappearing on the endless sea... and repeating , repeated endlessly.

It's hard to see through and hard to catch up with.

From the moment he stepped into the South China Sea, he unleashed all his firepower without any scruples. Regardless of the flying treasures in the sky, the high-speed treasure ships on the sea, or the sea beasts and monsters in the sea, they were all left far behind him, even his shadow was caught. Can't live.

Many people who think they have extraordinary speed want to find out. The more they pursue, the more powerless they become, and their enthusiasm becomes colder, until they give up completely.

This person is like a ghost who never tires and is cold, leaving no trace or trace.

This scene also became a topic that people talked about for a long time and became more and more dark.

Wang Lu held his breath. The long and high-intensity running made his body gradually feel overwhelmed.

A month later, I randomly found an island, adjusted my breathing for two days, and hit the road again.

After resting three times in a row, Wang Lu encountered several weird-looking and strong level 7 or 8 sea beasts blocking the sea and blocking the road. Wang Lu had no time to bother with them, and he killed them all with one blow.

At this point, the journey became much easier.

Four months and eight days later, he finally finished the long journey of more than 56 million miles.

The two narrow islands stood lonely and resentful like lovers who could never hug each other. Perhaps they could only hug each other after a long time, when they were eroded and crushed by the sea water and turned into nutrients for the South China Sea.

The name of Strait Island came from this.

He was both happy and heavy in his heart.

He was happy that when he played the light smoke taught by Yu Ningzhi at 50,000 miles, the smoke actually shot forward like crazy. He knew that no matter what, at least Li Jie was still alive.

He was heavy. On one of the islands, colorful lights bloomed in the sky like fireworks, and countless violent and chaotic breaths filled the area within a radius of 100 miles. The strong smell of blood mixed with the sea breeze wrapped in the waves came.

This shows how fierce the fight was.

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