When he arrived in front of Yinjiu Valley, he cast a spell, and the formation broke a hole. A jade slip entered like lightning, and Wang Lu turned and left.

Half a day passed, and he returned to Tianhai City.

In the huge and magnificent teleportation hall of the City Lord's Mansion, he used 100 high-quality spirit stones to buy a teleportation talisman to "Xincheng". At this time, there were less than 100 people, so he randomly found a place and waited patiently.

As the largest city in the South China Sea, Tianhai City has a constant flow of people coming and going through the teleportation array.

In less than an hour, Wang Lu and the other 99 people disappeared in a brilliant silver light.

They were teleported one after another, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

After nearly 50 years, he once again returned to the bustling "Cui Town" where the Cui Sect was in charge.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, he quickly went to the "Cui Pavilion". A guy in a deep green robe came up with a smile. Wang Lu pointed to the third floor and sent a voice transmission at the same time.

Hearing this, knowing that the matter was of great importance, the waiter hurriedly took him to the third floor, led him into an empty secret room, and then turned and left.

Three hours later, Wang Lu walked out of the Cui Pavilion, released the green bird, and jumped up.


A bright green light exploded in the air, and the green bird seemed to be showing off to him, excitedly moving at full speed towards the direction of Fangzhu Island.


On the green bird, Wang Lu touched his chin and looked at it with interest.

Somehow, the speed of the green bird increased by another ten feet, reaching a speed of six hundred and eighty feet per breath, which was almost the same as the speed of the small Wanli flying boat.

Although the speed increase was not much, it made Wang Lu have more expectations for it.

Thinking back to the time when he spent a huge amount of money to buy it, it was originally used to run away, but in the middle, it appeared that it recommended itself to the fairy vine gourd with its own short-lived extreme speed.

At that time, the fairy vine was gone and he was too lazy to even look at it. If he hadn't said it, the green bird would have been useless and he would have suffered a huge loss.

Later, under the warmth of the gourd, it slowly repaired itself and its speed also increased.

When the gourd disappeared inexplicably and was warmed by the Nascent Soul, who would have thought that the green bird could still speed up.

This made Wang Lu feel quite strange.

You know, only the natal magic weapon has the possibility of growth. Other treasures, like dead objects without any spirituality, can only do what they should do step by step.

The green bird is not a magic weapon in itself, but it has a faint spirituality under the nurturing of the Nascent Soul.

Could it be that a long, long time ago, when it was not damaged, it was also an extraordinary treasure?

If it is exactly the same as he thought, then it is really a great fortune and a great blessing.

In the future, once the green bird regains its former glory, it will be a supernatural speed of ten thousand miles, one hundred thousand miles, one million miles, ten million miles, or even miles that cannot be counted in miles.

Hehe, the nurturing and repair of the Nascent Soul is still too slow, and the fairy vine must be found back.

Otherwise, it will take a long time for "you" to shine, and there is no faster way.

While Wang Lu was looking forward to the yearning for the green bird, he hurriedly used the snow pupil to look inside several times, but still could not find any trace of the gourd.

It's still not strong enough.

Although it was very regretful, he believed that the gourd had not left, it must still be there, but it was hidden in a way he couldn't understand.

At the same time, a strong sense of urgency came suddenly.

Little Green is worry-free for the time being, but it is not a long-term solution. Only the gourd can keep it safe and sound.

So the importance of the fairy vine is self-evident.

However, thinking back, the origin of the fairy vine is very great, as the temporary owner, he himself cannot find it, let alone the heroes and giants in the upper world, which also temporarily guarantees his safety.

In his opinion, whether it is Xiaolu or the gourd, they need very pure wood spirit to make them recover and grow, but apart from the nameless wood spirit island at the corner of the South China Sea, where else in this world?

There is another place!

It's just that two hundred years have passed, and the originally vague "jade slip" may have become blank.

Many times, he wanted to take a look secretly, but he knew that the more he thought about it, the more he would sink into it and couldn't extricate himself.

He hoped that after the successful completion of this great change, the jade slip would still be of some use.

With such a feeling, the green bird rushed at lightning speed, three hundred thousand miles, nine hours, and an island covered by waves and fog appeared vaguely.

As if his relatives were waving to him, Wang Lu was eager to go home. He laughed loudly, leaped out of the green bird, and immediately put it into his Nascent Soul, throwing it to Fangzhu Island like a stone.

Wang Lu's surging momentum had already alarmed the island and Yu Ningzhi, and she immediately calmed down and opened the formation.


On the water curtain, a powerful mid-stage Nascent Soul warrior with amazing momentum directly passed through the island formation and rushed from east to west at a speed as fast as thunder.

The speed was as fast as a startled wild goose.

Seeing this person, the slightly cold mood disappeared suddenly, and she smiled like a flower and said: "Oh, I haven't seen you for decades. Junior brother has made such progress in cultivation. I don't know what great opportunities he has obtained. I must make you tell me honestly."

Yu Ningzhi stood up, opened the stone door of retreat, and cast a spell forward. With a "click" sound, a passage appeared. She smiled and flew into it.

At the same time, he sent a message to disciple Gu Yun:

Tell him to tell everyone to gather in the hall at noon tomorrow for important matters.

In a few breaths, Yu Ningzhi arrived at the "Qing Gu" square of the Gu Family Manor, wearing a fluttering white skirt and looking up at the sky and waiting for Wang Lu to return home.

With his speed, he quickly arrived at the edge of the sea cliff, and casually saw that his senior sister was waiting eagerly under her snow-white eyes.

Without any pause, Wang Lu slightly raised his strength, stomped his feet heavily, and rushed into the sky like a cannonball. In a moment, he crossed the space and came to Yu Ningzhi with a smile.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for nearly fifty years. Senior sister is still radiant and beautiful."

Wang Lu clasped his fists and bowed.

"Don't give me that. Senior sister, I am old and you are almost catching up with me. Junior brother's cultivation has greatly improved. Hurry up and offer the elixir, otherwise I will be punished by family law."

Yu Ningzhi smiled.

"Senior sister, please look, here it comes."

As he spoke, like a magic trick, four exquisite white jade bottles were taken out by him and handed over respectfully with both hands.


Yu Ningzhi waved her jade hand and put three of them into the storage bag.

The fourth one, with a "bang", the bottle stopper opened.


A stream of pure spiritual power like wolf smoke rushed out straight, and Yu Ningzhi's mouth opened slightly.

She had never seen such an extraordinary elixir before, and was shocked, so she quickly put it away.

She gave him a thumbs up, and the two walked leisurely.

Wang Lu asked casually: "Sister, where is your brother? It's been so long, he is not still in seclusion, right?"

"Your brother came out of seclusion in the fifteenth year after you left, and spent another five years to stabilize his cultivation. Then he told me that he sensed some indescribable secrets and contacted the old people. According to the time, he should be able to return within three years."

Yu Ningzhi suddenly stopped, calm and said coldly.

The deep hatred of destroying the sect and the dead once again appeared in front of her.

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