Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 782 Feathers Falling into an Island

Half a year has passed without a blink of an eye.

Feeling the light rain without temperature, heat and not cold, Wang Lu slowly stood up.

During this period, without any interference, he carefully sorted out the context of the whole incident, intending to trace the source and find the answer and solution from the source.

He tried hard and tried his best, but it was still in vain.

First of all, why did Lan Yu give him the jade slip? The two hundred years have passed. Why did this message come suddenly at the critical moment of destroying the Kong family and when he saw Lan Yu again?

Because he could not be sure of Lan Yu's identity, he might only get the answer when he saw him again.

Secondly, because of Xue Tong's minor success, the jade slip was restored and saw the light of day again.

Under the guidance of Xue Tong Tianran, he encountered the image left by the rare big fish Kun.

At this time, the ancient secret of the gourd was triggered again, which made him vaguely have a bold and frightened guess, and also made him sure that the island was the only place to save the gourd.

In his guess, this island is a part of the infinite back of the big fish Kun, which was cut off by an unimaginable super-powerful person.

This is the origin of this island.

Since the island is the back of Kun, you only need to transform the breath of the big fish Kun, so that you will not be rejected by the island and can enter the island smoothly.

In response to this idea, Wang Lu made different attempts.

Using the magical function of the reflection and magnification of the snow pupil, he simulated the breath of Kun he saw.

Don’t say it, it really works. He was overjoyed and walked twenty feet inward, but a basin of cold water was poured on him, and he was beaten back to his original form of "one mile".

The retribution has not stopped yet. The island seems to have life and can identify his fake breath. Using this breath, he can no longer move forward, and even encounters greater resistance than before.

However, this also confirms his view from another side.

In ancient times, a stronger person not only injured this huge Kun, but also cut off a small part of its body like a human arm, and became a lonely child who wanted to go home for billions of years.

Perhaps this island is constantly floating in the South China Sea, in order to find the way home, back to the embrace of the big fish Kun.

This method did not work, Wang Lu could only give up.

The last point is that since he found this island, it means that there is a certain possibility of landing on it, otherwise, it would be more difficult than climbing to the sky to find it.

Then why can't I get to the island even if I rack my brains? There is only one reason, he didn't find the right way.

Just like the mystery of the knife waterfall in the Silver Palace, from the beginning of being helpless and desperate to executing the idea he had determined with great perseverance and tenacity, to finally cracking it and obtaining great fortune.

The current situation is exactly the same as the knife waterfall, almost exactly the same.

The dawn is in the clouds and mist, I must not panic, I must be calm.

Otherwise, not only will the gourd not be saved, but it will die in confusion and unwillingly.

There is still a deadline of three months.

Those who are involved are confused, but bystanders are clear.

The gourd is a bystander. Since it is it that made me find this island, it will definitely save its life.

If it is slightly awakened, there is a great possibility that it can easily break through the formation and enter it by its own way.

There is no need to rack your brains to think about how to break the formation, why not do it.

The idea is correct, but no matter how he calls, the gourd remains indifferent and silent.

Alas, it is hanging on to its last breath, waiting for me to save it.

Wang Lu has no choice, but there is another way, maybe he can try it.

The particles of sunlight pass through the layers of formations without any hindrance, because it has no temperature. If I have no temperature at all, can I go in as easily as it does?

No temperature?

How can I do it without heat or coldness?

This is a state of mystery.

Entering silence?

Perhaps only entering silence can achieve this.

Buddhism says: "Silence" means Vajra, Prajna, no form, no residence, no view, no mind, no form, and no action.

He wants to reach the state of "silence". He cannot achieve the indestructible Vajra, nor the ultimate and enlightened Prajna. He seems to understand all these, which are not understood, but not understood.

Silence is the heart, the awakening, and the Buddha; it is wisdom, the wisdom, and the law; it is cultivation, practice, and enlightenment.

It cannot be said, thought, or seen, because what is said, thought, and seen is "non-silence", so people with a silent heart are called "confused", and people who seek silence are called "foolish"; no mind is naturally silent, and no gain is silence.

This series of true meanings of "silence" made him confused and unable to get it.

Moreover, what he wanted was the moment of silence, when the formation was caught off guard, to land on the island at a speed far faster than teleportation, to catch it off guard, rather than the real silence.

If he really entered silence, he would also perish. Not to mention that the gourd could not be saved, even he would be trapped, and go to the King of Hell with it to report to him and flatter him.


Thinking of this, Wang Lu suddenly laughed. He suddenly sat cross-legged, smiled like a happy arhat, and the whole person became vague.

Where he was, it was empty, and full.

It looked both contradictory and harmonious.

Countless light spots flowed through his body, and slowly, incredibly, the light spots began to surround him and embrace him...

In one month, he became a part of the light.

In two months, he turned into a human-shaped light cocoon.

In three months, he finally turned into light.

And as one of the photons melted into the formation like ice and snow, silently, motionlessly.

Yes, if I can't change you, then I will become you.


At the moment of silence, under a ray of spiritual consciousness, when the formation was completely defenseless against him, a dazzling and rich blood light exploded, carrying Wang Lu through the formation in an instant.

Finally entered the island.


Strong winds suddenly rose from all directions, sweeping towards him.

Wang Lu squinted his eyes calmly. This was not a strong wind, but a pure blue spiritual storm. This spiritual energy was dazzling and bright blue, which was completely different from the wood spiritual energy in this world.


In a flash, he was swallowed up and buried by the spiritual energy.

Looking up at the sky, a huge row of pure blue, extremely ancient seal characters "一" were lined up.

Wang Lu looked at them one by one, and his expression was shocked:

There is a fish in the North Sea, its name is Kun, Kun is so big that no one knows how many millions of miles it is, it turns into a bird, its name is Peng, Peng's back is so big that no one knows how many millions of miles it is, and when the fierce man attacks, its feathers fall and become an island.

Finally, the ancient secret language that Hulu didn't finish saying is completed!

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