Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 795 Ling Zhuan

Monsters do not have spiritual consciousness, they have demon consciousness, which corresponds to the spiritual consciousness of humans.

The demon consciousness of celestial demons is the same as that of humans in the stage of transformation of spirits, and the difference is not much, at least more than a hundred miles.

At the same time, because the physical bodies of monsters are far superior to those of humans, the functions of the body are constantly enhanced as the realm is improved. Many celestial demon-level strongmen not only have iron bones, but also have all kinds of incredible unique features.

Some have a keen sense of smell, some have ears that can move thousands of miles, some have clear eyes, some are as fast as lightning, and some are immune to all kinds of poisons... There are too many to list.

As celestial demons, their pupil skills are almost far superior to those of humans in the stage of transformation of spirits.

The six ninth-level celestial demons who followed the Peach Blossom Fairy saw this sudden bloody and vicious scene from a distance of a hundred miles away, and they couldn't help but subconsciously tremble their legs slightly.

They finally understood why the Peach Blossom Fairy made the decision to temporarily retreat.

So dangerous, so scary.

The six people were almost all scared out of their wits. If they didn't retreat, they would have suffered a miserable end. At this moment, they had escaped death.

Before, they had always looked at the Peach Blossom Fairy with a little pursuit or teasing, but at this moment, her unique insight and wise foresight completely extinguished the delusion and fantasy in their hearts.

Following her, at least they are still alive now, instead of being torn into pieces and chewed up.

The Peach Blossom Fairy looked coldly at the cruel and reasonable slaughter and swallowing in the distance, wondering what she was thinking.

Not long after, her eyes, as colorful as peach blossoms, flashed and said: "This place is less than 500,000 miles away from my Taohuawu. In my opinion, the weakening of the formation will take at least six years. Why should we wait here foolishly? If you are willing to visit my island, I will welcome you with open shoes. If not, we will temporarily separate and gather here again in six years."

"Where did the fairy say this?"

The elegant young man asked with a smile, holding a folding fan in his hand.

"This is just my personal hunch. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

"I believe it, but I'm used to freedom, so I won't disturb the fairy's meditation."

"Fellow Taoists, we'll meet again in six years."

Before he finished speaking, the young man suddenly disappeared.

"Hua Yuzi."

A tenth-level, rustic man dressed like a farmer said word by word.

When this was said, everyone was amazed, and even the Peach Blossom Fairy showed a hint of unusual color.

The Inner Sea is so vast, so vast that it is endless and has no boundaries.

No one or monster understands or explains the rules of the Inner Sea.

In fact, they are all sea beasts with rare bloodlines from the outer sea that have been cultivated step by step.

To enter the Inner Sea, only those who break through to the eighth level are qualified to enter.

It's not that there are any powerful monsters in the Inner Sea, but that almost 70% of the power of the South China Sea is gathered in the Inner Sea.

What tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes, undercurrents, whirlpools, sea nests, trenches, straits, cracks, abysses, space cracks, space black holes, voids... are everywhere, extremely dangerous.

The inner sea is full of dangers, but the spiritual energy is vast and sufficient, inexhaustible, and the natural treasures it breeds are countless.

They are distributed in various dangerous places, desperate places, and dead places, which can greatly enhance the demon power and cultivation.

More importantly, if you want to break through the barrier of the ninth-level heavenly demon, the inner sea has unique conditions.

It’s not that its spiritual energy is rich, but that it is a natural place chosen by heaven that no one can explain clearly.

However, once you choose to cross the catastrophe in the inner sea, then from now on, except in the inner sea, you can no longer stay in the outer sea for a long time, otherwise, disasters will come and you will die.

This is an invisible rule, and it is an iron law.

As for whether they can go to land, for those who practice in the sea, going to land is equivalent to tying their own hands and feet, few people have thought about it.

Therefore, over time, the number of celestial demons in the inner sea continued to increase, but even if there were tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of them, the inner sea would be able to accommodate them.

The sixty-seven celestial demon-level masters gathered around Fangzhang Xianshan are already extremely rare and precious.

Back to "Hua Yuzi", he entered the inner sea five hundred years ago and successfully survived the celestial demon catastrophe. He was originally inconspicuous, but two things made him famous and rose like a comet.

First, he broke through from level nine to the late tenth level in five hundred years, just a few hundred years, which shows his talent. To put it more, it is how strong his bloodline is after breaking through the celestial demon. If he is eaten and refined, his own bloodline will be even better.

The second point is to start with his bloodline. The three veteran tenth-level celestial demons in the inner sea planned for a long time and laid a net to capture him and eat him up. Who would have thought that the three not only failed to achieve their set goals, but were killed and eaten instead.

After this battle, Hua Yuzi became famous and immediately became an unignorable top master in the inner sea.

His famous magical power was the magical escape technique.

Hundreds of miles away, Hua Yuzi stood in the air, looking at the fist-sized Fangzhang Immortal Mountain in the distance with a strange light in his eyes.

At the moment when the previous Immortal Mountain formation suddenly weakened, his bloodline jumped obviously.

As one of the ten ancient strange insects, "Ling Zhuanyu", he had an extremely rare bloodline. After breaking through the ninth level of the sky, he instantly awakened a trace of inheritance hidden in his bloodline, and his cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

The ten ancient strange insects did not rely on the ten divine beasts or the ten fierce beasts. Although their strength was slightly weaker than them, it was not much different.

They completely depend on their mood, either joining forces with the divine beast to fight against the fierce beast, or looking for fierce beasts to fight against the divine beast.

So they often do not distinguish between friends and enemies for the divine beasts and fierce beasts, and have a close relationship and deep understanding.

Especially their Lingzhuan fish clan, which is known for its spatial avenue. They come and go as they please, often wandering between the divine beasts and fierce beasts, and they know them very well.

Now he can be sure of one thing, there must be one of the ten great divine beasts or the ten great fierce beasts in Fangzhang Xianshan, or their direct bloodline.

The young body and direct bloodline are too strong and too scary!

Otherwise, he would never give him the slightest fear and horror in his heart.

He now only has one ten-millionth of the blood of the Lingzhuan fish, and it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to continue to purify it.

At this time, thousands of thoughts were entangled in his mind, shuttling back and forth.

He must think carefully, think carefully, be cautious and firm, so that there will be a time for the avenue in the future.


Hua Yuzi's location was blurred and he disappeared completely without leaving any trace.

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