Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 799 Go to the Flowers

At this moment, the entire fairy island was in a mess, complicated, chaotic and bloody.

Peach Blossom Fairy killed everyone she saw, bearing the brunt and leading the way.

With one step, the person disappeared.

There were extremely powerful people in the crowd. Although they didn't know what "Eternal Green" was, such a stunning treasure flower had completely calmed their minds.

Seeing Peach Blossom Fairy rushing towards the flower regardless of everything, in a moment, they were as anxious and angry as if their beloved things were about to be snatched away.


Several roars burned, and a series of top-level magical powers that shattered the void blasted towards Peach Blossom Fairy.

At the same time, several people immediately put aside all their thoughts and used their body skills to shoot arrows.

"Everyone, give me a hand!"

Jiao Can of the Niu Jiao tribe finally arrived on the last day. He immediately told Jiao Xiong and the other five about Qing Shu's foresight.

Seeing the omen, the five people were very calm and vowed to get the Eternal Green.

After a series of careful arrangements, the six people were about to take the lead, but as if they were under a spell, the plan was broken by the words of the Peach Blossom Fairy, and they fell into an irresistible madness and attacked the fairy island without hesitation.

Fortunately, Niu Heng's "not good" barely pulled them back to reality from confusion.

Facing the extremely powerful sneak attack behind them, the six people were in a hurry to reverse the skills at the cost of injuries, and guarded themselves tightly, first blocking the attack and then taking the magic flower.

Who would have thought that it was the Peach Blossom Fairy again, rushing towards the blue flower like thunder and lightning.

This is too much, if she succeeds, it’s not sure whether it can be snatched back, and the honor of the Golden Sea Clan will be lost.

Jiao Xiong shouted violently, and the four people except Niu Heng pointed at him.


Jiao Xiong received the blessing of nearly half of the demon power of the four people, and a bright red streak appeared on his cheeks in an instant, flashing away.

And his whole body was like a red arrow, fleeting in a flash, and his body movement was at its peak.

He seemed to be catching up and surpassing the Peach Blossom Fairy.

The Peach Blossom Fairy sensed it, and her face suddenly turned pale. No matter what, this flower would be in her pocket.

"Double Wings!"

She shouted, and a pair of crystal wings instantly grew out of her body, forcibly suppressing the lack of demonic power. Her eyes revealed a firm belief. With a jump, it seemed as if the earth was shrunk into an inch, and she was already fifteen miles away.

Her speed had reached an incredible state of nearly two thousand three hundred feet per breath.

At this time, there were still about five hundred miles away from the Eternal Evergreen. At most, in a few dozen breaths, this flower would be hers.

The closest distance to "Eternal Evergreen" was the five tenth-level powerful heavenly demons in the west.

The four men and one woman saw the peerless spiritual flowers, spiritual herbs, and spiritual fruits all over the ground, and they couldn't help but take a breath, but like everyone else, they were also attacked by the ten people of the Peach Blossom Fairy.

Everyone was injured, and suddenly saw all kinds of natural treasures, and saw three almost invisible afterimages like jumping balls and the sun and the moon escaping into the air. Following the direction they were heading, they suddenly saw the beautiful blue and white porcelain that they would never forget for the rest of their lives.


The five people didn't think about it, and in an instant, they started to kill.

They all wanted to be the first to seize the blue and white porcelain.

They were only a hundred miles away from the blue and white porcelain.

The third afterimage in the eyes of the five people was the Taoist of the Western Crab Clan.

He traveled for thousands of years and once went to Zhongzhou, where the human race was the most prosperous. At an auction, he spent a lot of spirit stones to buy an ancient book about various exotic flowers and plants that was unknown how long ago.

After buying it, he carefully flipped through it and read it carefully.

He had never heard of each kind of spiritual material, which opened his eyes and amazed him.

The ten kinds of world-class treasures in the last ten pages of the ancient book gave him a feeling of suffocation, and almost made him lose his mind.

Too magical, too incredible.

And one of them, the "Eternal Green" spiritual flower on the seventh page from the bottom, is now alive and swaying in front of him, so within reach.

He trembled all over, with only one thought in his mind, he must get it.

This flower, even in the ancient times, is an outstanding and second to none existence.

Compared with the top ten strange flowers listed today, it is like a phoenix and a jackdaw, a unicorn and a horse, there is no comparison at all, and it wins by a crushing victory.

He is going crazy, can it be faster, faster?

"Hengxing Tianxia!"

He shouted, and the top-level "Hengxing Tianxia" body movement technique in the blood inheritance was operated to the extreme.

Xixie directly abandoned his tribesmen and rushed to the Eternal Green at a speed of nearly 1,800 feet per breath.

When Hua Yuzi dealt a fatal blow to the Western Crab Clan, the scene that Peach Blossom Fairy had told him before appeared in his mind:

If you want to obtain the treasures of the Immortal Mountain, just listen to my arrangements. Otherwise, not only will you not get them, but you may also lose your life.

Seeing that no one objected, she continued, when I shouted "that sentence", you two will attack from the west, you two from the south, you two from the north, you two will kill the sea, and the sky will be left to you, Hua Yuzi, and I will kill from the east.

Also, the most important thing is that we are not attacking the Immortal Mountain, but killing people.

Humph, Fangzhang Immortal Mountain, not everyone is destined to enjoy it.

We will wipe them out in one fell swoop, catch them all in one net, and kill them all.

The Immortal Mountain belongs only to us!

Here, I swear a blood oath in the name of my ancestors. As long as you listen to my orders, I will only take 20% of the things on the island, and the rest will be divided equally among the nine of you.

So, he hid above the clouds.

Sure enough, Fairy Taohua had foresighted everything. When the six Niu Jiaos attacked, he attacked from behind. Although a person who was not even at the level of Heavenly Demon warned him, he still achieved his goal.

However, something unexpected happened. The five people helped one person to enter the island like a demon, and they didn't care about their own injuries.

He naturally saw the strange and smooth blue ground on the island, the hundreds of thousands of natural treasures that had long been extinct, and the extraordinary blue and white flower.

As a human, there is greed.

He would not be indifferent to the great temptation.

However, when he was about to get rid of the five people, the blood flowing in his body suddenly rushed at a high speed, and his heart was shaking fiercely.

The whole body was shaken violently, and a human-shaped yellow cocoon that flew out was shot to pieces like thousands of arrows piercing his body, which was simply unbearable to look at.

Hua Yuzi understood that it was time to make a decision.

He suddenly suppressed his nervous and complicated mood. No matter what, he would get you first.

Without a sound, the whole person melted into the void.

Niu Heng and the other five, who were ready to fight to the death with Hua Yuzi as if they were facing a formidable enemy, opened their eyes wide and looked at the opponent who had disappeared without a trace.

Could it be that he wanted to launch a sneak attack?

The five of them immediately broke out in cold sweats and formed a circle with their backs against each other, attacking and defending at the same time.

But for a long time, there was no sign of his movement.

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