Wang Lu's words were like the crashing waves on the shore, making Xie Lingyun's face tremble. She never expected that he could penetrate the essence of things and reach the enemy's heart in Tian Yidong's few words in just a few breaths.

Tian Yidong's elder-like guidance and patient encouragement made her feel as warm as spring. This was because Tian Yidong gave Wang Lu his own understanding and views on the transformation period in the form of inspiration, which was more powerful than directly stating it. For profound.

He was reminding Wang Lu not to underestimate any powerful person who transformed into a god.

Only one person in a million can achieve the goal of becoming a god. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Even if you have all kinds of incredible and powerful means, you cannot underestimate the enemy, let alone underestimate it. The final decision can only be made by killing the opponent with your own hands.

Wang Lu said the last sentence "We want him to be aware of it later rather than foresight", and a fearless belief emerged in his heart.

Like an enlightenment, his two channels of Ren and Du were suddenly opened, and the lingering dark cloud lingering in his heart was shattered by his punch.


In the blink of an eye, he had fully understood the reason why Huang Yan and his party appeared, and strengthened his previous views. He said in a deep voice: "My little brother had an intuition before, why did I just arrive at the sect?" When I opened the door, Huang Yan followed me like a shadow. This may be what my senior brother said was "confused". However, he saw clearly my little knowledge of the entire situation of the sect and my overwhelming love for Chen Yaer. On the one hand, he wanted to weigh it up. My Jin Liang, on the other hand, took the initiative to induce me to take action, because my return has turned everything upside down."

"Why have there been earth-shaking changes? Because Xu Kui will definitely stand on our side. This situation is about to collapse in an instant. He has no chance of winning. He can only use my hand to solve his biggest problem at the moment, which is I will always take action.”

Tian Yidong added: "That's absolutely correct. Junior brother hit the nail on the head. Although you can take action, there is a huge difference in the order. Taking action first is just your angry and crazy personal behavior, while taking action later is to gather all our strength. The general trend is to overthrow the nest. Underneath, there is a complete egg.”

Wang Lu smiled bitterly and said: "Senior brother is very accurate. There is another point. If I fight with them myself, Huang Yan has another deep consideration, that is, if I lose, I will be beaten on the spot by them." Capture, then he will have more chips in his hands, and the situation will be even worse. "

"So, his sudden arrival and a series of performances were all for the sake of excitement. Judging from the results, I was successfully angered by Bo Jiaren's smile and self-expression. For him, he has figured out my reality and reality. He saved his life and destroyed all the plans and arrangements made by the sect to deal with him. It can be said that he kills three birds with one stone. His intelligence is as deep as the sea and his city is unpredictable. "

Hearing Wang Lu's guilt, Tian Yidong comforted him: "Well, the matter has come to this, junior brother, you don't have to blame yourself. Dayan fifty, Tianyan forty-nine, there will be one who escapes, no one is perfect, no gold is barefoot, Taiyan Even the heavens will jealously suppress and kill perfect people and things.”

"Thank you, senior brother."

At this moment, he truly understood what "the ultimate strategy" is.

Among the peers I have met, although Tai Shanxing, Kong Hua, Li Jie, Xiang Yu, Huangfu Liuqing, Song Fengyu, and Mao Ju are all outstanding, they are still separated from him by a thin line. Perhaps only the disappeared shopkeeper Zeng Yanhe Only Xiaoyaozi can compete with him.

In the face of a formidable enemy, Huang Yan's power is beyond imagination. Maybe even if Xu Kui is invited out, both sides will suffer losses.

Wang Lu felt a little scared in his heart. If he wanted to break the situation in a short time, he could only practice the Sky Support Staff again.

In today's world, only senior brother can repair the Sky Support Rod. After losing the stick for so long, he has never been able to fully exert his strength. If the Sky Support Rod was intact before, Huang Yan's three birds with one stone might have been broken. The string is broken and nothing remains.

Wang Lu's face straightened, and he said respectfully to Tian Yidong: "In the early years, with the help of my senior brother, I made my sky-supporting rod blended with Qianjun Stone and Youye Fruit, but I failed to live up to expectations and almost collapsed it. The damage is serious, I really can’t bear to deal with it, the situation is urgent, please help me.”

Seeing Wang Lu's distressed expression, Tian Yidong pondered for a moment. When Wang Lu and Xie Lingyun thought it was "a trivial matter," their attitudes suddenly changed drastically. He cursed with anger that erupted like a volcano: "You think you can just fix the stick if you want to." Is it okay? The weapon is like a pair of hands. If you cut off an arm and reconnect it, you can still move freely and recover as before? We must cherish every situation as life. Like you, your magic weapon has been damaged over and over again. The six-star arched moon blade is like this, and the black stick is like this. You are worthy of protecting you from wind and rain. I will work hard for you regardless of who you are, and I will do my best to stop you. Are they those who destroy their enemies? If they don’t cultivate, they won’t cultivate even if they say nothing. Even if the King of Heaven comes, he won’t cultivate. There is no need to talk about anything.”

Tian Yidong glared at Wang Lu angrily.

The scolding made Wang Lu unable to lift his head and dare not look directly into his eyes.

He was feeling uneasy and regretful and subconsciously leaned towards Xie Lingyun.

Only then did Wang Lu understand Tian Yidong's seriousness in the way of weapons. It was not only the ultimate seriousness, but also the ultimate love. Only by being extremely devoted to weapons and loving them like his subjects, could all kinds of magical weapons reveal their hearts to him. Stay close to Him and be close to Him.

He didn't know how to cherish it but was shameless. He damaged the most loyal and reliable magic weapon again and again. He scolded him so hard that he wanted to cry in pain.

Now the only protection I have is asking for help from my senior sister.

Xie Lingyun didn't expect that Tian Yidong, who had always been approachable, would become furious and shocked her.

But when he saw Wang Lu being aggrieved like a helpless child, his heart ached, and his desire to protect his younger brother suddenly burst into flames. He couldn't help but scolded: "Well, Tian Yidong, you said before that you love me the most and that you will love me and Wu Guan." My only brother, now you have turned your back and don’t recognize anyone, scolding him for no reason, the six-star Gongyue Blade broke and collapsed, and the sky-supporting rod was damaged. If he had not encountered a powerful opponent, with his innocent heart, he would have Let your beloved treasure be damaged for no reason? You get angry and reprimand without asking the reason. Is this the love and attitude you should have as a senior brother? "

"Hmph, that's too irritating. You'd better reflect on it right away. Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, you will still have to lie down in front of me."

Yu Ningzhi was furious, her neck was red and she was shouting, while cursing that if Wang Lu hadn't stopped him, she would have punched and kicked Tian Yidong and subjected him to some domestic violence.

Tian Yidong is also an upright man and said unconvinced: "Junior brother, don't stop me. I see what she can do to me today. I don't believe it anymore. She can even beat me."

Seeing that Tian Yidong was about to come forward and "argue if you don't agree", Wang Lu quickly increased his strength. A heavy and huge force rolled around him, and the space pressure suddenly increased three hundred times.

The two of them were caught off guard and released protective apertures one after another to stabilize their bodies and at the same time reduce their anger.

Xie Lingyun's eyes were blazing, as if to say: How dare you blush in front of my brother? It seems that your wings are stiff.

Wang Lu hurriedly advised: "Senior brother and senior sister, the husband and wife love each other deeply and respect each other like guests. They raise eyebrows and fly together like a couple of gods. Now they have simultaneously broken through the Heavenly Pass of Transforming God. It is a rare story passed down through the ages. It has long become a model and a standard for the entire world of cultivating immortals. My husband is like this." , What more can a husband ask for if he has such a wife? I have long wanted to learn from you: How can we stay in love and stay together for a lifetime? It turns out that it’s all about fighting.”


After listening to the preface, Xie Lingyun felt that Wang Lu's flattery was so smooth that she felt a little embarrassed. But in the end, she unexpectedly reversed course. She didn't hold back at all and laughed directly.

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