Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1008: Initial test of water gun

  As the pirate ship approached, the hearts of the other people on the ship slowly raised!

   also Arthur can watch it in time!

   And when the pirate ship in front drove into a range of almost 500 meters, Arthur slowly took out his big gun from his waist... well, it was the water gun drawn in the previous lottery!

   In Arthur's view, if he wants to kill the pirate opposite, he has too many ways. One punch or one move can easily destroy it!

   But then it’s not fun!

   Although he has such a mission mindset this time, he wants to see if he can disrupt the world government in the top war, but he still wants to take a vacation and relax his mind when traveling!

   In this case, fun has naturally become his first standard!

   That's why he took out the water gun, ready to test the power of the water gun, by the way, targeting these pirates, and regain the fun of playing with the water gun in his childhood.

   Of course, in his opinion it is fun, in the eyes of the pirates... hehe!

   "Look at the water gun!"

   whispered, watching the pirate getting closer, Arthur licked his lips, took aim, and pulled the trigger!

   "Zi La~"

   Suddenly, a small, but very impactful, water jet like a sharp water jet continuously sprayed out of the water gun in his hand!


   Then, Arthur raised the corner of his mouth slightly, raised the muzzle slightly, and then swung down the water jet, which was thousands of meters long!

  In an instant!

   A flash of water flashed!

   The pirate ship that was approaching gradually split into two smoothly from the middle quietly!


   Several other people on the boat watched this scene, and couldn't help but swallow, showing a horrified expression!

   Among them, the captain recalled what he said just now, and recalled what Arthur said just now, even more embarrassed!

   He admits that he is superficial!

   He did not expect that the pirate he thought was extremely powerful, without even approaching them, the whole ship would be cut in half by the strange weapon in the hands of the boss!

the other side!

   What the Captain thought, Arthur didn't know, and didn't want to know.

   At this time, he was watching with interest the pirates swimming towards them.

   Well, the water gun only cuts the hull of the ship. Except for the unlucky pirate who happened to be in the cutting line of the water gun, the other pirates have nothing to do. They just fell into the water passively because of the damage of the ship!

   And after falling into the water, these pirates also had to bite the bullet and swim towards Arthur!

no way!

   There are no islands and no other ships in the surrounding area. With their own ship being cut in half, these pirates, even if they knew Arthur’s horror from just a moment ago, could only come over!

   Otherwise, they stay in the sea, unless a ship happens to pass by after luck is against the sky, otherwise they will only wait for chronic death!

  Without help, no matter how good the water is, as long as it takes a long time, he can only drown in hatred.

"Do you want to survive? If you want, swim quickly! Only the top ten swim to the side of the ship, I will let them on board, and the rest will die!" Seeing these pirates brazenly coming over Arthur showed a smile and yelled at the pirates with interest!

   If you were an ordinary person in front of him, Arthur would definitely not treat it in a way that seemed a bit like a torture.

   But it's a different story that these are pirates... there is nothing innocent pirates!

   To play with their lives, Arthur has no psychological burden!

   Even in his opinion, since these pirates have become pirates, they should have the consciousness of death!

And as Arthur's words reached the ears of the pirates, the group of pirates lost their souls, waving their hands frantically, kicking their feet quickly, and swimming towards the ship where Arthur was, for fear that they would swim slowly. Up!

   "Damn it, let me go!"

   "Don't pull me asshole!"

   "I'm your elder brother, you cut me down?"

   "Bah, what big brother, it's not a dear, I can live as long as you die!"

   "Go to death!"


  At this moment, the pirate's despicableness is fully displayed.

   In order to survive, while they were swimming fast, they did not hesitate to chop their butcher knives at their former partners, in order to get rid of their competitors and fight for themselves!

   In this way, the distance is less than 500 meters. In order to prevent others from surpassing themselves, and to prevent others from being blocked, this group of pirates with good watery swims for a full ten minutes!

   At the end, the five hundred meters of seawater was stained red, not to mention, there were dozens of corpses floating on the sea like this, and because of the red eyes, only eight people arrived in front of Arthur's ship in the end!

   Among them, there was only one bald young man who was not injured!

   Judging from the fear in the eyes of the surrounding pirates looking at them, Arthur concluded that this person should be the captain of the other pirate group or the strongest person!

"Well, now the remaining eight people, congratulations on your successful chance to get on the ship!" Arthur crouched on the edge of the deck, grinning, and looking at the group of pirates condescendingly, his fierce face revealed a The pirate looked at him with a panic smile.

   Immediately, he gestured to the sailors on the side, and said, "Pull them up!"

   "Boss, will this be...something dangerous!" At this moment, the captain said hesitantly.

   Before, Arthur showed only the power of the gun in his hand, but did not show his own power. The captain was afraid that if these pirate merchant ships would have any accidents!

   "What I said...I'm more dangerous than a pirate!" Arthur said to the captain in a slightly profound way.

   "This... alright!" After hesitating for a moment, the captain gave up persuading!

   Well, mainly because he thought that Arthur had that strange weapon in his hands, there should be no problem!

   and soon!

  Eight pirates in a panic were dragged onto the boat, and Arthur arranged to kneel in a row!

   "Okay! Now I want to ask you a few questions, and you answer me in a rush to answer. If you haven't answered my question in the end, you will die!" Arthur said with a smile full of evil interest.


   Listening to this, the hearts of the pirates present "cocked", and suddenly felt bad!

   "Didn't you say that we survived when we got on the ship? You are not keeping promises!" One of the pirates was even more anxious!

   But the next moment!


   A jet of water shot out, and a **** hole appeared on the pirate's forehead.


   With an incredible look in his eyes, the pirate slowly fell down, and there was no sound!

"Did you not hear clearly just now? I was talking about letting you aboard, not letting you live!" After Arthur smiled disdainfully, he said to the sailors on the boat, "Throw the body into the sea and feed. Fish go!"

   Seeing this, the other pirates trembled all over, never daring to speak again!

"Well, the ignorant is dead, I think you should have no questions, so now I have to ask questions!" Arthur turned his head and smiled and looked at the pirates in front of him, and said, "No. One question, what pirate group are you from?"

"I'll answer it!"

   "I'll come, I'll come!"

   "I, I, I!"

   "Peach and Hu Pirates!"


   Amidst a group of scrambling voices, a clever pirate directly said the answer!

"Okay~www.ltnovel.com~This question counts you!" After Arthur pointed at the pirate and said, he smiled and said, looking at the pirate who was so relieved. So who is your captain?"

   This time the other pirates were also clever, pointing to the headed one on the left, the bald young man in his twenties who looked like he was carrying a big gun, and said, "He!"

   "This question counts you!" Arthur said, pointing to one of the pirates who answered the fastest.

   The pirate also breathed a sigh of relief!

   "Why rob us?"

   "How much do you bounty?"

   "What bad things have you done?"


   Then, among a series of questions, six of the remaining seven pirates answered the questions, and only the captain of the group of pirates, the bald young man, did not answer!

   "That's the problem, I'm sorry to tell you...you are dying!" Upon seeing this, Arthur smiled wickedly, and turned his gun to the bald young man!

   And the other people on the boat and the men of the bald youth turned their attention to the bald youth at this moment!

Feeling these gazes, feeling the danger brought by Arthur's muzzle, the bald young man was anxious and blushed and shouted loudly, saying, "Wait, let me go, I have a great treasure to offer! "

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