Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1016: Autistic kingdom

   great waterway!

   Sunflower Kingdom!

   This is a small kingdom with a history of only fifteen years!

   Fifteen years ago, because the former king was mediocre, the contemporary King of Sunflower Kingdom overthrew it with a group of people with the same dream in order for the common people to live a good life!

   Well, the official statement of the Sunflower Kingdom above!

   Actually outsiders don’t know the inside story!

   However, there is a person on Arthur's boat who knows the inside story very well!

   That's Fredoud!

   That's right!

   The predecessor of this kingdom is the Kingdom of Leide!

   And in this regard, Freddod told Arthur that the contemporary King of the Sunflower Kingdom is a real villain!

He took advantage of the trust that the former King of the Red Kingdom placed in him, and gave the former King of the Red Kingdom a backstab, led the army of the former Kingdom of Red to rebel, killed the king of the former Kingdom of Red, and boarded himself. Throne!

   And which of these two statements is true...


   Arthur doesn't care at all!

   All he cares about is his Marta energy crystal!

   This kind of filth within the kingdom did not happen in Saint Martin. What does he care about?

   Besides, this kind of power struggle generally has two sides!

  According to Arthur's understanding of this kind of incident, the two parties must have hidden something, but the winning is the king of the sunflower kingdom, so the official statement to the outside world is that the king of the sunflower kingdom is justice!

   Because of this, Freddod became a pirate!

   "It's finally here!"

   Looking at the dilapidated pier not far away, Arthur murmured.

   Although the Sunflower Kingdom is a kingdom, how can I put it...very small!

   The whole kingdom is located on a small island called Sunflower Island!

  The island is not on the normal shipping route, the area is not large, and the population is not large, only 100,000, all gathered in the center of the island, the entire kingdom’s capital and the only city, Sunflower City!

   Besides, the kingdom is extremely closed!

   In addition to having only one dock, the kingdom directly refused people from outside to enter the kingdom, and closed the door to do its own thing!

   Because of this, the pier is dilapidated!


   Just got off the boat from this dilapidated pier, there was a group of soldiers wearing worn-out armor, mostly holding various cold weapons, and only a few soldiers with muskets approached with a wary expression!

   should be the soldiers guarding the wharf of the kingdom!

   The first time Arthur saw these people, he had a preliminary judgment in his heart!

   "Please leave our kingdom immediately. Our kingdom does not welcome any outsiders to enter, and we do not allow outsiders to land on the docks of our kingdom!" The headed soldier said in a polite tone, but the meaning of chasing guests in the words was very firm!

   And listening to his words, Arthur has a deeper understanding of the closure of this kingdom!

   This is not just a closed question, it is autistic!

   Even the pier does not allow people to disembark, so what does the pier do?


   is still to show that you are a serious kingdom, so anyway there is a dock?

And just when Arthur opened his mouth and was about to say something, Freddod, who had been beside him, stood up and said in a mixed tone, "Go call your king and tell him The prince of the Red Kingdom is back!"

The soldier headed by    listened. After being silent for three seconds, they looked up and down Freddodd several times, and hesitated, "You...Prince of the Red Kingdom?"

   While he was speaking, there was a three-point surprise, three-point surprise, and three-point unbelievable expression on his face, as if he was saying---Are you kidding me? How could the prince be bald?

   And this...


  Freddod understood his expression!

   He said he was hurt!

   Who tells you that the prince can't be bald?

   But with such a roar in his heart, on the surface, Fredoud still gritted his teeth and nodded, admitting!

if not?

   What else can I do?

   The other party is also true!

   "Well, you guys wait a moment here, I'll let you know!"

   Regarding the fact that the prince of the Leid Kingdom was a bald head, the soldiers at the head were surprised and even a little suspicious, but in the end they were ready to report it!

  There is no other reason!

  As a soldier of this king, facing a person who claims to be the remnant of the previous king, whether it is true or not, he should report what he said?

   Otherwise, if it is true, it will be him who will be the trouble!

   Of course, if it is fake, it doesn’t matter!

  Fredod claims it anyway!

   He reported according to his duties, even if the boss could not find the problem, he would not stick to the pot anyway!

"Da da da!"

   Along with the sound of footsteps, the leading soldiers confessed a few words and asked them to stay and watch Arthur and his party, and then trot backwards alone!

  While watching this scene, Arthur suddenly looked at Freddod and touched his chin, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes, frowning and thinking!

  Through the words just now, he felt that Freddodd seemed to be hiding something, and his mood was a little bit wrong!

   But, because it was just a sentence, he didn't figure out what Freddo was hiding in a while, so he could only watch him perform like this!

Of course, the main reason is still in Arthur's opinion. Under absolute strength, no matter what Fredoud is hiding or what he wants to do, he has a way to deal with it. Tower energy crystal, he doesn't care!


   After getting the Marta Energy Crystal, I will take revenge again afterwards!

   thought, "Broad-minded" Arthur didn't say anything, quietly watching the situation change!

   And just then, the soldier who had left before trot back!

   "Huh huh!"

   Amid the rapid gasps, it was obviously a soldier who was in a hurry. When he arrived in front of Arthur and his party, he first took a few deep breaths and calmed down his breath before he said, "A few of you, your majesty, please!"

   said, the soldier turned his side and made a please gesture!

   and seeing it~www.ltnovel.com~ After Arthur looked at each other, they all nodded, and then walked in the direction of the soldier's guidance together!

  At this time, the soldier trot a few steps, came to Arthur and his party, and led the way!

   After walking along a dirt road for more than an hour, they saw Sunflower City, the capital of the Sunflower Kingdom!

   A city that looks a little sloppy!


   It's a compliment for the city!

   At most, the last town with a large population!

The city wall is just a pitted earth wall, and there are also a few cannons with obvious rust on the wall. This defensive power should be placed before Arthur crosses. Even the cities of the rabbit country in the past seven or eighty years are better than this. !

   But Arthur didn't say anything about it!

   Anyway, it is not Saint Martin’s city, and his purpose is not to develop the local economy. None of this has anything to do with him!

   Under the leadership of the soldiers, after Arthur and his party walked along the main road in the city for about ten minutes, they came to a schoolyard, a schoolyard wide and full of soldiers!

   Among them, a middle-aged man with a crown and gorgeous clothes, holding this scepter, was surrounded by many soldiers and greeted Arthur and his party!

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