Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1053: Undercurrent

"Above the King of Pirates (

Answer or not?

Facing Arthur's threat, Bingberg fell into silence!

If it were before, faced with such threats from Arthur, he might have compromised, because at that time he had nothing but Master and Frankie!

But now it's different!

In the past ten years or so, he has successively added many subordinates, brothers and partners.

He needs to be responsible to them!

After struggling for a while, Bingberg finally shook his head with difficulty!

Frankie's life is very important, but the lives of his men, brothers, and partners can't be sold at will!

At this time, it seemed that he had seen through the iceberg's thoughts. Arthur smiled slightly and said, "I know your difficulties. I know you think that to take refuge in Saint Martin is to betray the world government. The consequence of betraying the world government is your subordinates, brother. , Partners will be implicated!"

After a pause, Arthur changed his voice, shrugged and continued, "However, you don't have to worry about this! I am not a tyrant, and I have no habit of letting my subordinates die!"


Bingshan raised his brows and looked at Arthur with some doubts, wanting to hear his explanation!

"The city of water directly under the control of the world government, of course, cannot join Saint Martin on the bright side, because then it will definitely be hit by the world government, and Saint Martin, who is far away in the West Sea, unless there is a full-scale war, Otherwise I basically can't keep you!"

"In this case, if I want to subdue you, naturally I won't let you reveal your identity! Otherwise, after you are killed by the world government, don't I mean to be lonely?"

Take a lonely?

This is the first time Bingshan heard this term, but he still understands the general meaning!

In other words, even if he promises to join Saint Martin, his identity will not be exposed!

"Then... what do I need to do if I agree to join Saint Martin?" Bingberg asked hesitantly.

"Don't do anything!" Arthur said calmly.

At this time, Arthur had never thought about what to do with the iceberg. After all, this place is directly under the jurisdiction of the world government. If there is any action, it will easily attract the attention of the world government!

"Since you don't want me to do anything, and don't want my shipyard, why did you let me join Saint Martin?" Bingberg said hesitantly, feeling that some of his brain can't be turned!

According to Arthur, he doesn't want anything, as long as Bingberg joins Saint Martin, and this makes Bingberg very puzzled!

He is a boatman, but also a businessman. He believes in pies that never fall from the sky.

"For you!"

Arthur smiled and said, "You are an individual... able to turn up against the wind and become the world government's shipbuilder under the suppression of the world government, this is enough to show your ability!"

"And this is why I want to recruit you... I look down on your company, and I don't need you to do anything for me. All I want is you, and all I want is your talent!"

"As long as you join Saint Martin, you will be able to shine and develop the economy for Saint Martin in the future, just as you do when you are the mayor of the city of water!


Bingberg was a little moved, but also a little skeptical!

A king, Arthur, was able to put aside, personally invite him such a mayor to join him, and said that he admired his talents. How did this make him unmoved?

But when he was moved, he was a little skeptical!

Is Arthur sincere?

A king just lowered his posture to invite for someone who seemed a little capable, Bingberg always felt a little weird!

"Time will tell...you just need to add or not to join now, it's over, anyway, I don't need you to do anything, why don't you join and try?" Arthur said in a bewildering tone.

Bingshan listened, and after hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"


the other side!

While Bingberg was chatting with Arthur, Spandham of CP9 also received the news!

"Nicole Robin!?" Spandham suddenly became excited!

When Arthur threatened Spandham’s father Spandain for Robin, Spandain didn’t tell Spandain, so Spandham didn’t know the inside story about Robin!

Because of this, after hearing Robin's appearance, Spandam was excited!

He thinks this is a good opportunity!

Compared to the Pluto design that seems to be in the foreseeable future, Robin’s appearance is undoubtedly a credit before him. As long as he catches it, he can add such an honor to his resume and promote him faster. !

"Catch, catch me, put down other tasks at hand, catch me!!!" Spandham gave the order excitedly!

Faced with the credit close at hand, Spandham couldn't bear his excitement!

"Yes!" After Kalifa on the other end of the phone agreed, he hung up.

"Robin, Robin, Robin, son of the devil! As long as I catch her, I will be promoted!!"

After hanging up the phone, Spandam's excitement was still a little uncontrollable, so he walked back and forth in the office ~www.ltnovel.com~ repeatedly this thing, the smile on his face never stopped!


The boss opened his mouth and broke his leg underneath!

After Spandham gave the order, Kalifa mobilized the CP members in the Water Capital and started looking for Robin's whereabouts!

"Not here!"

"Neither here!"

"Someone saw her entering Shell Street. People nearby should look for it!"

"Is Shell Street, I asked, I saw her turn into Ailan Street!"

"Ailan Street, Ailan Street, is there anyone nearby? Go and see!"


Because of Kalifa's order, his identity was hidden in the Water City, and the seemingly inconspicuous CP members began to quietly search for Robin's existence!

And under the teamwork, they quickly found Robin's trail!


at the same time!

"Robin... Look at that, that mask looks good!"

"It's really pretty, let's buy it!"


"I want the mask next to it, I think it's not bad!"

"Well, well, Chopper thinks so too!"

"There is a bookstore over there. I'm going to buy some books. Chopper, are you going?"

"Just right! I'm also going to buy some medical books and have a look, and learn some medical techniques that I haven't learned!"

"That's fine, let's go together!"


On a certain street in the city of water, Robin, who didn’t know, was shopping leisurely with Chopper!

Well, most girls have no resistance to cute pets, and Robin is no exception. So for Chopper, a deer who is a ship doctor and writes pets, she also likes it tightly, so she took it with her when shopping. it!

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