Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1108: Plan, use and pit!

"Above the King of Pirates (

The joining of the new force brought new changes to the battle situation!

The appearance of these new forces is a bit older, and their age is a bit older, but there is really nothing to say about their strength!

As a pirate group affiliated to the Roger Pirates, these people were all strong in the famous town in the past. Although they are now older and their strength has declined, they are still compared with the young pirates and the navy present. Stronger!

After all, the age is here!

Although they are old, the other side of their age also means that they have trained for many years more than the navy and pirates present!

Moreover, they were killed from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, and their combat experience was more abundant!

Therefore, after they joined, the pirates soon gained the upper hand again!

However, if the pirates have the upper hand, they have the upper hand, but it is still useless to save Ace!

At this time, Ace, who was caught again, was sent by the Navy to the base of the execution platform that had been chopped in half.

The Navy was not planning to execute the sentence on the execution platform this time, and directly let Ace kneel on the platform foundation, ready to execute the sentence directly on the platform!

Shanks saw this in his eyes and anxious in his heart!

The happiness that was caused by the arrival of the former partner and the orange cake just now disappeared at this moment!

"Copy the previous one again?" Shanks was in deep thought while playing an exhibition match with Mihawk!

No way!

But in the end, he couldn't help but shook his head!

In that wave just now, he almost rescued Ace, which must have left a deep influence on the navy, and in this case, it is obviously impossible for him to copy it again!

After all, as long as the navy is not naive, it will be prepared for this, and it is difficult to replicate it again!


Even if a wave can be replicated, the last person to save lives cannot choose Luffy!

Just let him see clearly that Luffy's strength is still too low!

Although you can still fight some naval soldiers and small navy officers on this kind of battlefield, it is too reluctant to ask him to save people!

Luffy, who was only hit by the highest combat power, was in pain. In this case, it was obviously unrealistic to ask him to save people. It would be good if he could protect himself!

"How to do it?"

Shanks thought, but his headache got worse!

And at this moment, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of someone---Buggy!

Although Bucky joined the battlefield very early, the presence of the battlefield is not strong!

In the presence of Shanks, Whitebeard and Raleigh, Bucky's light was completely obscured!

Because of this, there is no general-level person to bother Bucky, only two lieutenant generals are by his side, and he fights you and me!

However, after a closer observation, Shanks found that the two lieutenants were obviously not Bucky's opponents. Although it seemed that you came and went, Bucky's face showed a hint of relaxation!

Obviously, he played very easily!

"It seems...you can use a wave!"

Looking at this situation, Shanks thought about it!

But after all, he was a former companion. Shanks was not eager to use Bucky, but instead looked at Mihawk and asked, "Mihawk, have you played against Bucky?"


During the fight, Mihawk nodded without understanding.

"Then how is his strength?" Shanks asked curiously.

Although he has also watched Adventure King, the animation belongs to animation, which is still different from reality!

Light animation is not enough to give him a clear understanding of Bucky's strength!

And Mihawk was silent for a moment after hearing Shanks' question!

Immediately afterwards, he showed a serious face, and a word popped out of his mouth, saying, "Strong!"

Shanks' pupils shrank, a little surprised!

Bucky can make Mihawk have such an evaluation?

You know Mihawk is usually aloof!

Except for the really strong people, the people he agrees with, and the people who can impress him, no one else wants him to recognize each other.

"His combat experience is very rich, and the fruit ability is also very strange...If I don't have to be armed and domineering, I wouldn't even dare to touch him with my black knife!" Mihawk added with a serious face.

It's so amazing! ?

Hearing Mihawk's words, Shanks was slightly surprised, and he also had a general impression of Bucky's strength!

But suddenly, Shanks felt something was wrong again!

He frowned and said, "No! I remember Bucky is just a split fruit, why is the fruit ability weird?"

"The split fruit? Is the name of the devil fruit he took? Then I don't know it! I only know that his fruit ability is weird!" Mihawk said curiously, and then entangled and explained, "His fruit What do you say about ability... it's hard to describe!"

"If you have to describe it, it's like cutting a certain body with thousands of knives and slashing him completely... No, it's like breaking it down into invisible particles!"

Mihawk used words to explain to Shanks as much as possible!

As Shanks listened, he sighed more and more, Bucky's growth over the years is really scary!

"But it's okay to be stronger! You won't be in danger of life when you pit you!" Shanks thought in his heart, and a cheap idea appeared in his mind!

Immediately, Shanks showed a slightly deep smile at Mihawk who was in front of him, and asked, "Mihawk, if you say...will you fight Bucky again?"

? ? ?

After a glimmer of doubt flashed in Mihawk's eyes, he still agreed, "Yes!"

He didn't know what Shanks wanted to do, but he knew that Shanks must have his own plans!

As a friend, he has released all the water, and this little thing is naturally fine!

What's more, the last fight with Bucky ended too hurriedly and too unexpectedly. He didn't enjoy himself, and always wanted to fight Bucky again~www.ltnovel.com~ It is naturally good to have such a chance now!


the other side!

Newton who was in the battle didn't know what was going on, and suddenly shuddered!

"How come it seems that something bad is going to happen!" Muttering in his mouth, Newton casually punched the lieutenant admiral who was approaching him!

next moment!


After a violent collision, the lieutenant admiral, even though he was armed and domineering and braced with the iron, was blown away by Newton's heavy fist!

And just when Newton wanted to win the chase, a familiar voice came from not far away.

"Buggy, help!!!"

Following the sound, Newton's figure paused, and subconsciously turned his head and looked over!

At this look, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes!

I saw Shanks and Mihawk fighting while coming towards him!

"Is this a disaster?!" Newton frowned, and after a flash of surprise in his eyes, he felt in his heart that Shanks should have a deeper plan.

For Shanks to be bold and honest, if there is no plan, he will not lead the enemy to his own people at will!

That's a shameful character!

If he was the one who would do this, his face fruit would certainly not be as powerful as it is now!

"So... what on earth do you want to do Shanks?" Newton frowned and thought, but he moved towards Shanks!

The main purpose of his coming this time is to fulfill Bucky's wish and save Ace!

In this case, as long as you can save Ace, the others, no matter what the other party has, as long as you don't cheat yourself!

As for whether the other party pits himself...

Newton thought not!

After all, Bucky and Shanks are former partners!

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