Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1129: The pirate group about to fall apart!


This one word can represent the situation of the White Beard Pirates at this time!

The White Beard Pirates Group is a very large group of pirates. Except for the affiliated Pirate Groups under its command, the group has 17 teams with 1,700 people, and these teams are usually responsible for different affairs. , Do not belong to each other!

But when the white beard was still there, it was not a big deal to not belong to each other!

The white beard has that charm and that ability, twisting everyone into a rope, let them work together!

But now that the white beard is gone, the problem is coming!

In the absence of anyone to lead and Marco's lack of leadership ability, among the 17 teams that are not under the control of each other, even the captains will inevitably have some different thoughts!

Some want to leave the White Beard Pirates and stand on their own, some want to keep the name of the White Beard Pirates and fight for it together, and some want to take the rest of the Pirates and go to others. !

In addition to the internal problems caused by the different minds of the captains, the external problems of the White Beard Pirates are also very big!

After the death of White Beard, the White Beard Pirates lost a large number of crew members due to the loss of White Beard and a large number of crew members due to the top war. The competitiveness of the New World Pirates was greatly reduced!

This also directly caused the Whitebeard Pirates to fall into war!

Many second-tier pirate groups that were originally in the new world, for the sake of the turf and their own interests, took advantage of the current weak opportunity of the white beard pirate group to attack and compete for their territory!

The people of the White Beard Pirates are in trouble!


In a series of bad news both inside and outside, the White Beard Pirates also received good news!

Ace is not dead!

This made the White Beard Pirates group who was caught in internal and external troubles as if they had been hit by the spring breeze, and the atmosphere of the entire Pirates group was completely new!


Marco said in surprise, "Now I just have to wait for Ace to come back... Dad always said that he would help Ace to become the new One Piece King. Since he is not dead, we can listen to him in the future. Up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the captains all fell into a strange silence after taking a look at each other!

But after a moment, Marco looked at the silent people, and suddenly became silent!

The news that Ace was alive just now was too pleasant for him, and he was too happy to speak, but after calming down a little bit, he realized the problem now!

Now, then!

When White Beard was there, Ace had no problem inheriting the White Beard Pirates, but if White Beard was gone, then I had to say something else!

Thinking about it, Marco said bitterly, "Then what do you think should be done?"

As soon as these words came out, he was already able to foresee the scene where the Whitebeard Pirate Group would fall apart in the future!

But he also knows that this is not what he can stop!

"Honestly... the old man is dead, and now our territory is definitely unguarded. Instead of being taken away by then, I think we should let the friendly relationship with our pirate group take over!"

"If this happens, at least, we will feel a lot more comfortable? Besides, letting them take over our territory, and even the people who take over us, will not treat us badly."

"So, I want to take someone to Konoha! With Konoha's strength, it is still very simple to take over the current site of our Whitebeard Pirates!" Aiden was the first to stand up and put forward his own opinions. !


"I think Captain Aiden is right!"

"Daddy is dead, the site will definitely not be able to be guarded, and it is not bad to give them to Konoha. This time Konoha also produced a lot of power!"

"Yes, yes!"

"I would like to follow Captain Aiden to join Konoha!"


Following Aiden's words, many crew members of the White Beard Pirate Group echoed.

Among them, there are also a few of the captain-level characters in the Whitebeard Pirate Group!

"You..." Looking at the people who were making noise, Marco couldn't help raising his hand and pointing at them, trying to say something, but in the end, after opening his mouth, he still didn't say anything.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and he doesn't want to force others, after all, they are partners!

"Marco, I know you want to keep the white beard's name and let everyone fight for it! To be honest, I once had this idea in my heart! But sometimes people want to be more realistic!"

"At the moment, Father Whitebeard is no longer there, and the brothers and sisters under his hand have died a lot because of this war! In this case, the Whitebeard Pirates really has no spare capacity to deal with those coveted The guy on our site!"

"If we don't choose to take refuge in others, then we can only watch all the sites of the White Beard Pirate Group being scrambled over!"

"And if we resist... With the current defeat of the White Beard Pirates, do you think you can withstand the wolf-like pirates in the new world?"

As he said, Aiden took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "And... if I join Konoha, the other party will be willing to help us get the old man's body so that he can be buried!"

After the death of the navy headquarters, the body of the white beard naturally fell into the hands of the navy!

Although the rest of the White Beard Pirates had thoughts of getting the body of the White Beard, because it was too dangerous and uncertain, the White Beard Pirates was too messy at the moment and didn’t know where the corpse was placed. , And ultimately failed to take action!

So listening to this sentence, the eyes of everyone present brightened!

Although they have their own minds, they have the same feelings for White Beard...respect, respect and love!

Now that there is such an opportunity to get the body of the white beard, they are naturally heartened!

"Really?" Rakyo, the captain of the eighth division, asked uncontrollably.

Although Lakyo is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, he doesn't dare to exist much, but said that he is not inferior to anyone for his feelings for Whitebeard!

During the previous war, because Baibeard chose to break up alone, when he ran away, he even cried while running!

"I don't think Konoha's people need to lie to us!"

Aiden nodded heavily, and then said, "As long as the old man's corpse can come back~www.ltnovel.com~ I am willing to do whatever I want, and the same goes for joining Konoha!"

While speaking, Aiden showed an expression on his face that he was willing to sacrifice anything for the white beard!

"Count me in!"

Rakyo listened to Aiden's words, gritted his teeth, and said, "As long as Konoha can get the corpse of his father, I am willing to join Konoha!"

"Count me in!"

"For the sake of daddy, we are willing!"

"If you join Konoha, join Konoha, anyway, Konoha is also good, and they also helped us get the corpse of the old man!"


A group of pirates joined together!

The plan was successful!

And listening to the pirates' echoes, Aiden couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth without everyone paying attention, but soon returned to normal!

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