Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1134: The coming naval revenge!

"We agreed!"

That's what Huangxing said!

This was the result of his discussion with Neptune and the White Star who was eavesdropping next to Neptune!

Neptune didn't agree at first!

After all, the conditions given by Konoha seem to be good on the surface, but who can tell when it is actually implemented?

However, the white star on the side agreed!

On the one hand, for the fisherman island, on the other hand, there are also factors that make her want to go out to play!

Originally because of the perverted existence of Van der Dijken IX, she had to stay in the hard shell tower specially prepared for her in the Dragon Palace Kingdom for several years and could not go out.

And these days, I don’t know why Van der Deeken IX stopped harassing her, so she naturally wanted to go out and have fun!

After all, anyone who has been stuck in one place will feel bored...even if this place can protect you!

In the end, under Bai Xing's persuasion, Neptune had no choice but to agree!

He knew what his daughter thought was just to help him, but also to go out to play!

But knowing that Gui knows, he can't refuse!

On the one hand, he could not refuse the kindness of his innocent daughter!

On the one hand, he also feels that his daughter has been a little bit depressed by staying in the hard shell tower these years and needs to go out to relax, but with the peculiarity of Bai Xing, if he goes out and shows up, he may not be unable to protect himself even on the fisherman island. .

So it's not bad to hand it over to Konoha now!

As a big power in the new world, basically no one dares to fight Konoha, even with the appearance and particularity of the white star, it can definitely sell for a good price!

"Well, let's sign a contract!"

Seeing that Emperor Hoshi agreed, Tsunade took out two contracts that he had prepared long ago from the drawer, and placed one in front of him and the other in front of Emperor Hoshi!

To be honest, the contract is actually useless!

If you really want to break the contract, it doesn't matter whether there is a contract or not!

Of course, the Dragon Palace Palace and Konoha are both big powers after all. Although everyone knows that this superficial effort is useless, it must be done!


After Huang Xing nodded, he didn't hesitate, picked up the pen on the side and signed the name on the contract in front of him!

At the same time, Tsunade also signed the contract in front of him!

Afterwards, the two exchanged contracts and signed their names again!

"Happy cooperation!"

After signing, Tsunade closed the contract with a smile!

"Happy cooperation!"

Huang Xing also smiled and closed the contract!


After signing the contract, under Tsunade's arrangement, Lujiu took the Emperor Star and strolled around Konoha!

Regarding this, Huang Xing readily accepted!

When he came to the office before, he walked in a hurry. He hadn't visited Konoha carefully, so he can take a closer look now!

In this way, it can also serve as a reference for the future development of Fishman Island!

After all, he was determined to let Murloc Island catch up with Konoha, or even surpass Konoha!

Thinking about it, Huang Xing's cheeks burst into red!

With Lu Jiu's encouragement just now, he still didn't think there was anything in this idea, but now he calmed down, and in retrospect, he suddenly felt that he was a little in the second grade!

However, after all, he was a prince, and soon Huang Xing suppressed the shyness and focused on observing the surrounding scene!

"Where is that?"

"The school, the ninja school, is a place where people who have just become ninjas can learn. Only by graduating from there can they truly become a ninja!"

"What is that place?"

"Mission Hall! A functional building whose main function is to accept and post tasks, and the tasks are for ninjas to complete! Ninja graduation can only be regarded as the starting point for ninjas. To grow up, a lot of experience is needed, and the task hall It is the place where ninjas accept tasks, complete tasks, and bring experience!"

"So that's it! Then... where is that where so many merchants come in and out?"

"Commercial center! This is set up for the convenience of merchants! After all merchants come to us, they can put their goods in our designated place, and then confirm the merchant's goods after our inspection!"

"Later, the information of these confirmed products and the prices the merchants want to sell will be displayed in the form of text on the display stand in the commercial center!"

"If other merchants come to the commercial center, see the information on the display stand, and just want to buy, they can pay at the commercial center and then go directly to our warehouse to pick up the goods!"


The two stopped and stopped along the way, Huang Xing pointed to various buildings from time to time, and Lu Jiu tried to explain to him when the other party was not referring to Konoha's secrets!

The two of them explained one by one, and the other asked, and the Emperor Star who was in charge of the question from time to time showed thoughts and surprises!

Gradually, the two of them walked around, and they reached the outskirts of Konoha, in front of a forest!

"Konoha is about to come out here, let's go back!" Lu Jiu said sternly!

"it is good!"

Regarding this, Huang Xing had no objection, nodded and agreed!

But just when he was about to leave, a figure walked over from the forest on the side!


Huang Xing frowned and murmured, "That person... is so familiar!?"

"what happened?"

Lu Jiu, who was also going to leave, asked curiously, looking at the Emperor Star who stopped suddenly.

"I seemed to have seen a familiar figure just now and walked past the forest!" Huang Xing replied honestly.

Lu Jiu raised his brows and said calmly, "Oh, you might have read it wrong! In this gloomy forest, the light is not good, and occasional dazzling is normal!"

"Well... maybe!" Huang Xing didn't think much, nodded, and was ready to go with Lu Jiu!

In this way, the two of them left here in tandem and returned to the bustling Konoha area!

And after they left!

"Isn't this the mermaid prince king star? Why come to Konoha?"

In the gloomy forest, watching Huang Xing and Lu Jiu leave, a faint voice sounded!

"Forget it, don't worry, it is estimated that your Majesty has any calculations!"

But the owner of the voice didn't care too much. In the sound of "rusty rusty", he quickly disappeared into the forest!

If Emperor Xing saw the owner of this voice, he estimated that the owner of this voice would be Kamuu among the twelve golden saints, and he would think of the relationship between Konoha and Saint Martin more!


Just when Konoha was negotiating with Fishman Island, after a period of sorting, the navy, who finally sorted out its own affairs, also began to settle accounts after autumn!

And first of all, their goal is Arthur's vest, Moonlight Moria!

As the biggest man behind the war, although the Navy did not notice how much Moonlight Moriah did at the time, after investigation and review afterwards, the Navy basically figured out what Moonlight Moriah did!

The culprit!

These four words are the definition given by the Navy to Moonlight Moria!

Baibeard's recovery to peak state is related to him!

He was by Baibeard's side at the time!

According to eyewitnesses, they also saw Moonlight Moriah giving Baibeard a bottle of medicine that he didn't know what to do, and Baibeard did not recover until he drank the medicine!

The navy and the pirates suffered heavy casualties, and they are also related to him!

According to the information provided by a certain admiral and the surrounding navies, he controlled the corpses of many naval pirates and killed each other's vital forces!

Ace is not dead~www.ltnovel.com~Uh... whether this has anything to do with him, the Navy has not found out!

Even before, he helped the Navy prevent Ace from escaping!

However, after confirmation, he was ill-intentioned at the time, and wanted the white beard and the navy to die, which prevented Ace from escaping!

In general, there was a good battle to top up, and a good trap was that the **** made a mess, and the navy that he made was almost wiped out!

For a **** like this, the navy all agreed to kill him!

So, the reward order came out!

Not only was he dismissed from the position of Qiwuhai, he was also offered a billion in rewards!

Well, a large part of this bounty is due to the damage caused by Moonlight Moria to the navy, not because of strength!

In addition to the reward order, the Navy also let three lieutenant-level powerhouses lead the team to directly kill Moonlight Moria's nest, the magic triangle!

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